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"Where are we going?" Daenerys asked Daario while she and Jon following him through the city. He insisted to bring some more soldiers with them. Grey Worm also joined the small group. He was continously watching Jon.
"You won't like it." He stated and went forward.
"Would you please tell me what the hell is going on?" Dany grabbed his arm and stopped him. Jon hated when she touches him. Even if that was not a gentle touch. He wanted Daario out of their lives. "That was a command." Daenerys looked up to Daario face. She was talking seriously.
"I ... can't. It is better if you see it with your own eyes." He answered then he smiled a bit when he realized she was still squeezing his arm. Dany noticed and let it go immediately. She looked to Jon but he turned his head away. Daario walked forward and they followed him. Soon they arrived at a big mead but it was not green. No... it was burned down and everything was filled with ashes. Dany stepped forward and looked around. She couldn't breathe. She felt how her chest started to squeeze.
"What happened here?" Jon was the one who asked it because Daenerys was clearly in shock.
"It was one of the biggest shielings around until ... now." Daario sighed.
"No." Dany shook her head and her voice trembled. "No."
"They saw it." Daario answered.
"No. It cannot be Drogon." She turned to Daario and she was clearly nervous.
"He is a dragon. Maybe he was... hungry or something angered him. I am sorry but..." Daario continued.
"I ordered the dothrakies to feed him. I know they did. Drogon would never..."
"He did before." Daario cut her.
"No." She shook her head and walked towards the field. There was nothing there just ashes. She felt how her memories came back. Her memories when she destroyed the city... when she destroyed King's Landing.
"Dany." Jon went after her but she did not pay attention to him. She wanted to find proof. She just couldn't believe.

"We should go back." Jon stepped closer to her when he saw some people from the city coming closer to them. He looked to Daario and Grey Worm. The commanders were ready if they have to protect their Queen. Dany was still looking around. Jon held her arm. "Dany."
"I need to find something. It was... it cannot be..." she barely could breathe.
"Dany please." He followed the citizens with his eyes and his other hand was on Longclaw. "We should go back to the Pyramid."
"No." She pulls her arm off from his hand and crouched. She clutched the ashes on the ground. She felt how tears filled her eyes but she swiped it away immediately.
"Only ashes left." A woman walked closer to them from the crowd. "Nothing else."
"Have you seen it?" Jon asked her. She was young. Probably around their age. She had brown eyes and long wavy brown hair... no one was brave enough to step to them only that woman.
"The big black beast came from the air last night. Destroy everything that was in his way. He killed all our lambs... sheep. Everything." She crossed her fingers in front of her body.
"That is a lie" Daenerys stood up and looked to the woman. Jon tried to hold her back but he knew her. Drogon was her child. The only one who had left. She would do everything to protect him.
"We were wondering were you on the beast back or not." The woman continued. Dany's eyes widen.
"How dare you." Her face went mad. Her eyes were on fire.
"It would not be the first time. We all heard about what happened on the other side of the sea. You came back and our peace was broken. Our fields burned down. Wasn't it enough in Westeros?" She asked them.
"Choose your words. You are talking to your Queen." Daario stepped forward and threatened her.
"A murderer is not my Queen."
"Take her." Daenerys ordered Grey Worm but Jon turned to her.
"It won't help. She did nothing wrong." He looked into her eyes.
"Now you are defending a stranger? Instead of me?" She was almost yelling with him.
"I am not defending her." He answered and held her between his hands. "It wasn't you because you were with me last night. With... us." He meant their daughter but he did not want to say it loud in front of strangers. "This woman probably had no idea about it and now I am sure she wants to apologize." He looked to the woman, who was surrounded by the unsullied soldiers now.
"Perhaps I was wrong about you. But I saw the beast." She answered. Dany nodded with her head and the unsullied stood back behind Grey Worm.

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