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Jon was walking up and down. He called Davos and Samwell. He needed to tell them his... feelings his... worries. 
"You just... you were afraid of her, this is normal," Sam told him.
"No. It is not that. I feel there is something wrong!" Jon turned to his friend.
"What do you want us to do?" Davos tried to remain calm. He saw how upset Jon is.
"We have to find her."
"How?" Davos questioned him. 
"I don't know." Jon hit the table. Davos and Sam were staring at him in silence. They understood. Dany is out there somewhere, alone, and pregnant. That was understandable. His behavior. 
"We have no idea, where she went." Sam took a step towards his friend.
"Find out!" 
"How?" Sam was surprised. He asked him for an impossible thing. "I mean... I ... know things from books and ... Jon, I am not a wizard."
"You have no idea, where they might be?" Davos placed his hand on Jon's shoulder.
"If I knew I wouldn't be here." Jon sighed. He wanted to cry, wanted to shout, wanted to slap himself. How the hell he let her go alone. A moment later Missandei cried out. Davos and Sam immediately looked at her, but it took some seconds for Jon. He walked there and raised her up in his arms. 
"She feels you are worried," Sam mentioned.
"No. She feels there is something wrong with Daenerys." Jon looked at Sam and he was so different. He was not the old Jon. Something changed in him. He was fiercer... and wilder than he was before. He was always brave and single-minded but... now... 
"Send Grey Worm here." He ordered them.
"Why?" Davos frowned.
"I need his help!" he almost shouted.
"You can't send soldiers around Essos. It is too big and... what if they went to Westeros?" Davos tried to be calm but he started to lose his patience too.
"I know they are not. They must be here somewhere near. I know it!" Jon answered.
"Jon..." Sam stepped closer.
"Do what I said! I need Grey Worm if you can't help" he told Sam again and Missandei was crying louder in his arm. He was rocking her, but it did not help. She felt his nervousness, and it scared her. 

Davos glanced at Sam and they left the room. 
"What if..." Sam sighed.
"Do not even think about that. She is fine. And alive. We have to have faith." Davos stopped and answered. They cannot think the worse. If it happens... he had no idea what is going to happen with Jon. He lost her once. If he loses her again. There will be consequences and as Davos see... those consequences will be worse, than what Daenerys did in King's Landing. 
"He is not himself," Sam told him.
"It is him too." Davos sighed "It is his other side, what he tried to suppress for years. He was always intense and heady but now he has more reason than ever. His family."
"I've never seen him like this." 
"Me neither my friend. Me neither but Jon is ... just a father. And he would do everything for his family. Aren't we all?" Davos asked Sam. He has no right answer to this question. He felt the same. He would do everything for Gilly and his family. No matter the price. But Jon also had power. And power sometimes dangerous.

"Since she left... you spend all your time alone." Lilyanna found Gendry in a secluded room. He was sitting on the table.
"I did not think... anyone will find me here." Gendry sighed. 
"I did not mean to disturb," she answered, and turned.
"Wait," Gendry told her before she could leave the room. He stood up and walked closer to her. "I ... " he started, but avoided to look into her eyes.
"Do not afraid of me. I do not bite, unless if someone wants me too." Lilyanna smiled at him. A small smile appeared on his face. 
"I wanted to ... apologize. About..."
"How you left me there? How you refused me?" Lilyanna finished the sentence instead of him. "To be honest I knew you will. But I also hoped... you won't miss the chance to kiss me." she bit her lower lip. "It is good for a start." she was smiling at him.
"I love her." Gendry raised his eyes at Lilyanna. 
"I know. It is obvious. Even if I don't understand why." she sighed, and smoothed the table while walked passed by it. "She must be very special." 
"She is. She is not like other girls."
"You ... men all say that. Then it just goes away after a time." she was talking so calmly. Her voice was so witching. She was an amazing woman, with a perfect body. Mesmerizing eyes, Gendry needed to control every inch of himself. He knew it is just physical affection towards her. Nothing else. His heart was Arya's... even if she doesn't want it. He still hoped, maybe someday she'll change her mind. Lilyanna walked around the table, then stopped in front of him.
"But I'll be here when the time is right." she placed her hand to his chest. "Because it will. And I can wait." she was looking at his face and leaned closer to him. "Because... " she whispered to his mouth, "I think you worth the wait." she licked his lower lip then took a step back. "I'll better go and let you... sink in your thoughts." she bit her lip and walking backward, to the door. Gendry tried to hide his smile. Somehow it was a good feeling, that a woman like Lilyanna has some interest in him. 

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