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"So what is going on?" Daenerys entered the room, where the others are already waiting for them. Jon followed her closely. He noticed how Daario and Grey Worm made a face when they saw him. Jon rolled his eyes,  barely noticeable. Dany stopped at the table and everyone was watching her. 
"The masters." Daario walked to her and pointing to the map at the table "They have united again... against you. I think they got the support from Westeros. Maybe from Braavos too." he explained.
"I thought you and the Second Sons stopped them. You've told me..." Dany started
"We did. But it is a neverending war. Slavery is important to them. Also for the Iron Bank. They'll never give up it seems."
"Well then... we should show them their place again." she raised her eyebrow. 
"Great idea." Daario smirked "So let me escort you there with my army. I am sure if they see you again, with your dragon it makes a deep impression on them" he continued. Dany was watching the map, then looked up to Jon. He had no emotions on his face. He tried to cover it. She looked around. Stopped at Ser Davos, and with a small little smile, he nodded toward her. Dany lowered her head.
"Your Grace?" Daario stepped more close to her. 

"You've told me, you could take care of them, while I was away." Dany raised her eyes to Daario. "I am sure you can handle it now too."
"What do you mean?" Daario did not understand.
"I am not going to have a fight with the Masters here, while we have a bigger threat from Westeros. You go there, with as many soldiers as you need." she continued. Jon looked up to Ser Davos. He was sure, if Davos thinks that is a bad idea, he will indicate somehow to him, but he was just listening to the Queen. 
"Yara going with you" she glanced at Yara, who immediately nodded "with some of the Iron borns. It is easier to surprise them from the seaside." she was exploring the map with her eyes. 
"I don't think this is the best plan. I mean... they should get to know that..."
"Everyone knows that I am alive, and I am here." she was so calm and serious. "As I told I am not going to have a fight with them. My daughter is here, I stay with her."
"Daenerys..." he tried again.
"Your Queen gave you a command." she was so emotionless. She was a Queen at that moment. A Queen who wanted respect from the ones who swore their loyalty to her. "You made an oath, years ago. You swore me to keep the slavery away from Dragon's Bay. Do you intend to keep your oath, Daario Naharis?"
"Always my Queen." He bowed with his face. "I would never break my oath." he raised his eyes to Jon. He rolled his eyes again, but he did not answer. It was the better option now. His inner dragon wanted to kill that smug, but it still won't help in the situation. 
"Thank you. You can leave, as soon as you can. We don't need enemies close to us. It is enough to deal with Westeros and the King." 
"You mean the usurper of the throne," Daario added and looked to her eyes.
"He is a king now. No matter who he is. And he wants to kill my daughter and he is a threat to my family. I don't care about how you or anyone call him" she raised her voice. 
"Let's call him who he is. Their brother. Do not forget that." Daario bowed while he said it "My Queen." he took a step back then walked out from the room. Dany sighed. 
"I wanna have a word with Yara. Alone." she looked around. Everyone understood they had to leave. They stood up and started to walk out. Jon did not move, and Daenerys noticed it. When the last person left, she turned to him.
"Do you want me to go too?" he sighed. 
"She said alone," Yara answered instead of her. She neither like Jon. She still felt he betrayed them... all of them when he killed her, but she accepted him. She had no right to condemn him if her Queen forgave him. Dany smiled a bit to Yara. Her strength was the same as hers. She was a great female leader, who can control all the Iron born men, which is not an easy task. They all know that. 
"He can stay. If he wants to" she glanced at Jon. "I have no secrets from him." she added, and Jon started to smile. 
"I leave the ladies to have a talk." he took a step back to leave.
"You may miss something but we are not just ladies." Yara added, and Dany smiled more. "We are leaders. Even if we are women." 
"Great ones, actually." Jon nodded towards them, and Yara had nothing to say to that. She surprised by his answer. 
"Thank you." Dany turned to him and watching him leave. It seems, maybe they can live and work together when they able to control their emotions. They have to learn how to trust each other again. In their love... Daenerys knew the change comes in Jon because of her decision. Because she sent Daario to leave alone. She had reasons for it. Several reasons. And she had a reason to send Yara with him.

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