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"I am your sister," Vevienne told to Liliyanna, who was laying on the floor.
"You wanna kill an innocent child."
"For our family!" she shouted with her "I wanted to achieve everything, what our parents couldn't give us"
"For what price?" Lilyanna eyes were on tears.
"It doesn't matter." Vevienne took a step closer and threatened her sister with a dagger. She grabbed her by her dress and pulled her close to herself. "Never betray family" she whispered to her, and she wanted to stab her, but in the last moment, she was stopped by someone. She felt how a sword touched her back.
"Let her go," Arya told her. "Now."

Meanwhile, Jon and Daario with the Second Sons killed some of their men and destroyed one of the Scorpions.
"Go find the other, I have to find her," Jon ordered Daario, but he stopped him.
"I am coming with you."
"Do not play the great hero. Just destroy that big structure, and Drogon can come and help us."
"Drogon is not even here." Daario rolled his eyes, but in the next moment they heard the huge roar from above and suddenly Drogon flew through over their heads. He did not leave them too much time to react and at the next moment he just burned down the other Scorpion to the ground. Jon gave a satisfied smile to Daario.
"What did you say?" he frowned.
"JON!" Arya shouted for him, but he couldn't go there. Some others stopped them, and they started to fight.

The guards entered into the cellar, where Daenerys should be, but when they entered her chair was empty. They looked at each other, then one of them screamed when he felt a dagger went through his ankle. After she stabbed him, she jumped up and closed the other to the room. She panted and leaned to the wall. She heard the clashes of the swords and the screams from above, and then she heard something else. "Drogon" she stated and almost run-up in the stairs. When she opened the gate to the ground and looked around she surprised. She saw Arya was standing face to face at Vevienne, and the other woman - who looked the same as she - was standing right next to them.
"I am glad you know how to use it." Arya smiled at her. Dany nodded with a smile.
"Thank you," she told her and then looked around.
"The two big assholes?"
"Locked them there" Dany answered, then she spotted two other men coming towards to Arya "Watch out" she warned her, and Arya immediately turned to them and they started to fight. Vevienne wanted to run away at that moment but Dany stood in her way. Holding the dagger in her hand, pointed towards the evil woman.
"I told you. It is not that easy to kill me" Dany stated, and she heard Drogon's roar again from the air.
"My Queen, watch out!" Liliyanna yelled to Daenerys and she turned. A man was attacking her, but before he could reach her, he has fallen to the floor. Blood came out from his mouth. It was Jon. He saved her. They smiled at each other and felt relieved. They forgot everything around them for a second... for a too-long second. Vevienne used it, and she grabbed Daenerys from behind and placed a dagger to her throat.
"Dany!" Jon stepped ahead.
"Stay there. Stay there or I am going to kill her." she was pulling Daenerys with herself towards the wall.
"Let her go," Jon told her.
"No." Vevienne was determined. Arya stepped next to Jon and they were facing Vevienne.
"You have no choice," Arya told her.
"But I swear I take her with me to the dead if you step closer" she answered. Her eyes went wild a the moment when Drogon landed right behind Jon and Arya. He roared loudly. Arya jolted a bit, Jon raised his eyes to the huge beast, then he looked back to Dany. He saw, how Daario grabbed Liliyana and dragged her out from there.
"You should give up," Jon told to Vevienne and stepped closer. Drogon kept his eyes on Daenerys and the woman, who captured her. She was pulling Dany with herself, backing more and more. Daenerys looked at Jon for a minute, deep into his eyes. He did not understand. He knew she is up to do something, but he had no idea, what is she going to do. She closed her eyes, and Jon's eyes widen. He felt Drogon breath so close. He saw his huge face from the corner of his eyes. "Dracarys" Dany whispered, and Drogon just breathed fire to her and to Vevienne and everything caught in flames.

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