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Jon did not stop kissing her. Not even for a minute. They were on that boat, sailing to Winterfell to defeat the army of the dead, and that was the second night what Jon Snow spent at her room. Behind closed doors. In her arms. She got what she never thought she ever gets. A love. A true love because that was what Jon Snow meant to her. It was unexpected for her. He just appeared at Dragonstone and she slowly fell in love with him. Their kisses became deeper and the feeling of their naked bodies intertwined was the best thing what Daenerys felt in her life. She never felt this way towards Daario. He was just her lover, but there were no real and deep emotions in her for that man. And even she fell in love with Drogo she couldn't compare the feeling being in Jon Snow arms than being in his arms. If she would believe faith she would say, Jon Snow was born to be her true love.

His fingers were playing with her clit wildly. She moaned several times to his mouth between passionate kisses. He was so good at this. He exactly knew what she needed and he wanted to please her. Not his Queen... his love. When she cum she spotted the little smirk in his face and then he licked her neck.
"I wanna kiss you." He whispered to her ears. "Everywhere." He added and he thrust her with his finger. Deep. Her moans brought out the wolf from him. Or something else but he was the most passionate lover. Sometimes she wondered how many girls did he bring to bed earlier but that did not really matter. He was there with her. And he loved her... he continued with the thrusts and kisses on her body. Lower and lower with every kiss. Dany kept her eyes on him. She loved to see how he enjoyed her body. When he gave a kiss at the bottom of her belly he looked to her eyes. Then continued but kept the eye contact until he gave a kiss to her clit. She wanted it. She wanted him. She was so ready for him whatever he wanted to do with her. At the next moment, he started to lick her. His tongue played with her clit in a way she never thought a man can lick. He broke the eye contact and grabbed her hands. Pressed those to the bed. Dany spread her legs more and his mouth stuck on her sex.
"Yes" a loud moan came out from her and her whole body was shaking. "Yes" she moaned again loudly. She did not care about others. She did not care anyone can hear them. Let them hear how amazing lover that wolf is. He was teasing her so well. Every time when she was close to cum he slowed down with his tongue. He did not want to hurry anywhere. They had time. They owned the whole night. And they knew they have some more nights together before they reach Winterfell. And if they defeat the army of the dead, they'll have many more nights to enjoy each other. Jon licked her for long minutes and playing with her in that way.
"Please!" she begged him when she was almost cum again, at the fifth time... almost... but he did not let her to cum. He enjoyed that game. "Please." she moaned. He slowed down again but then he continued ardently, and he felt how her hands stretched and her legs embraced his head. "YES!" she almost screamed when her climax hit her body like an explosion. She closed her eyes, and felt how her pussy beaten. Hard. That climax took her breath. That climax was amazing. Jon licked her clit again once and she started to giggle. He raised his eyes to her and they were smiling at each other. He gave a kiss to her inner tight and ran his fingers through her sex.
"Jon." she whispered his name. He placed himself between her legs and caressed her cheek. She felt how his hard cock pressed to her pussy.
"I want you" he told her while he was looking deep into her eyes. "I want you so much."
"Then take me." she answered and placed her arms around his neck to press him close. While their lips met again, he put his dick to her sex and continued to please her.


"What you think about?" Nesera was looking at Daenerys. Her mind was clearly somewhere else. Her mind was with Jon. And the boat.
"Nothing." she shook her head and smiled a bit. They were with Missandei and it was late at night. Jon was still with his friends, and that makes her a bit worried. She really did not know what she can expect from them. She trusted Yara. Maybe she was the only one she trusted from Westeros. She knew, she supported her, she knew she meant her words, and she brought her the Iron Fleet. That was a help what she can't expect. Now they have the protection from the seaside too if the King attacks them.
"You worries." Nesera stated. "Because of the visitors."
"They have every reason to hate me." she sighed.
"They don't. If they would hate you, they would not be here. To help you."
"They are here because of Jon and not because of me. They disappointed in me. When I..."
"You did what you always promised. Get back what is yours with fire and blood." Nesera answered. Dany frowned at her. "Everything that we do... have a reason. Even if it is horrible. If you wouldn't do it you would not be here."
"No. If I wouldn't do it, I probably rule the Seven Kingdoms at that moment" she answered coldly.
"Without him." Nesera added.
"Who?" Dany frowned.
"Without the man you love. We both know he would never stay with you in King's Landing. He did not want to rule. He did not want to accept his Targaryen side. He was not ready for it. Not that time." she explained.
"He would never leave her daughter behind." Dany looked at Missandei.
"Maybe. But would he be happy? Or the throne would kill him inside?" Nesera raised her eyebrow. "If you did not do what you did that day if things would go in a different way, you two couldn't be together. No matter the love that you felt to each other. Because that was not your way. Not the way how it should have been. Jon Snow had to let Aegon Targaryen born. And he could be born only in this way. He had to do a horrible thing for it. He had to kill his love. And that was what killed Jon Snow. Without this, he would still be the same man."
Dany wanted to answer, but her words made her thinking.

The next moment he stepped into the room. He was a bit drunk. That was clear at the first moment.
"Your Grace." Nesera bowed and left them there with a small smile on her face.
"I don't want to... disturb." Jon had to concentrate to form words.
"You don't. She was about to leave already." she turned to Missandei, she was still sleeping. She heard how Jon bobbed behind her, and he almost fell. "You should go to sleep." she stated and looked at him above her shoulder.
"I will I... I will but..." he answered.
"But?" Dany turned to him. She was not mad, she was not angry. She knew Jon needed his friends. He was alone there, around with people who didn't really like him. Expect his sister. He brought her daughter back. He had many rough days behind him. She can't blame him because he had some drinks with some friends... who he thought he lost.
"I don't want to go to sleep alone." he waggled but he managed to walk to her. He was standing right in front of her.
"You are drunk."
"A bit." he answered with a smile and pointing with his hand how bit drunk he is.
"So that means the afternoon with Ser Davos and Lord Baratheon went... quite well." She stated.
"You can trust them." He answered and placed his hand to her cheek. "They are here... to... help us." He was talking slowly.
"You. They are here because of you not because of us. Ser Davos made it clear." Dany tried to lower her head but Jon held her face between his hands but did not answer. Just staring her. "Jon I..." she continued, but he pressed his lips to her lips. He pressed his tongue to her mouth and almost ate her. He wanted to feel her. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to be with her. Not because he was drunk, but it made him a bit braver to do this. To kiss her. And she wanted it too, but it did not take too much time for her to come to mind. She ended it some seconds later and sighed.

"Do not push me away" he begged her, he begged her even with his eyes.
"I don't" she answered quietly. "But you should sleep now."
"I don't want to sleep." he pulled her close. "I want you Dany. I need you. I want to prove ..." he placed his hand at the back of her neck and tried to pull her closer. "I want you to feel how much I love you. I want to prove it."
"You already did." she answered and placed her hand to his chest. "You brought our daughter back and..."
"Not in that way." he pulled her close again, and kissed her. More passionately than before. She felt she couldn't resist for too long. She wanted him too, but not now. Not in that way. Not while he was drunk. That was definitely not the right time.
"Jon" she pulled him away by his chest. They were standing against each other, and Jon lowered his head. Dany swallowed, then started to walk out from the room.
"Do you even... still love me?" he asked shattered. Dany stopped, and he turned to her direction. "Do you still love me?" He asked her again. "Be honest with me. Do you love me, or you just tolerate me because of her?" he pointed to Missandei with his finger.
"I never stopped loving you, Jon. Not even for a minute." she answered and walked out from the room. Jon surprised. He expected the worst answer, not that, but meanwhile, she was refusing him again and again and he did not understand. If she loves him ... if she still loves him, why she does this. Again and again.

Dany leaned to the wall next to the door. She took a deep breath. He had no idea. How much she misses him. How much she was starving for his touch, but not now when he was not himself, not when the ale speaks instead of him. She wanted to be with him again with a clear mind, and she knew if she stays close to him... she can't resist.

Gendry was walking around at the Pyramid. He was not tired, he did not drink that much as Jon. He wanted to know the place better. He was never been in Essos, and he was amazed by how different it was than Westeros. He saw many guards around, and they did not really like their appearance here. They watched them. Keep their eyes on them. That was also not surprising. They wanted to keep their Queen save, and the princess. He smiled a bit, when he thought about Jon is now a father. He was happy because of him. He also wanted to be a father someday, but after the woman who he loved refused to be his wife, he had no idea when it is going to happen. There was no girl like Arya Stark for him. She was different and unique and that night with her just stuck in his memory.
"Why are you not sleeping?" her voice came from the shadows as a lightning strike. He looked around but did not saw anyone. He thought maybe only his mind playing with him. Maybe the ale was too much. Then Arya walked out from the dark and she was really there. And that moment Gendry couldn't breathe.

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