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Daenerys was almost running through the corridors. She couldn't believe that is how he gets revenge on her. That situation was so clear. She decided later she'll tell him. She'll tell him to stay away from his daughter if he can't control himself. First, he started a fight next to her cradle and now they were caressing each other. She knew at the first moment when she saw Nesera, she saw how Daario and Jon looked at her. She was beautiful and she knew the Red Priestesses. she heard the things about them... how they satisfy the men needs. That thing was known everywhere around Essos. She went down the stairs and ran into Arya. 
"I thought you forget it." Arya stood in the middle of the hall with Gendry and looking at her.
"What?" she asked back.
"Our training." 
"Not now." she answered and went forward."
"You know you act like two idiots by now, do you?" Arya asked her and she stopped. Gendry gave her a scared look.
"You forget who are you talking with." Dany turned to her and she was not in the mood to handle Arya right now. She cannot be kind and sweet. She needed to get out from there.
"The truth hurts. It is so tiring seeing you two always fighting, for nothing. You made your own drama and fight with each other all the time, meanwhile, you are crazy for each other. Do you enjoy it? Or he is right, and you enjoy and let that asshole back to your bed? That would explain many things" she stated.
"Pick your words."
"Why?" Arya raised her eyebrow "You are not my Queen. I've already told you. I am not here, because you are my Queen. I am here because of my brother and your daughter. I am here because of my family, and you... belongs to my family now, more or less." Arya explained, and her words surprised Dany. She did not expect that. "I am honest with my family, no matter how it hurts. If you chose that ... man then tell this to his face."
"You know what?" Dany took a step towards her "I appreciate your honesty, and may I ask you to talk with your brother? Maybe he will be honest with you because it is clearly hard for him to be honest with me." she frowned. 
"It is not my task" Arya shook her head then just turned her back at her and walked away.
"Your Grace" Gendry bowed to her with his head then almost run away. Dany was speechless, Arya did not show any respect towards her. She rolled her eyes, and she really had enough of all the Starks. They are all just made her life harder and more complicated. Especially Jon. 

"Your Grace" Daario appeared at the entrance, at the same time when Jon finally caught her up. 
"Can we talk?" Jon asked her. He was calm and serious. She looked at him then back to Daario. She couldn't believe she always got into this situation. Between those two.
"It is important" Daario continued and raised his eyes to Jon.
"Dany." Jon grabbed her hand. "Please." he asked her. He tried to act as kind and patience as he could. He felt his rage filling his whole body but he had to keep himself back. 
"What is it?" She raised her eyes to him, but pull her hand away. 
"In private." he answered and looked up to Daario.
"Your Grace" Daario did not give up and continued "The unsullied."
At that moment, Dany turned to Daario and looked at him questioningly. Jon rolled his eyes.
"What?" Dany wanted to know what is going on, but she did not have to wait for any longer. The door opened and Grey Worm walked in, accompanied by the Second Sons. Her eyes almost filled with tears when she saw her most loyal soldier and ... her friend. He was loyal to her until the end. She smiled and took a step closer to him, but his eyes stuck on something else. On Jon Snow. His face showed every hate and anger that he felt towards Jon. He would never forgive him what he did. That he killed his Queen. 

"Grey Worm" Dany stood in front of him, and he bent the knee to her, but his eyes were still laying on Jon. Jon noticed it, he was afraid of this meeting, even if he knew it had to happen. They needed them to keep their daughter in save, to keep Essos in save but he had no idea how things will go between them. 
"My Queen" he started. "At the minute we got to know you are alive, we sailed back here." 
"I knew you would." Dany smiled and showed him to stand up. "And I really appreciate it. I need you and the unsullied more than ever." she continued, but she couldn't notice how he was staring at Jon. "He got my forgiveness. He and everyone else, who are here now." she glanced at Jon then raised her eyes to Grey Worm again. "No one can harm them."
"He killed you" the leader answered in a different language "How can you..."
"He had to." her answer surprised everyone. She answered with the common language. She meant it... she finally understood. Jon frowned and staring at her. She thought a lot about the things Nesera said to her. About her death, about her life, about everything. Maybe everything had to happen in this way. Maybe her faith was never to rule Westeros. Maybe there is something else. "And it doesn't matter now. Not anymore. Not in this situation." Dany continued.
"I serve you, you know it. Until the day I die, But I don't trust him." Grey Worm answered.
"You don't have to. But he is the father of my child. That is the only thing why he is here. Because my daughter needs him." she answered, and Jon did not like it. He hated that answer. He wanted to discuss everything with Dany, but she did not let him. She did not give him a chance. 
"What?" Grey Worm did not understand.
"We have to talk about a lot of things." she smiled a bit. "Please" she started to walk away and Grey Worm followed her. Jon was just looking after them. 
"Dany!" he tried again. He still wanted to talk with her.
She stopped in the stairs and took a deep breath. 
"She is your Queen. You can't... call her as that" Grey Worm mentioned. Daario just enjoyed the situation again. At least, now there is someone else who hated that man from Westeros even more than him. Jon just stared at Dany. She did not say anything, did not turn to him and it just frustrates him even more. She went forward and Jon stayed there. 

At the minute Dany and her company left the hall Daario stepped closer to Jon.
"I love how you do it. I do not even have to try. You turn her against yourself. All my appreciation." he stated.
"You don't have anything to do?" Jon frowned. 
"I have. Many things. And thanks to you it seems I am going to have many things to do in her bedroom too." he was backing, and when he finished the sentence he left the room. He did not give Jon a chance to react. 


"We met a long time ago" Sansa greeted the giant red - hair man at the gates of Winterfell. Her guards did not move away from her. "What do I owe the visit?" she asked as kind as she can. 
"As I know you wanted to know how we feel ourselves. So we are here to show you." Tormund answered.
"I... don't really understand..." she tried to save the situation but Tormund looked behind his back and the wildings bring forward a man and throw it to Sansa's feet.
"I know you do." Tormund told to her face angrily. The soldiers who were standing next to Sansa were ready to defend her."So here's my offer. Send those irritating armored idiots away and we can talk."
"Why would I do this?" Sansa was mordant. "They swore to serve their Queen."
"You?" Tormund raised his eyebrow and stepped closer. "Where would you be without your brother?" The soldiers also stepped forward but Tormund kept his eyes on Sansa. "And when was the last time you talked with him? As I see you are not a Queen. Just an ungrateful child who forgot where she comes from." He was honest and spoke from his heart. He glanced to the soldiers then look at Sansa again. "Tell them to back. I don't wanna hurt them."
Sansa swallowed a big one then turned to the soldier next to her. Nodded towards him and he took a step back.

"Where is my brother?" She asked him while her voice was shaking a bit.
"Why does it matter now?" Tormund still stared her face.
"Because... the King wants to ... find ... him and I wanted to know what is the truth." She answered and tried to act confident. "I wanted to know he left or not."
"He did. On dragon's back." He stated. "What the King wants from Jon Snow exactly?" He raised his eyebrow. Sansa hesitated and did not want to answer.
"I don't know."
"You don't? Are you sure?" He frowned and did not believe her words. "What is going on?"


"The Island is beautiful just as ... she was." Grey Worm told everything to Daenerys that happened with him after she died. He sailed to the Isle of Nath with the Unsullied, they started a new life and then the Second Sons arrived. He was still mourning Missandei. Dany felt it. She knew it. They did not have a chance for happiness and somehow she blamed herself. Since she resurrected she saw many things in a different way. Or since her daughter was born... but she missed Missandei.
"How could you forgive him?" He asked her. Dany lowered her head. She was still mad at Jon but even he hurt her, her feelings did not change to him.
"He... I... it is complicated "
"It isn't. He killed you. He should be dead already. I still regret I did not kill him after he... killed you. I should've had. He ..." he explained angrily.
"I am glad you did not." Dany told him immediately "I... have to accept and understand that... everything has a reason. Even my death. And... it " she took a deep breath "it doesn't matter. Not now. Not anymore. I have a beautiful daughter and only that matters."
"Even if she is his child?"
"Sometimes we ... can't choose who we love. Even if that person did horrible things against us." Dany smiled a bit.

"Your Grace." Nesera stood at the door. At that moment Dany remembered the scene that she saw earlier that day. She stood up and gave her an angry look.
"What do you want?" She asked her.
"I wanted to..."
"Apologise? That is the least what you should do." She cut her and she felt how her jealousy filled her whole body.
"I did nothing why I have to apologize Your Grace." She answered kindly. "I just wanted to help."
"Yeah, I can imagine." She stepped closer and looking at her. From bottom to the top. "I am glad you here. I wanted to talk with you." She continued in a serious tone "If I see you around my daughter or my... " she hesitated. She almost said her husband but he was not that. No. She had no idea what Jon is for her at that moment. "Or him again ..."
"I am not your enemy... but what do you expect if you push him away?" She asked her.
"You better go now." Dany answered "pray to your God to save you from my wrath." She turned her back at Nesera.
"You are blinded by anger and jealousy. If you don't wanna see things clear everything is gonna be worse."
"I said leave." Dany sighed.
"Your daughter needs you. I came here to tell you." She stated then turned away and left them there.

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