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Jon was storming through every room and every corridor. The things that Daario told him while they were away just spinning in his mind. She tolerates you because you are the father of her child. She accepted the fact, that baby needs her dad. But she would never be able to love you again... You lost her when you killed her. Maybe he was right in those things. No matter how he tried to believe in their love. She believed to everyone expect him. He hit the wall when no one was around. He couldn't believe Daario told Dany he spent the night with a woman. With another woman... he wanted nothing else just bring back their daughter. He wanted nothing else just her love. But maybe his words were true. There was no hope for them. Not anymore. But he decided he won't let him lie to Dany. That was clear Daario still wanted to move him away from their lives. The fact he saved him did not matter for him at all.

"Where is he?" He went out of the Pyramid and spotted Arya.
"Who?" She asked. She was sitting on the rocks and she surprised how furious Jon is. She did not remember she ever seen her in that mood.
"That fucking asshole... " he continued.
"Oh. Must be talking about Daario." Arya noticed. "As I saw he left but I did not ask him where. You look " she was looking at him "fucked up."
Jon took a deep breath and rolled his eyes.
"Just as she." Arya continued and looked at her sword. "I thought you enjoy family reunion now."
"Me too." He sighed and leaned to the stone wall next to her. "Things just... always goes wrong. No matter how hard I try to ... keep that in line." He spread his arms.
"When you get over your madness maybe you... can show me your daughter." Arya stated, "I saw her once in Volantis but..."
"I am sorry." Jon placed his hand to her shoulder. "I am the worst brother in the planet." He sighed.
"You just had... many other things in your mind. I understand." Arya smiled a bit "but I wanna meet my niece if you have some time to ... "
"Sure I have." He leaned closer to her and gave a kiss to the top of her head.

They entered into the room and Dany was there. All anger that he felt towards her just go away at the moment when he spotted her with their daughter. She was giggling with her and she was singing to her. Jon never heard her singing. That moment will always remain in his mind and his heart he was sure about that. When they went closer and Dany spotted them she stopped and remained in silence. Jon took a deep breath and lowered his head.
"Arya." He started "wanted to meet her... niece." Jon told her quietly.
"If you don't mind of course." Arya added.
"No. Of course not." She turned to them with Missandei. She was staring Arya with her big brown innocent eyes. Those eyes even melted the Stark girl's heart.
"She is beautiful." She stated and touched her small, tiny hands.
"Do you want to hold her?" Dany smiled.
"Can I?"
"Of course." She handed her daughter to Arya. Cautiously. Helped her how to held the baby.
"Oh my god." Arya couldn't stop smiling. "Hello, baby girl." She was started to babbling with the little girl. "You are beautiful. She" Arya looked to Dany "has your hair it seems."
"She does." Dany smiled and caressed her daughter head "and his father's eyes." She added. Jon went closer and stood behind Arya. He wanted to tell her how sorry he is. About what happened. How he talked with her. Wanted to tell her she was totally wrong but that was not the right time. Not with Arya in the room.
"But her smile is yours." Jon looked up to Dany. They were smiling at each other. That moment they forgot the argument that they had earlier. They were just parents around Missandei. The parents of the most amazing miracle in the world.

Arya raised her up then let her down. The baby was bubbling and she clearly enjoyed it. Dany watched all her moves. She was worried but after some seconds she was sure that baby has the best family around in the world. At least by now. She couldn't imagine Sansa would act like this if she would be there. Jon walked to her and looked into her eyes. There was sadness in his eyes. All he wanted was to love her. Now and forever. And he hated how she pushed him away again and again.
"You are so lucky. You have a wonderful daddy but do not let him brooding all the time." Arya continued the talk with Missandei. Jon and Dany laughed a bit. They were standing next to each other but did not touch. "And you have a great mother too." Arya stated. Dany was surprised. She did not expect that from Arya. It seemed the baby really brought out the best from everyone. "But do not tell her I said that." Arya continued quietly and raised her eyes to Dany. Jon enjoyed the moment. They all enjoyed it. It was a peaceful moment and they all needed that ... in the mess around them.
"If..." Jon took a deep breath "If Dany doesn't mind would you please stay here with her ... until we... have a word?" Jon asked his sister then looked at Dany. She nodded and Arya just hugged Missandei closer.
"I stay as long as you need. I do not have any better things to do." She told them and she continued playing with the baby.

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