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"Are you sure you... ready for this?" Jon stepped to her. She was fully dressed, her hair was perfectly done, and there was no trace of her weakness. She was watching their daughter, who was playing on the floor with some wooden figures. She kept one of her hands on her belly and slowly she glanced at him. 
"I've been lying in bed for two days, and I am perfectly fine." she smiled at Jon. "But if I have to spend any more minutes doing nothing..." she sighed.
"I know." he stepped closer and kissed her head. 
"And I want to leave this place behind. As soon as possible." she turned to him and he lowered his head. "You don't want to stay here either, do you?" she was analyzing his face.
"No. No, I don't." he took a deep breath. "But... what about the people who... count on us?" 
"I am not sure they are. Probably they ... count on you. Not me. And not sure they are count on us... you with me." Dany smiled at him. "No matter it was me or Bran in my mind... who set King's Landing on fire. It happened. And... my life ... I don't want to raise her and her brother here. That is not my home. Not your home. King's Landing is not...  not a place where I want to live. Where I can imagine my life. The life of my family." she leaned to his chest and Jon placed his arms around her. 
"They are waiting for us," he whispered to her. "But... ahm... Daario Naharis wants to have a word with you too before the ... council meeting." he caressed her cheek. "He is waiting for you at the entrance." he smiled a bit. 
"And he asked you to give me that message?" Dany surprised. Jon nodded. Dany stepped to the window and looked out. "He wants to leave. I know that. He has no reason to stay here." Dany continued with a deep breath. "He fought for me in this war ... as he promised. But he wants to go back to Meeren. Which is good." she said her thoughts aloud and turned back to Jon. "I mean if he goes back, Ser Davos can join us. And ... we need him. His advice. His help... in ... in everything." 
"I can drag the time for a few minutes." Jon took her hand. "But do not stay for too long."
"I thought you are coming with me." Dany looked into his eyes. "Since when it hasn't bothered you?" she raised a brow.
"He deserves some minutes... to say goodbye," Jon answered and walked out of the room. It bothered him. It always will, but he also learned he doesn't have to be jealous. That woman belongs to him, and no one else. He smiled a bit while he walked towards the meeting room. Dany glanced once more to her daughter then she turned to leave too. She checked the guards in front of the door, told them to keep their eyes on her or it costs their lives, and she went straight to the castle entrance. 

"I was not sure he is going to hand over my message." Daario was really waiting for her. Fully equipped, with packages, and Dany could see his soldiers out the streets. The Second Sons. "My Queen." He bowed his head. "Not to mention it surprises me that he left us alone," he smirked.
"Jon Snow knows he has nothing to worry about." Daenerys smiled at him. "So..." She took a deep breath. "I assume you want to say goodbye." she looked around and she hid her tears well. Not because she loved him, but because no matter what happened between Daario Naharis and her, he was a true friend. A true soldier. 
"You don't seem surprised." he raised his brow and staring at her face.
"The war is over and you don't belong here. If you didn't go by yourself I would send you back. Because I need someone in Meeren who I trust." she clasped her hands together. 
"You don't belong here either," he added without hesitation.
"No. No, I don't." she lowered her head. "I don't belong to any place. I belong to my family." she raised her eyes again to him and smiled. "To the man I love, and to my children. Wherever they want to live. Until I can be with them I'll be happy. I'll be home." 
"I'll keep the peace in Meeren. I promise." Daario bowed with his head again. 
"I didn't expect anything else," she answered and nodded, and Daario took a step back then he turned to his horse and jump to it. 
"If anything changes... or if he tries to ..." he couldn't keep his mouth.
"You better go now." Dany cut his words, and she was standing there until they left her sight. At the moment the Second Sons leave her there, she finally could let that tear fell from her eyes. Everything will be different from now on. That was sure. She sighed and turned back to the castle and walked inside. 

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