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"We can defend the city from the lands but seaside is a different thing." Jon analyzed the situation. They tried to figure out how they can defeat Bran and his army if he really attacks them. Dany was standing there between the two men who loved her. With crossed arms. She was wearing a pretty cut dress and Jon hated it and loved it at the same time. She was beautiful but he also noticed how many times Daario's eyes stuck on her. Jon and Daario were on a different side of the table.
"You don't even know the city. I don't think you should be the one who decides our tactics." Daario mentioned and went a step closer to Dany. "We ... have... gained some ships." He was smiling towards Daenerys.
"Gained?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah. Some masters tried to occupy the city after the news of your... " he hesitated "... ahm death." When he said it Dany looked at Jon. He frowned and lowered his head.
"Nice work." Dany placed her hands to the edge of the table and leaned forward, staring the map. Daario was so close to her and started to explain.
"The bay is narrow." He touched her frequently while he was talking "and we have a dragon too."
"If they come with the scorpions Drogon is useless." Jon sighed. "We can't risk his life."
"Maybe you should've helped her to keep the other two dragons alive." Daario answered immediately.
"You have no idea what are you talking about." Jon hissed.
"Actually I do. She left with three dragons. Friends. Advisors. And comes back alone. It is clear you did not do everything for her." He answered. They were staring at each other and the stress in the room just grows.
"It is easy to establish something while you were not there. Why you did not fight in her side in her war?" Jon took a step towards him. Dany was still standing between them and tried to focus on the map.
"Because she commands me to stay here and keep the peace. I successfully have done my task. And you?" He smirked.

"Enough." Dany raised her voice and looked at them. "Seriously? If you can't say anything what helps in this just... shut up." She sighed. Jon and Daario still looking at each other.
"Jon." She continued. "Bran ... against Bran no matter what we plan. He'll know. He sees everything. Right?"
"Not everything every time, if I understood his power well. He can find things in the past easily but he needs to concentrate to see things in the present."
"And also a possible future." Dany took a deep breath. "We need to know more about his powers somehow."
"There are no masters in Essos as I know." Jon stated.
"No. But we have the red priestesses." Daario answered and pointed to Volantis on the table. "Maybe they can help."
"Maybe." Dany narrowed her eyes.
"Wish Samwell would be here." Jon stated quietly but Dany gave him a killer look. "He is a master. I am sure he knows."
"Fortunately" Dany smiled sarcastically "he is on the King's side. Not ours."
"We cannot be sure." Jon still couldn't accept his friends... his closest friends turned against him.
"Then why don't you go and find out? And fight on their side again... against me?" She became upset.
Daario smiled a bit.
"I did not say that. I just..." Jon continued while Dany went closer to him.
"It is really time to decide which side you are. Mine or their." She told him angrily and looked deep into his eyes.
"You know I would never ... " he started then hesitated. "I would never betray you."
"Really?" Dany asked back. Daario clearly enjoyed the situation. He still had no idea what Jon did against Daenerys but she doesn't trust him and that was an advantage for him.

"When the dothrakies arrives." Daario started "Maybe if you want... I can bring your daughter here."
"She doesn't want it because I'll be the one who goes back to my daughter. You have nothing to do with her." Jon answered ardently.
"You don't command me. Only the Queen. Let her decide. Maybe she wants her daughter to be in a hands of a man who she trusts." He answered.
Jon moved towards to him but Dany stopped him. Placed her hand to his chest.
"Her father will bring her here. When it is time." She answered then started to leave.
"Where are you going?" Jon turned to her direction.
"Away. From you two." She told them and walked out. She needed air. She was tired of them. She was worried about her daughter. She did not want to listen anymore their arguments. And she was pissed. Jon came out again with this Samwell thing and it just made her mad. She can't believe they were talking about this topic again. Samwell, Davos... everyone who was in his side in Westeros now... in the King's side. Against her and their daughter.

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