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"I want to thank you to everyone ... for being here." Dany started. "I know... many of you are not here because of me, or at least you did not come here because of me." She glanced at Jon. "But you stayed. And you ... promised me ... us to fight alongside us, to protect our daughter and save the human world. Again. I cannot thank you enough. I... " Dany lowered her head. "I made a horrible mistake in Westeros, I understand why you have condemned me, and why you lose your trust. I would not ask you to fight alongside me, if ... " she stopped and hesitated. "I want to protect my daughter. I don't want to rule, I don't want you to swear... eternal loyalty. When... after we save the world again, I give you the choice. We..." she glanced at Jon again "We'll give you the choice to choose your ruler. The one who you want. By your own will. But first of all, if we want to live, we have to defeat the darkness once and for all." Dany tried to look confident and definite. "If you want to leave, and don't want to fight, by our side, you are free to go. Free to leave, but do this now." she looked around, but everyone remained in silence. "Tomorrow we'll head to war, and maybe not all of us going to survive, but if we stay, we let our enemy growing stronger, and in the end, he may destroy the whole world. We cannot let this happen. I want to give my daughter a safe and long life and that is the only chance, to not live in fear." she took a deep breath. "Are you with me? Are you with us?"
"Long Live Our Queen" Daario immediately stood up with a glass in his hand, and Grey Worm followed his move. 
"For the Queen" Yara shouted too, and everyone around stood up and raised their glasses. Dany smiled a bit, and she felt how Jon took her hand. 
"Together," he whispered to her and raised his glass too. They smiled at each other, then Jon turned to the others. "And there is another thing." he glanced at Daario then to Ser Davos. "We need everyone, every fighter alongside us. Including Daario Naharis and some of your army." he continued.
"To keep the peace Meeren, we entrust Ser Davos to keep it." Dany continued. "He enjoys our full trust and our full support. Until we are in a war, he is going to stay, to secure the peace in Dragon's Bay. Anyone who turns against him, or his commands, turn against me and the King." she was so serious. 
"I hope I deserve it." Ser Davos nodded towards them.
"Now let's eat and enjoy our last night before the war" Dany raised her glass and then drink into it, just as the others. Everyone cheered her, and she felt good. She felt their love and support. Not like the last time... when they celebrated in Winterfell. That time she felt alone. Lost. No matter how many people were around her. Jon avoided her, and everyone cheered and loved him. 
"Are you alright?" Jon turned to her. 
"Sure." she nodded.
"Dany?" Jon frowned. 
"I am okay, I ... I am just afraid." she shook her head. "What if... we ... we are not going to survive? What if... we make a mistake?" 
"We can stay and we can lock our daughter to the pyramid to... be sure she is safe. Just as the dragons. We can... live in fear, when he'll find a way, to destroy us. And... we can watch how the world falls apart. If those things, that Sam said... if those ... a part of those are true... we have no other choice." he placed his hand to her shoulder and staring her eyes. 
"You're right. Just... being a mother..." she smiled and looked down "makes me see things differently." 
"That is normal." he placed his palm to her cheek, gently and caressed it with his finger. 
"Ahm." Daario stopped next to them and coughed.

"Yes?" Daenerys turned to him, but Jon did not move away. He straightened himself next to her and stared at the captain's face.
"I don't understand. Why you've changed your mind?" Daario frowned. He wanted to ask, he needed to know.
"It was not me." she raised her eyes at Jon. 
"I still not sure it is a good idea," Jon admitted. "But I know you ... would sacrifice your life for her. Am I wrong?" 
"No." Daario bowed with his head. "I would sacrifice anything for her."
"That is why I think your place is next to us. Next to her in this war." Jon answered. 
"Even if you hate it." Daario stretched his hand towards him. Jon hesitated, then grabbed and shook it. "Still don't understand, why she chose you." he smiled a bit and shook his head. 
"Because I love him," Dany answered immediately and her eyes were shining when she looked up to Jon. 
"Then you are the luckiest man in this doomed world," Daario stated. "My Queen" he bowed with his head and took a step away from them. 

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