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"So?" Lilyanna stepped closer to Daario, who was still standing in front of Daenerys's door. 
"What are you doing here? You have no better thing to do than hanging out here? Sneaking around?" Daario frowned.
"Sadly I don't," Lilyanna answered with a smile. "So, you find a way to work together?"
"I don't know what are you talking about." Daario took a deep breath.
"Oh, I am sure you know. I saw how you let him inside. I thought you'll be the one, who'll keep him away from Daenerys. It surprised me." Lilyanna leaned to the wall next to him. "Maybe you are not that hopeless, as I first thought," she stated.
"You have nothing to do with the things, what happens here," Daario answered.
"No. And neither you do." she raised her eyes at him. "The Queen is in good hands, and you know it. So why are you still standing here?" 
"Maybe I don't have any better thing to do either," he answered with a smirk on his face and leaned closer to her.
"Wow, that did not take long." Lilyanna turned to him. "Sorry, I don't want to hurt... your little heart" she placed her hand to his chest "But I still have no interest in you. She had. But... you screwed it. I won't stand in the line of the girls who want you desperately." she smiled a bit then turned away from him and walked away.
"What?" Lilyanna turned back. 
"Who were you talking about? Who had an interest in me?" Daario asked her
"You really have to ask this?" Lilyanna giggled. "But anyway it does not matter anymore. She moved on, just like the Queen. You should do the same."

Jon was laying in the bed, with Daenerys in his arms. Hardly but she finally fell asleep in his arms. Crying until she fell asleep... but he couldn't. He was awake whole night long, caressing her back and keeping her close. His mind was racing, and he knew... That is not the end. No... they have to deal with this pain. They have to go through this, but not alone. Not pushing each other away. He wanted to be mad at her. At first... there were some moments... some hours when he was angry with her. When she arrived back, with greyscale, he wanted to tell her how irresponsible she is. He wanted to ask her... how could she risked their child's life... but then that terrible thing happened, and no matter what he felt at first, he knew. He can't let her deal with it alone. He saw it once. He saw those eyes. He saw that pain once. In Dragonstone. After Missandei got killed. After she lost Ser Jorah. After she lost... Rhaegal. Last time, when she lost everything she ever cared about... he left her alone, and there were horrible consequences. He can't let it happen again. She was not perfect. Not even close to perfect, but she was the only woman who ever mattered for him. She was the woman he loved, with all his heart, even if she was hard to handle sometimes. Even if she was hot-headed and unbearable sometimes. She was his other half. Maybe he knew it from the beginning. Since he saw her for the first time. They had hard fights. And he was sure they'll have many in the future. They were ice and fire. Even in their behaviors... but despite that, they were perfectly complemented each other, and after the things happened with them... he believed they really can be able to make miracles happen. 

He was still thinking... how it would have happened if he would have gone with her. When she left with Drogon. He still thought... he should have gone with her. Maybe that way ... he could have saved her in time. Before she got infected. Maybe that way their child... would be still alive. He felt how she was shaking in his arms. She probably had some bed dream but he leaned closer to her, gave a kiss to her forehead and pulled her closer, and it seemed it can calm her down. He had to take that step. He had no better idea. He just hoped... she loves him enough, to not let him go. And he was right. He trusted in their love for each other. It scared her. The thought of losing him. Even if she wanted to push him away... he knew she did not mean it. He never really wanted to go. He just wanted to act like he leaving her. And when the time comes... he wanted to stop her. As he said to Daario... even if he has to force to stop her if it is necessary before she makes another irresponsible step. He was still not sure how their life goes on when the sun is up in the morning. He had no idea how much he could clear her mind, but at least now they were there together. He knew... a hard talk is waiting for them. Talk about their child. The child who they lost... a child who will always be missing from their lives, but maybe she felt it right from the beginning it was not the right time. No matter how he wanted it. He believed they go through this. He believed they're going to have many children in the future. He had to believe in these things, or he knew... hell go mad too. And if both of them lose their minds... he couldn't even imagine what would happen... his dragon side wants to blow up in the past few months. He was more impatient, fiercer than before. He felt how the pain digests him from inside, but one thing he learned from Ned Stark is ... they have to live with the pain. They have to process it and deal with it. He went through many things in the past few years. Since he left Winterfell. He fought in great wars, tried to deal with many things. He killed the woman he loved. And he is still alive and after all horrible things... he found happiness next to this woman. Even if they went through in impossible things ... he knew one thing at that moment. After everything he wanted his family to be happy. Wanted to live. With them. And maybe if they win this war... they have a chance. There was no other way... sooner or later they have to accept this... But they can't go into a war as Dany wanted. No. Bran was more dangerous. They still had no idea about their daughter's role in this war... Sam promised he'll find something, but the days passed, and they were still clueless. 

He heard how Drogon roared in the middle of the night. It was not the usual sound from him. It was ... something sad. Bitter. Maybe he feels her pain too. Jon knew he should not be angry with Drogon... but he was the one who took Dany there, and for what. For two eggs. What do they do with two eggs? He did not want to take Drogon to Westeros again. Somehow he would be happy about Dany's decision, but he knew her. He knew she is just angry, and hurt. She would never leave Drogon behind, no matter how dangerous animal he is. He was afraid to start that war. He was afraid to go back there, and tear her wounds. He lowered his head and staring at her calm face. She was sleeping.  He was not sure, she ever can handle the power she has. The rage and the pain caused by the past few years. He saw in his worst nightmares her face. When the bells rang. She was fighting with herself, and Jon thought she could defeat that pain, but then she just burned down the whole city. He pulled her closer in the next moment and gave a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you" he whispered and tried to close his eyes finally, and sleep at least a bit.

"You should not have to stay whole night long, Ser Davos." Nesera entered into Missandei's room in the morning. "Why didn't you send someone for me?" she smiled.
"I like being with the little princess. She is probably the most trouble-free company inside these walls," he stated, while Missandei was giggling with him. 
"That is true." she walked next to him. "I hope her mother ... she looked confused yesterday." Nesera lowered her head. "I know it is none of my business, but I worried about them."
"Me too" Davos nodded but he kept his eyes on the baby "But they're gonna be okay." he took a deep breath.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes." there was a small smile on his face.
"I don't know." Nesera walked a bit further from him. "I have a bad feeling." she shook her head. "The darkness is ... is just coming. I feel it. I just hope they are strong enough to face it." she explained.
"We have no other choice." Davos turned to her. "We fought many times. We lost some battles in our lives and won other ones. I believe we have a path in life, and that ends somewhere. I believe the light and them... have to win in this, but ... we have nothing else just hopes right?" he raised his eyebrows. 
"You are clever man Ser Davos. I am glad I could meet you." Nesera smiled at him. "And the light ... always defeat the darkness. In one way or another." 
"Hope you are right." Davos nodded. "If you forgive me, I have to check her parents. Hopefully, they both survived the night." he tried to make a joke about the situation, but he worried a bit. He hoped Jon or Daenerys did not return to their daughter, after their talk, because they found a solution, of course, he cannot be sure about it. None of them were themselves in the past few days. He knew how it feels to lose a child, even if he lost his son when he was an adult. It is the same feeling. No son or daughter should have died before their parents. That is one of the cruelest things in life. 
"Ahm." Davos stopped at the door. He hesitated for a minute. 
"I was alone with her yesterday too, but if it reassures you, send someone here." she smiled. She did not annoy herself anymore, about their doubts in her. She was happy. The past few days with Yara were something she never experienced. It was some kinda dream. No man treated her like in this way before and she just did not care about other things. She wanted to enjoy it until it lasts. Who knows how much time they have left. She learned it. She has to enjoy every moment in life. 

Davos did not say a word, he just walked out of the room. When he arrived at Daenerys' room there was no one in front of it, and it surprised him. So far, she has been kept as if someone in the Pyramid wanna kill her. He looked around, but no unsullied, no Second Sons... not even a Dothraki soldier. Maybe Jon was successful last night, or they were not even there. He tried to listen through the door but the silence was huge. Not even a faint word could be heard. 
"What are you doing here? Where is Daario?" Grey Worm stepped next to him.
"I don't know. I was searching for Jon." Davos answered kindly. 
"One thing is sure, he is not here. The Queen doesn't want him to be around." 
"The Queen or it was your suggestion?" Davos looked into his eyes. "I know you don't like him, but I've heard it with my own ears when the Queen told you to respect him and treat him as your King."
"Daenerys doesn't trust in him."
"Doesn't she? Are you sure?" Davos did not let him win this word fight. 
"He killed her."
"She burned down a city, and slaughtered many innocent people, with your help. I don't see any of this better than the other." Davos was talking in a serious tone. "Yet, they forgive each other. You should let the past go too. Every one of us has to let go of the past, and look ahead into our future. That is how we can be alive. That is how we can survive." Davos finished his sentence and walked passed by Grey Worm. He frowned, then straightened himself and continued the guarding at the door. 

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