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Daario stormed into the vast hall, where the women were hiding. He looked around and saw lots of deads on the ground. He had no idea what happened, but the same thing happened outside on the battlefield. Some colossal wave came, and all the dead collapsed and they became dead deads. It was strange. Maybe Daenerys and Jon... maybe they succeeded and killed the Night King. Maybe the war ended. Maybe they won... he raised his head and his eyes met with Sansa's eyes. She immediately wanted to jump to his neck, and thank him to be there, but Daario's eyes slipped over her and stopped on Jenifire who was laying on the ground, unconsciously. He jumped there, ignoring Sansa totally, and raised Jenifire's head up to his lap.
"What happened?" he frowned and glanced at Sansa. She pulled a face. She thought she is more important to that man, but he didn't even care about her. He was caressing Jenifire's cheek and tried to wake her up. "Sansa, what happened with her?" 
"How do I know?" Sansa shrugged her shoulders. "She did something with that candle and she just fainted." 
"She... no." Daario turned back to Jen and raised her head a bit more "Don't do this." he shook her a bit. Sansa could kill him with her eyes. 
"Thank God, you are alright." Yara entered the hall with Tormund and Sam. Her eyes also stopped on Jenifire's motionless body, on Daario's arms. 
"No" Tormund spotter her too and he fell to his knees next to his daughter. He pushed Daario away and holding her close. A tear rolled down his face and he tried to wake her up. 

Samwell was looking around worriedly. He had some injuries but at least he survived, and there was a chance to see his family again... if it is really the end. He turned back to the door and looked outside. The storm was still there. The cold, the snow. It did not disappear, and that was strange. If they killed the Night King, winter should have ended already. 
"What is it?" Yara stepped next to him. "I don't like that look."
"Something is wrong." Sam sighed.
"The deads are gone." Yara took a deep breath. "Look around. They are all dead... dead deads... they can't die more." she shrugged her shoulders.
"Winter is still here. I am afraid it is not the end." Sam frowned and staring at the clouds, and he spotted some dark shape flying in circles. He took a step forward and tried to recognize it. Suddenly some roars came from the other side of the streets, and the two small dragons landed next to him. He jumped back, he got scared for a moment. The dragons were jumping and roaring as if they wanted to say something to them. Yara and Samwell were staring at the creatures, then Daario also stepped next to them.
"Something is wrong," he stated immediately. 
"We should find... Jon and ..." Sam hesitated a bit and looked at the captain. 
"And Daenerys." Daario barely finished his sentence and he was already out of the huge hall, running towards the gates of the city. 

Sansa had no idea what is going on around her. No one paid any attention to her at all. Tormund was holding Jenifire in his arms and begged her to come back to him, Daario, Yara, and Samwell just left her there, and she realized she has no one in her life. Arya... her sister probably died out there during the battle, and she lost the North too. No matter how hard she tried to remain strong, she was broken and lost at that moment. She sat to the edge of the stairs in the hall and sink in her thoughts.

"Arya," Gendry whispered her name when she wanted to leave him there to help Jon. They saw how he was kneeling in front of the Night King, his sword was on the field, and Ghost just jumped to attack the leader of the deads. Gendry grabbed her hand and she turned to him. He was pale and he was holding his stomach. Blood appeared on his clothes. "I ... " he sighed. 
"You are bleeding." Arya placed her hand on his wound then she glanced at Jon again who was clearly out of his strength. "Sit... sit down:" she helped Gendry quickly. "I have to..." she caressed his face.
"You..." Gendry swallowed a big one and tried to keep his eyes open. "Don't..." 
"I have to help my brother." Arya felt how a tear rolled down on her face and she wanted to stand up. She loved Gendry, but if there is any chance to help Jon to win this war, she has to help him. She caressed his face once more and she knew maybe that is the last time when they can talk with each other. "I ... I love you," she whispered at him, and then a moment later she jumped away from her love.

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