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Dany and Arya finished the training for that day. Jon was staring them from the stairs. He was more and more sure about the things he told to Dany. Arya would never betray them, but he also knew ... Sansa appearance can change the situation. His sisters became closer than ever at the time while he was at Dragonstone. 
"I would never have thought you have talent in this" Arya told to Daenerys and smiled a bit.
"I have a good teacher." Dany answered. 
"Have you finished for today?" Jon went closer to them. Dany was smiling at him. The last night... was incredible. She was tired, but she doesn't mind it. Being in his arms again meant the world to her. 
"Yes. Why?" Arya looked at her brother. 
"Can we... talk?" he frowned. 
"Are you sure?" Dany started quietly, and Jon just nodded. 
"What is going on?" Arya looked at Dany, then at Jon. 
"I go and check Missandei" she walked closer to Jon and stroked his shoulder, he smiled at her and turned after her while she was leaving. 
"It seems everything is fine between you two now. Let's no wonder" Arya told him. He was looking at her questioningly. "She should be... quieter." she lowered her head.
"Oh." Jon finally understood. Yes, the previous night was... loud and enjoyable for them. They did not even care about anyone or anything. His face went red and he was totally embarrassed. That was not a thing that he used to talk with his sister. 
"What did you want to talk about?" she placed the two training sword back to their places then turned to Jon. 

"Ser Davos. I thought..." Dany surprised when entered into Missandei's room. Ser Davos was standing next to the cradle and held Missandei in his arms. She was smiling and babbling with the old man. 
"She did not look well. I offered her my help, I ... hope you don't mind it." Davos answered. 
"No. No of course not." she walked closer. "It seems she doesn't mind it either."
"She is a beautiful little girl. And I don't even hear her crying." he told Dany, while he was staring the baby.
"Yet." Dany laughed a bit "She can cry. Believe me. She knows how she can get what she wants."
"Just as her mother." he stated. "Of course not with the crying thing..." he explained. "If you want me to leave... just..."
"No. No... you can stay as long as you want. I just wanted to check everything is alright with her." she caressed her daughter tiny head. 
"It will be easier." Davos noticed, and Dany raised her eyes to him.
"When?" she sighed. 
"When the war is over. Maybe..." he answered "I don't have any proper answer to this. A child always takes great responsibility from us. Maybe it will never be easier... just we can handle it better." 
"You have no children?" Dany asked quietly. He was so tender-hearted and kind with Missandei.
"I had. I had a son. He died. In a lost war. I couldn't save him."
"I am sorry. I had no idea..." Daenerys tried to find the right words.
"You could not have known." Davos tried to smile. "I lost him. And... I lost another child. She was not mine, but I was closer to her than her own dad. I couldn't save her either."
"What happened?"
"She was Stannis Baratheon's daughter. Her own father burned her on a stack because the Lord of Lights wanted royal blood. They sacrificed her for nothing." his eyes filled with tears.
"I... how could he..."
"He believed in something. He believed that could help him to get that throne. To be the King of the Seven Kingdoms." Davos raised his eyes to Daenerys. She couldn't stand his look. She did the same just with others. She did horrible things also because of that throne. She did not kill one... but many children and mothers. 
"I can't imagine, I would sacrifice her ... for anything. Nothing is worth it." she was almost whispering.
"This is why I have doubts about the Red Priestesses. Yes, they... somehow brought you back to life, brought Jon back... but killing an innocent child is not something that I ever accept." he was clearly still mad about this thing. Who could blame him? 
"Maybe this time... you can help to save an innocent child." Dany gave her a kind smile. 
"I will do everything for it." he nodded and smiled at Dany then handed the little girl to her arms. She hugged her close and gave a kiss to the top of her head. Davos bowed then walked out from the room. 

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