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"Where we are?" Daenerys still tried to figure out where Drogon brought her. The place was extinct, frightening... the silence was too huge. Drogon turned and leaned closer to something.
"Take me home!" Daenerys ordered him, but he did not react. "Drogon! Take me home!" She walked closer to his face but he was staring at one point. Near to them. A hidden point. He gave a little growl but kept his eyes on that place. Daenerys frowned and walked closer. Suddenly some bird flying out, but those were not ravens. Her heart stopped a beat at first. She looked to Drogon, and it seemed like he nodded towards her. She just took a deep breath, then walked forward. When she was able to see in the dark with her eyes, she was just standing there. And her mouth falls open. "Oh my God" she whispered. 

She knelt down and she barely could believe in her own eyes. She hadn't seen this kind of thing... for years. She glanced at Drogon, and he growls a bit again. Her eyes were in tears. She stretched her arms and took one of the colored eggs. She was smiling, and her heart was smiling too. Dragons are gone. Drogon is the last... but it seems they were wrong. 
"How?" Dany sighed and she was happy. She was caressing the huge egg with her hand. She felt how something ... as if moving in it. Inside. "So this is why you took me here," she stated and stretched her hand for the other egg. She had no idea how to take those with herself. On Drogon's back. "You did not think that through" she glanced at Drogon again and giggled. "We should find something to ... " She looked around and started to think. She needed a box or some canvas. Anything ... into which she can wrap it. 


Nesera tried to find an opportunity to meet and talk with Yara. In private. Alone, but she was always surrounded by her men. She felt a bit lost and useless since Jon forbade her to be around at Missandei. And she had too much free time to deal with her thoughts.  She was walking around in the corridor, and she spotted Samwell in a room, she saw the tons of books on the table. He placed his face into his palms. He looked worried and care-worn.
"Can I help?" Nesera entered into the room and asked kindly. Sam jolted. He did not expect anyone to disturb him. "I am sorry." Nesera sighed "I did not want to disturb, I just... "
"I am sure you have other, more interesting things to do." Sam smiled at her.
"I haven't. Not since you told Jon Snow... I am a danger to his daughter." Nesera lowered her head.
"It is not true?" Sam leaned back on the chair.
"I know what you think of us. But... we never wanted to hurt the living. Our Lord's job is to overcome the darkness with light." she answered quietly.
"What if you have to hurt the living... currently a child... to defeat the darkness?" 
"We always have a choice." Nesera shrugged her shoulders. "It depends on us mostly ... how we interpret the signs."
"Your interpretations often gets into human lives. Children's lives." Sam was calm and reasonable. Nesera couldn't argue with him. She heard many stories about the Red Priestesses and their victims. 
"Maybe if ... "Nesera sighed "If you let me help you I ... will understand it more, and maybe I can be useful. I harm no one if I help you with the research. And I wanna know"
"Fine." Sam nodded and smiled. She did not seem a bad person. She did not seem an evil witch. He started to feel sorry for her, but he promised Jon to keep his daughter out of trouble, and right at that moment, everything pointed out... those Red Priestesses can be their enemy. Biggest enemy. 

Jon was standing at the balcony. Missandei was sleeping in her cradle but he couldn't think anything else just Daenerys. Those things that Sam and Davos told him... he couldn't get those out of his mind, but still... he believed in her. She has no reason to do the same again, and she would never attack King's Landing alone. But the question was... where did Drogon take her and why? While he was thinking, Gendry entered the room. 
"Jon. May we... have a word?" he started. Jon turned to his direction, and he was happy to see him, but that moment he realized he should not just worry only about Daenerys... but about Arya too. 
"Sure. What can I do for you." Jon tried to smile.
"I wanted to apologize. About my behavior last time. I should have not talked with you... and with the Queen that way, but... the confinement will make me go crazy." Gendry spread his arms. "I wanted to go after her and find her. No matter how far I have to go, but... they did not let me out. Because it is dangerous. I cannot just sit here and wait." Gendry sighed.
"We have no other choice." Jon tried to be calm. He was in the same situation. Daenerys was out somewhere, and he just sits there... and waits. And he hated it. He should be with her. He should have not let her go alone. 
"That is ridiculous." Gendry raised his voice again. Jon just glanced to Missandei, and Gendry immediately realized, he should lower his voice. "I am sorry," he told him.
"I know you worry about her. I worry about her and Daenerys too. They both are outside, somewhere and ... we cannot do anything. If we go after them, we just ... we can get ourselves into trouble. Arya left ... to guarantee our safety. She knew what she is doing. She is the only one, who can ... solve this." Jon explained.
"But where did she go?" Gendry wanted answers, but Jon remained in silence.

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