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"It was irresponsible and immature!" Dany shouted with Jon in their room. He asked Ser Davos to take care of Missandei, and he prepared himself, she'll be mad at him. He knew it but he had to try it. Until she is not able to forgive Drogon... she is not able to forgive herself either. "You don't know them! You don't know the nature of them."
"You've told me this before, but that time you have defended the dragons." Jon tried to be calm. 
"Things have changed." Dany swallowed.
"No. Nothing changed. You know deep in your heart Drogon would never hurt Missandei. Neither you. Neither myself. He ... he did not even burn me alive that day when he had every reason to do it!" he hated to bring that thing up again, but that proved more than anything that it's his nature. To keep them safe. All of them. All of the Targaryens. 
"Even, you shouldn't take my daughter there, without asking me." Dany insisted.
"She is my daughter too." he frowned. He could have said other things, but he did not want to hurt her, but she knew him. She knew it by his glance, what he was thinking. He wanted to bring up, she also left alone. When he begged her not to go. 
"If you expecting me to make decisions with you... "she stepped closer and staring at his eyes. "then I expect that from you too." 
"Drogon is not your enemy. You have to let this go." Jon placed his hands to her shoulder. "It happened and we can't do anything about it. No matter how it hurts, it hurts me too. You have to move on and forgive yourself. Forgive Drogon. That is the only way to move on." Jon stared at her face. She lowered her head a couple of minutes later. 
"We should name them." she tried to change the topic. There was no word that Jon could convince her, and she just wanted to think about something else. She was not ready to forgive herself. She had no idea when she'll be ready. Every time when she saw Drogon it just reminded her of the failures in her life, even if it was not his fault. Reminded her the moment when she became a monster on his back, reminded her of the loss of her child. 
"What?" Jon frowned.
"The dragons. We should give them names."
"I leave that to you." Jon smiled a bit and caressed her face.

"How's the research going?" Lilyanna entered the room, where Sam was sitting. He had at least five books open in front of him, and he was holding his forehead.
"What?" He surprised.
"I just wanted to know, how is your research going. About the baby." she stepped closer.
"Everything is fine." Sam closed the book that he was reading at that moment.
"You have found out... how dangerous we are for the baby?" 
"I may ... made a mistake when I came to that conclusion." Sam sighed. 
"You did." she pulled the chair out. "We are with the livings, and the princess is our chance for a better life without darkness and shadow. Why would we want to hurt her?"
"Because maybe her death brings the dawn, that you always talking about." Sam leaned back on the chair and waiting for her reaction. She answered with a smile.
"Blood and death and not the same thing." she raised her eyebrow.
"How do you know that..." Sam surprised.
"I see things. In my dreams. Our God gave me this ability." she answered with so much calm. 
"Then If you see things what is the solution?" Sam spread his arms.
"It does not work in this way." she placed her hand to his hand on the book. Sam immediately pulled his hand away and Lilyanna just smiled.
"Arya!" Sam jumped up when he spotted Arya at the door. Lilyanna stood up quite slowly.
"I let you continue your research," she stated, then turned to leave.
"I wonder how long my brother let insincere sluts to be around." Arya made a face when she was passing by her. 
"You can't blame me because you pushed him away," Lilyanna whispered to her. "Not to mention I can give him things that you could never imagine." she continued, then walked out from the room.

Jon joined Ser Davos and her daughter after Dany told him she wants to be alone a bit. And have some rest, but after he left her, she did not take a nap. She walked down and she wanted to take a walk.
"Your Grace" An unsullied soldier bowed his head.
"I would like to go out. It is safe now. So... " she stated.
"I inform Grey Worm and Daario about your wish, and I am sure they'd welcome to accompany you, My Queen." the soldier told her.
"I would like to take that walk without them. You two" she raised her eyes to another soldier then turned to the other two. "And you two. You're coming with me." 
"We must inform ..." the unsullied tried to explain her but she raised her hand and stopped her.
"I am your Queen, not Grey Worm or Daario. You swore me to serve me. I am sure 4 of you can keep me safe if it is necessary. Or you don't trust your skills?" she raised her eyebrow. She needed some space, some air. Outside the Pyramid, Away from anxious glances. She knew she can't go alone, but she did not want anyone who is close to her to be next to her. She needed her thoughts, her feelings... she doesn't want any good advice. She got enough already. The unsullied soldiers followed her while she was walking on the street. She looked around and everyone seemed happy. The city was buzzing. No matter the war is close or not, they enjoyed their lives. It was good to see families around together. She gave some gold to the poorer beggars, then walked on without a word. She wore a cape and a hood. No one recognizes her. The unsullied soldiers also wore a cap, so they did not bring attention to themselves that much. Only the ones who paid too much attention can recognize them. While she was walking, she was trying to think. First about the dragon names. Somehow she felt them as her own children again. They belonged to them. She was ... responsible for them. Lyannal. Rhaegol. Aegor. The names circled in her head. Jonnar. Jaeherys. Dagon. She remembers her daughter's words. Dagon. That would even be a quite good name, even if it was just how a baby called them because she can't say the "r" she smiled in herself. Jorar. Jorahal. There were many who she lost since she lost her brothers. She lowered her head and placed her hand to her belly. Aegon. That would be her son's name. She did not tell it to Jon, but she wanted to name him after his father. His father's real name. Maybe she'll never have a chance to do it. Aegon Robb Targaryen. She lost him. She raised her eyes to the air. It was clear and the sun was shining. She knew she has to avoid her attention. She has to find good things again in her life. The small good things. She has to notice those if she wants to move on. But the war was there. Close. And Bran won't stop until he kills them. Especially she and Missandei. The war. That brought Arya's word back to her mind. She did not want to hurt Sansa. She was just... trying to protect her family and her land. Maybe she would do the same in her place. She still had no idea why she hates her that much but guesses she'll never know. She still had that weird thought ... maybe Sansa has feelings for Jon and that is why she hates her that much. Why else. The next moment she heard a thud, and when she turned back two of her soldiers were laying on the ground. Dead. 

"Jon" Daario entered into MIssandei's room. 
"What is going on?" he frowned. Daario changed since Dany lost her child. Maybe he finally really realized he will never get her back. At least now he only had to do his daily fights with Grey Worm. He was also in huge silence since Daenerys put him in his place a few days earlier. Maybe things will turn in a good way. 
"Daenerys left." he just spits it to his face. 
"No. She is in our room. She wanted to ..."
"The soldiers warned me she went out with some unsullied. To take a walk." Daario shook his head. 
"Are you sure... " Jon felt a pressure on his chest.
"I am afraid I am. Maybe there is nothing wrong, but we should go after her. The assassins are not around anymore but she is in danger, all day every day. She is the Queen." 
"I'll take care of your child. Just go." Davos added and Jon just nodded towards him, then left the room and Daario followed him. 

Dany was watching how the other two unsullied fightings with the huge unknows person, but some minutes later they both fall to the ground. They were not breathing anymore. She crouched and picked one of the swords and she was ready to defend herself. The tall warrior removed the hood from the head and Daenerys barely could breathe.
"I did not think I'd be that lucky." Ser Brienne was standing right in front of her. Holding her sword pointing towards her. 
"What are you doing here?" 
"What do you think?" Brienne did not move. She was staring at her, how her tiny arms holding that huge sword. 
"Look I know I ... made horrible things but we should talk about it in a calm way." Dany tried to convince her. "I am not that woman anymore."
"Yeah, I heard about that. Now you keep prisoners. Why the hell are you alive?" 
"I am looking for an answer to this question as well," Dany admitted. "I don't know what Bran told you but..."
"I don't care about Bran, but I won't let you hurt the Stark sisters. I swore an oath to their mother, to save them from every danger until my last breath," she answered ardently.
"I don't want to hurt them."
"Why should I believe this? You keep one of them as your prisoner, here." he almost yelled. 
"What?" Dany shook her head, but the next moment Brienne took a step back. Drogon landed right behind Daenerys and roared. WIldly and loud. Dany raised her eyes at him, and he glanced at her. 
"Dany!" Jon and Daario arrived there in a hurry. Brienne turned to them and Jon surprised about her presence. 
"Don't" Dany shook her head then turned to Drogon. "Don't" she ordered him too and placed her hand to his face. Caressed it. She should have been grateful to Brienne. She attacked her, and Drogon immediately showed up to save her. When Jon noticed her hand on the face of Drogon he smiled a bit too. 
"Arya Stark" Dany sighed and turned back to Brienne "Is not my prisoner. She is here, by her own will." she stepped closer to Brienne, and Drogon was still standing behind her, ready to attack. 
"Ser Brienne" Jon stepped closer too from the other side. "We did not want to hurt you or fight with you. We are on the same side."
"If you don't believe it, just come with us. And you can see with your own eyes, Arya Stark is not a prisoner, and everything that Bran told you about us is a lie." Dany continued. 

Brienne was confused and she was still pointing towards Dany with her sword. 
"Where is Sansa?" The question came from Jon. She turned to him. Daenerys too. She still had issues with this topic.
"If you show me Arya is alive and fine, and she tells me with her own mouth that she is not your prisoner, I'll let you know about Sansa," she answered aggressively. 
"Fine" Dany nodded. "Accompany her back to the Pyramid, and there we can talk about everything in calm conditions." Daenerys nodded, and first in a while she was that woman again. That strong and divine woman, better than any Westeros could ever find. The Queen. 

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