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"Don't be offended but what was that?" Davos asked Jon later. He still couldn't believe he just stabbed that man, without any more questions. 
"What?" He looked up to him. They were outside in the city. Jon was sitting in a huge rock and thinking. He just needed some air. Without Daario in his life. He was still pissed about him and he felt if he stay close to him, sooner or later he'll do some reckless moves. He needed to vent his head. 
"That man. You just... killed him."
"He tried to kill her." he answered "I promised her, and to myself, I won't let anyone hurt her or our child."
"Don't you think that was ... hasty?" Davos asked him. "The Jon I knew..."
"The Jon you knew killed the woman who he loved, and let himself be manipulated " he straightened. "The Jon you knew refused her and leave her alone in her need. The Jon you knew, put duty above all." he was looking at him, gloomily. "The Jon you knew died when he put a stake into her heart. I don't want to be that man again."
"I understand, but ... you can't force yourself to be a man, who you are not." Davos frowned. 
"I am a father now." he answered. "And I promised to my daughter, that I keep her safe. No matter who is the enemy. I won't betray her again." Jon was clearly upset and nervous.
"Is it about that man who tried to poison her or more about the tall, masculine captain on her side?" Davos asked him after some hesitation. 
"He was her lover. And he still acts like as her lover." Jon took a deep breath.
Davos nodded. 
"And she trusts him." Jon continued "Trust him more than she trusts me at this moment. And... I cannot change the past, and our past can't let us move on."
"So you wanna get her trust back, by killing a man in front of her, who tries to poison her? I don't think she needs this." Davos raised his eyebrow. 
"Then what she needs?" Jon spread his arms. 
"You." he placed his hand to his shoulder. "Not Promises. Not victims. Not great actions." he continued. "A woman heart is very simple. Even if they try us to believe it is so complex. It is not. A woman only needs love. From the man, who she loves."
"Wish it would be that easy." Jon sat back to the huge rock and placed his face to his hands.
"Why would you listen to me. You never did." Davos stated.
"That is not true." Jon shook his head. 
"Correct me if I'd be mistaken " he sat next to him "But sitting here, brooding and avoiding her is not a great declaration of love. Not to mention, meanwhile you are here, probably that man is with her."
Jon raised his eyes to him, and he knew he is so right, but he still had no idea what to do. How to show her how much he loves her... that was an impossible task. 

Daenery was in Missandei's room and watching her. She tried to find Jon, but he was not in the Pyramid. She wanted to ask him, what happened. Why he did what he did. He wanted to protect her, she knew that, but they already caught that man and killing him was not necessary. 
"My Queen" Daario stepped into her room. "We found the family."
"We gave the gold to them, and they accepted it. But his wife told us nothing can attenuate her grief, no matter how much gold you'll send her." Daario continued. "If I can ... say a word, maybe you should not let him create enemies around you. In Essos. We don't need more enemies."
"This is why I wanted to imprison him and not kill him." Dany answered.
"It seems he thought it otherwise without asking you." he told her.
"He wanted to keep me safe. That man tried to kill me." Dany did not look at Daario. Her eyes were still laying on Missandei. 
"I want to keep you safe too. But I also use my mind to think." he noticed. 
"I don't need more commentary about it. It happened." she looked at him angrily then turned back to her daughter. 

"I am sorry." Daario continued and walked closer to her. "I know he is the father of your child. I don't want to be rude." he whispered. Dany felt how close he was to her. She felt his breath on her ears. Daario placed his hands to her arms and caressed those. "You're so tense nowadays. Since you came back." he told her "Why you don't let me ...  to set you free of those tensions?" he moved her hair away from her neck "Just like old times?" 
"Old times are gone." she answered coldly. 
"But we can bring those back." he continued. 
"You forget I am your Queen. You should respect me and my words." she was still standing there. She knew how to handle with Daario. The strange thing was, she did not even felt any lust towards him. Like old times. Those feelings are really gone. She couldn't imagine herself with him. Just with one man. Jon Snow. 
"I respect you. This is why I wanna satisfy your needs" Daario added and his hands went down in her arms, and Dany turned to him to send him away, but she did not have a chance to it. When she came to mind, Daario was laying on the floor and Jon was standing in front of her, and staring her with anger. He just punched him and that was unexpected for the captain. 
"You don't get away with it" Daario stood up and pulled his sword.
"I told you to stay away from her." Jon answered and he took Longclaw in his hand too. 
"STOP!" Daenerys tried to command them, but they did not hear or see her. They just saw each other, and the fight what they waited for too long.

The swords clashed, again and again, meanwhile Daenerys tried to yell with them.
"You have no idea how I waited for this." Daario stated, and attacked him again.
"I should let you die there by a hand of a woman" Jon answered.
"Whom was sent by your brother, to kill you. Do not forget that." he told him, and they fought fiercely.
After a second Missandei cried out. Dany looked at her and scared. She never heard her crying that loud, so bitter. She went closer to Jon and Daario to take them apart. She grabbed the closest arm to her, which was Daario's but he pushed her away. Dany just fell to the floor and the baby cried even more. Jon noticed it immediately and he dropped his sword, then avoid a strike from Daario then crouched next to Dany. That second Daario also noticed what they did.
"Dany" he checked her head. She punched it to the edge of the cradle. She needed some seconds to came to mind, but when she did, she pushed Jon away and stood up, while clinging in the cradle. She took Missandei to her arms and tried to calm her down. 
"Shhhh." she was holding her so close"Everything is alright. I am here" she was cradling her. Jon knew. Jon knew what is coming, and he knew he should have not attacked him in that way, but seeing his hands on her arms just... made him mad. He lost control. He just... he had no idea what is going on with him recently. Both men standing there in silence and they were watching Daenerys. A couple of minutes passed when Missandei finally stopped with the crying. Dany sighed and gave a kiss to her small, rose cheek. "I love you darling" she whispered to her and placed her back to the cradle. 

"What happened?" Nesera stormed into the room, and Arya followed her "We heard ... noise." both girls stopped when they saw the sword on the floor meanwhile Daario was still holding his. 
"What is going on?" Arya stared Daario. It was obvious what happened, and why they heard sword clashes and the baby crying, but she was not sure it is finished. Dany was still standing with her back at them and watching her daughter, a second later she took a deep breath and turned to Nesera, while avoided to look at Jon or Daario. 
"Would you please stay here and take care of my daughter. I need to change a few words with them. Now." she glanced at them and at that moment when Nesera nodded she stormed out from the room. Daario placed his sword back to the place and followed her, while Jon bending down for Longclaw. 
"Jon" Arya grabbed his arm. 
"I have to go now." he forced a smile at his sister. "Later." and with that word, he went after Dany and Daario. 
"I can't believe they start a fight in this room" Arya rolled her eyes. "But I swear if he trying to kill him. I'll be the one who cut his throat." she was talking seriously.
"I have no doubts about it." Nesera answered. "But that is your brother's fight. Not yours."
"He is an asshole. I don't even understand why is he still here." Arya was heated.
"Because the Queen knew, she needs his army to keep Missandei save, and he was a loyal soldier all time long. She doesn't care about how they hate each other. It is not important now. She doesn't care about your brother jealousy. She "Nesera looked at Missandei "is more important than anything."

Daenerys was looking at them and shook her head. She couldn't believe what happened.
"Are you totally out of your mind?" she asked them and raised her voice.
"Let me explain." Jon tried to have a word, but Dany did not let him.
"Explain what? That you storm into your daughter's room and start a fight? What if you hurt her accidentally? What if you overthrow her? Do you even use your mind?" she was raging and shouting. Daario smiled a bit while he lowered his head but Dany noticed it.
"Did I say something funny?" she raised her eyes to him. He slowly looked at her and shook his head. She rolled her eyes and walked up and down then stopped in front of them.
"If it ever happens again, if you can't solve your issues... I swear I will solve it. Once and for all." she told straight to their faces. 
"Maybe you should decide which one of us do you need as your lover." Jon looked into her eyes. "That would solve many things." 
Dany could kill him with her eyes. That was unfair and she couldn't believe he still doesn't understand it. She needed Daario but she would never sleep with him again, and she couldn't believe she still has to explain it to Jon. She stepped closer to him and her eyes were on fire. 
"You ... put your daughter lives in danger at the moment, when you punched him." she was talking slowly. "So do not instruct me what to do."
"Fine. Then next time do not start your rendezvous in her room." he was staring at her eyes. They were both heated and mad. "Anything else, what I can do for you My Queen?" he asked emphatically. 
"Get out of my sight. Both of you." she answered and turned away from them. She heard how Jon slamming the door behind his back.
"My Queen." Daario started.
"I said, get out. Now!" she told him again even stronger voice. "And if it ever happens again, you better find another Queen to serve." she walked out to the balcony and left Daario at the room. When she heard he also left, she let her tears out. She was so scared and she hated Jon still thinks she and Daario have a thing. How could they... her heart only belongs to him, even if at that moment she hated him so much because of what he did. Not because he punched Daario, but because they started a sword fight in their daughter's room, and did not care about the consequences or the harm what they could cause. 

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