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Dany and Jon heard the loud noise and some clamour too. They felt how the land was moving under their feet. Daenerys looked to the distance and she saw what she expected. A dothraki horde. They were galloping toward to them... quickly. Jon looked worriedly to Dany but she did not look afraid. She waited and keep her eyes on them. Waited for them to come closer. And they did until they were not around them in a circle. Daenerys analyzing them. There were some familiar faces ... some blood riders who were with her in Westeros. They did not recognize her. How could they? They thought she is dead, and her hair was black. She looked like a Red Priestess and not their Khaleesi. A rider went closer to them and smiled. She did not know him.
"What a good day" the rider started in dothraki "two horses. Something to play with" he looked at Jon and smirked "Oh and I am going to enjoy fucking this one." He raised his eyes to Dany. Jon frowned he had no idea what he was talking about but it was clearly a threat. He was looking at Dany worriedly but she was so calm.
"Take them" the leader told the other.
"I wouldn't do it." Dany answered in their language and it clearly surprised them. He turned back to her. "Who are you? I don't know you." She was a bit sarcastic and so confident.
"You don't have a word here witch."
"You can be sure I have." Dany was staring him. "You became their new Khal? How? Because you were too coward to go across the narrow sea with their Khaleesi?" She stated.
"That bitch died. They failed because they followed a woman."
"They followed her because she defeated all their Khals in Dosh Khaleen. You may heard about it." She continued.
"I am gonna fuck you and then cut your tongue then fuck you again. You are irritating and you have no idea who are you talking with." He yelled.
"With a Khal who became a Khal when he had no one to defeat." She answered.
"I swear.. "
"Blood of my Blood." She started to shout "You all left Westeros when your Khaleesi defeated. You did not take revenge on her. But I forgive you. Because now I give you the chance to make the right choice. Because your Khaleesi is alive."
"That bitch is crazy." The Khal started to laugh but two of their bloodriders rode closer to Dany. They were staring her. Dany took off from her horse and looked to Jon. He followed her moves. She gave her horse to Jon and took some steps forward. She was smiling.
"Take her" the Khal yelled but no one moved. At that moment Drogon appeared in the air above them with a loud roar and the riders scattered. Drogon landed next to Dany and roared. Everyone remained in silence.

"Blood of my Blood." She continued. "I am here. I am alive and I still need you. I don't want you to go across to the Narrow Sea with me again. I don't ask to give me back what is mine. I ask you to save this country from a foreign conqueror who wants to destroy it." She shouted.
"Who the hell are you?" The Khal asked.
"I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. The breaker of chains. The mother of dragons. And the Khaleesi of the dothrakies." She answered and Drogon roared again. The bloodriders went away from their Khal. They did not understand what is happening.
"This is her."
"No. It cannot be."
"I know that man." They were talking quietly with each other. "He is the man who killed her."
"Are you with me?" She still shouted. No one answered.
"You really thought we believe your tale?" The Khal was still laughing. "That bitch died. And you are just a liar."
He started to ride towards her. Dany was staring him and she wanted to say the words. She wanted to burn him alive but she couldn't. The words just stuck on her throat. Jon was watching her and worried. He had no idea what to do and the Khal was almost there to kill his love. He stood in front of her immediately and pulled his sword out. The last moment Drogon breathed fire to the Khal and burned him alive. To protect her mother. He died screaming in a minute. Nothing left of him just ashes. Dany was staring that remains of him and she was clearly shocked. The riders were looking at each other then the ones who were with her in Westeros started to cheer her... and the others followed them. Jon placed his hand to her shoulder.
"Dany." He whispered.
"Blood of my blood." She looked up went a step forward and tried to cover her fears. "Are you with me? Again? Until your death?" She asked and they were cheering her. "Go back to Vaes Dothrak and tell everyone your Khaleesi is alive. And she is here. I need you to save this land. I need you to defend our enemies." They cheered her again loudly. She smiled a bit while Drogon's voice filled the air.

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