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"Maybe I can go with you," Nesera told Yara. They did not sleep that night either. They enjoyed their last moments. Yara knew the next day she has to leave, or a day later, but she can't delay it more. She swore to serve Daenerys and love was secondary in her life, even if she did not want to leave her. 
"I don't think she'll let you come with us," Yara answered and caressed her back. "They need you."
"They don't. Now there are many others who can take care of Missandei. They don't need me." she sat up on the bed and facing her. 
"Not because of that. You have some power. And... you have a task. You've told me, that the Lord of Lights sent you here, to help them. We have to do our duties." she tried to smile. "And the war won't last forever. And then maybe you can be free."
"What if you won't survive?" Nesera shook her head. She worried. Being with Yara is a unique and surprising thing for both of them. They would have never thought they became that important for each other. She did not want to lose her. 
"You are a witch. Tell me. Will I survive?" Yara tried to avoid her attention.
"My power not works in that way. I can't see the future." she lowered her head.
"Then you have to believe me. Stop with this, and come back here. We have a couple more hours."
"How can you be that calm?" she wanted to jump up from the bed, she was upset. She hated her because she felt it is just important for her. Not for Yara. "Maybe I am a fool, and you don't even care about me. It was good to play with me while you were here." she stood up and grabbed her dress from the floor. 
"Do not do that tantrum." Yara frowned, while she was still lying in the bed. 
"It is not a tantrum." she tied her dress and she did not even check her face and hair. She just turned her back to Yara and she left the room. At the moment she stepped inside she ran into Daario. He surprised and scanning her from tip to toe. It was so clear what she was doing the whole night long. 

"So you really replaced me to her," Daario stated with a grimace.
"Leave me alone." she was mad and she almost ran away. Daario shook his head and he couldn't believe. It was a bit degrading for him, despite it was his fault mostly. Nesera was a beautiful girl, she was kind and smart, sadly his heart was still Queen's. 
"Nesera!" Yara came out from her room, but Nesera was not there. Not even close. Just Daario. 
"Problem in paradise?" there was a satisfied smile on his face.
"Screw you." she turned her back at him, and went back to her room, and slammed the door. 

Jon was walking in the corridor in all smiles. He had the most amazing night. Everything was perfect... with Daenerys. With his family. He knew a hard period is coming for them, but at least they can face those things... while their relationship is strong. He left Dany at Missandei's room. She asked him to check what is the situation with Yara and Grey Worm. When they can leave to Dragonstone. She was strong and determined, but also smart this time. She planned everything in her mind and listened to his suggestions. They talked about it a lot in the morning, and they did this talk in Missandei's room. They had to believe Sam was right, and she can hide them from Bran's eyes. He wished his daughter would have not been that special but he can't change it. When he passed through Arya's room he heard a noise and the door was open. He looked inside and saw how she was packing her bag.
"What are you doing?" He frowned.
"Jon." she raised her eyes at him. 
"Arya. What are you doing?" He was serious.
"Going back to Westeros." she shrugged her shoulders. 
"What? No." he shook his head. "You don't." 
"You can't tell me what to do." Arya looked at him. "I go back with Yara and Grey Worm, Daenerys... decided in this way, because she wanted to help me to save our sister. So I go. And help her. Before the war breaks out." 
"Did she tell this to you?" Jon did not understand. He was surprised. Dany did not mention anything about it to him. 
"We... were talking about this, yes, and she said I am a free woman and I can decide where I want to go. I know you worry about me, but you don't have to. I am not a child anymore, do not forget that." she smiled a bit at Jon. "I was the one who saved your asses at Winterfell."
"That doesn't matter, now it is more dangerous."
"More dangerous?" Arya laughed a bit "I don't think so. Look I know it is not Bran anymore, I get it. But I won't sit here any longer and wait. Daenerys understands that, why you don't? She is your sister too."
"I want to help her too." he took a deep breath.
"Well, do your task ... and ... be next to your family. Next to your daughter. And I save our sister." she closed her bag, and they were staring at each other. 

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