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"My Queen." A guard stood in front of Sansa.
"What happened?" She frowned
"Wildings. They passed the Wall and they sent a messenger. Their leader wanna meet with you." He told her.
"Our spy?" She asked.
"He ... did not return. I am afraid... he may not survive." The guard answered.
"Who is their leader now?" Sansa raised her eyes to the guard.
"Some man who calls himself Tormund Giantsbane." He answered. She knew him but she did not understand. Why the wildings coming towards Winterfell and what they want. "Do you want me to... prepare our army?"
"I don't think it is necessary." She answered in a hurry "I know him. He won't attack us and we have to prepare for another battle." She tried to act confident but she was not sure. Not at all. "But be ready." She added then walked away. She was squeezing a letter from her brother. From the King. She can't think anything else just what he wrote her about Arya is being a prisoner now. In Essos. She is a prisoner of Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen who murdered many innocents in King's Landing. She couldn't understand how Jon let her do it. Or maybe Jon is her prisoner too. Her mind was racing and at the moment he got the letter she knew she has to join this war. Her sister was more important to her than anything. And she was worried about her.


Jon ran into Daario at the corridor. They did not have a chance to talk about the things what he told Daenerys. He was still mad at him. He could choke him with his bare hands...
"Hard night?" He asked sardonically.
"Not as hard as yours. Must be overwhelming to remember all the lies you tell to the Queen." Jon answered.
"I did not lie to her." He answered.
"Yeah. Just made some comments... to turn her against me."
"I don't know what are you talking about." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Must be annoying it is backfiring at you." Jon continued "that thing just brought us closer." Jon told him and stared at him. "You better give up on her. I won't ask again."
"Really?" He stepped closer to Jon. "Then what will you do? You can't kill me. She would never let you and never forgive you." He was confident and pompous. "Especially not now. I am the only one who did not betray her earlier. Do not forget that. No matter how many allies are coming from the other side of the world you all let her down. Let her die or killed her." He told straight to his face. "Wonder how hard it could be to make her feel unsure about you?"
"I should've let you die when that woman tried to cut your throat," Jon answered with anger.
"As I said you can't. If you kill me you're gonna lose her. If I am alive... " he smirked "you also gonna lose her. Because you are a threat to her. No matter how hard you trying. You killed her once and I know you would do it again when you don't like what she does. When you don't agree with her decisions. And I won't let it happen again." They stood so close to each other and Jon hated the way how he spoke with him.
"You forget where is your place." Jon told to his face.
"Not just me." He leaned over him.
"Jon" Davos spotted them at the corridor. He arrived at the best moment to stop this argument. "May I have a word with you?"
"Sure." He answered to Daavos but kept his eyes on Daario. "We are not done yet." He added then left him.

Gendry and Arya were walking around in Meeren.
"So I started to teach her how to use it." Arya told him what happened to her since she was there. "And she is not unwarrantable. When she concentrated she is quite good at it."
"I would've never thought you'll be the one who teaches Daenerys Targaryen how to fight." Gendry laughed a bit.
"Me neither." Arya lowered her head. "Maybe... I should've given her a chance. At Winterfell, but... that does not change the fact ... she burned down the capital with all people in it."
"And yet you are here. Why?" Gendry wondered.
"I wanna hate her." Arya continued honesty "I did. I hated her, and I wanted to kill her, but ... I don't know. In the past few days, I got to know her and ... maybe death changed her but she is not evil. She is not a mad queen. And she is a mother." she finished.
"And you would never hurt a mother or an innocent child." Gendry nodded.
"She is my family now. Jon would never let anyone hurt her."
"He... " Gendry frowned "He was the one who killed her. Why are you that sure? Because of the baby?
"No not just because of her. Jon... did it, because he thought it is the right decision but he regretted it in the minute he put that stake into her heart. He realized that was not even close the right decision. He did it, because ... people manipulated him. Jon is a too good man. Too good and honorable for this world. He believed he did it to save many people around Westeros. But he... never can forgive himself."
"And Daenerys? Do you think she can forgive him?"
"Time will tell" Arya hurried up her steps and went forward. Gendy followed her. This must be a special love - he thought. Something above everything, if she can ever forgive him. He knew he would never be able to forgive that crime.

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