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Daenerys and Jon wanted to inform everyone about their plan. They invited them to the meeting room, but Dany was confused since Jenifire told those things to them in the morning. The thought they're probably going to die... before the end of this war... scared her. She wanted a life. A life with him and their daughter. And maybe... with another child. And... another... with a family. She knew the risk is huge... the chances of losing the child... if she ever gets pregnant, but ... she glanced at Jon. She wanted to give him a family he wanted. She wanted to make him the happiest man in the world, and they cannot die before she can give that to him. It must be some misunderstanding. Everyone has nightmares and ... dreams all the time, but those do not have to come true... by all means. Jenifire was the first one who arrived in the room. Dany couldn't help but notice ... how she was looking at Jon. It was weird. And it scared her a bit. There must be something, that she did not tell her... tell them, and she wanted to know. She glanced at Jon, but he gave all his attention to their daughter. Not even look at Jenifire. Maybe... they should work together, to get to know the truth.
"Your Grace" Samwell entered and brought her back from her thoughts. 
"I haven't seen you since ... I... came back." Dany noticed "You look... tired ... Lord Tarly." 
"I am not a Lord your Grace, and ... it would be very indecent if you would just call me... Sam or Samwell?" Sam asked her. 
"When was the last time you slept?" Dany stepped closer and analyzed his face. 
"Herbal teas help keep me awake and focus," he admitted.
"I did not ask that." Dany frowned and she saw his circular eyes, his slightly trembling hands. "Sam?" she stared at his face.
"I sleep... every night. A few hours. One or two actually." he lowered his head, and started to stutter a bit. 
"Thank you what you are doing for my family, but if you continue this... we're going to lose you too soon. Your family needs you, just as we. After we... "she swallowed "After we take back the Seven Kingdoms." 
Samwell nodded and bowed with his head. Jon just smiled at them behind Dany. It was good to see his best friend and his lover... are not hating on each other anymore. Their relationship... started in a very hard way, but then it seems the saying is true. Time can heal all the pain. 
"Samwell" Dany turned after him "Is it worth it? Stay awake all night long in the past few days? Did you... find something?" 
"Actually I do. I just wanted to be surer..." He continued.
"We don't have time. After the meeting, I'd like you to tell us everything that we have to know." Dany ordered him.
"Yes, Your Grace."

Meanwhile, they were talking everyone arrived in the room. Grey Worm still kept the distance from them, especially from Jon. He stopped near the door. Nesera and Yara stood next to each other, and Dany smiled under her nose about them. She saw the little touches and little whispers. She wished... to just let them leave and live. In peace. But she needed them in this war. Gendry has still seemed so lonely and a bit lost without Arya. That moment Dany realized she had no idea where is Arya, or what is going on with her, neither about Ser Brienne. She looked at Jon and opened her mouth to ask him, but that was not the right moment. Not in front of everyone. They have a more important thing to talk about. Jon frowned, but Dany shook her head and turned to the others. 

"I am sorry." Daario almost fell on the door. "I brought another guest. We found her at the shores." he stepped away, and Brienne walked inside. "She has news about the Stark girl." he looked at Jon, and Dany did the same. She nodded towards her lover. She knew the news about Arya's whereabouts is more important than anything for Jon. His sisters are more important. 
"Ser Brienne." She took a deep breath and turned to her. "I am glad to see you alive." 
"Arya?" Jon cut her in her words. He doesn't know any patience when it is about his family. Dany somehow understands it. Arya... became like a sister for her too through the past few months. She walked to Jon and took Missandei out from his arms. That moment Jon just walked closer to Brienne and wanted the answers. "Where is my sister? And why are you not with her?" 
"She sent me away." Brienne started quietly. "She ... I cannot go with her. At the moment I step inside King's Landing the soldiers of the King will kill me. Because of my betrayal." she felt ashamed.
"You did nothing wrong, you did not do any sin against the King" Yara stated and rolled her eyes.
"I did. I did many things against him, and we have to help Arya. I am not sure she is safe. Alone." she stepped forward and explained ardently meanwhile she was staring at Daenerys. 
"Did she tell you what is her plan?" Jon took a deep breath. 
"No." she shook her head. "She did not want... Bran to know. But I am sure, she wants to sneak into the palace, and ... Bran will not let Sansa just walk away. He keeps his eyes on her. She is his last chance to have a huge army, which may stop us."
"Us?" Dany surprised. 
"If you help me to save the Stark sisters, I pledge my loyalty to you in the upcoming war." she knelt down.
"I am afraid these two things will happen simultaneously." Dany sighed. "And I know you are a woman of words, but I am still not sure I can trust you or not. Especially if Lady... " she cleared her throat "Queen Sansa orders you to do... the opposite." she did not look at Jon. She felt his look, she doesn't have to turn to him. She was just honest, even if it hurts Jon. She agreed to help to save his sister, but she can't trust her... she can't trust people who are close to Sansa. She would use the first opportunity to turn everyone against her. She was sure. No matter what Jon thinks. 
"Why would she hurt you if you save her life?" Brienne frowned and stood up slowly.
"I did once if I remember well." she caressed Missandei's face then raised her eyes at Brienne again"I saved the whole of humanity once, but it did not matter. They turned against me right at the moment when they have a chance. Especially your ... Lady." she tried to be polite. Everyone could feel the tension. Even between Jon and Daenerys. It was clear Dany avoided his gaze. 

"We should return to the original theme of the meeting" Jon tried to be calm, and do not make a scene or an argument in front of anyone.  
"Right." Dany nodded, she raised her eyes at Nesera, and she did not have to say a word, she knew she wants to give Missandei to her arms. She hurried there and take the baby. Dany took a deep breath, and Jon stepped next to her. 
"Before we go on any suicide mission to save anyone." she started "We want to be sure... we can weaken Raven's army. That is why we have to make some ... negotiation with the dornish army and their prince." it was clear Dany still doesn't like the idea. She nodded towards Jon. 
"We ... " Jon turned to the others "We have to ... send an envoy to Quentyn Martell."
"What do you expect from them?" Yara asked them and stepped closer to the table. 
"To join our side," Jon answered.
"For what? Why? Because you ask?" Yara spread her arms. Dany tried to hide her smile. She answered exactly the same as this idea. Dany kept her eyes on the table, Jon glanced at her to ask some help, but she was still not sure it is a good idea. She pretending not to notice and she kept thinking. 
"We... give the freedom what they want. The freedom of Dorne. Once and for all. The country will no longer belong to the Seven Kingdoms." Jon answered.
"Well, we want our freedom too." Yara almost hit the table. "If this is how it works. If we don't agree to fight for you at the first moment, you offer our freedom for the second?" she was clearly freaked out. 
"We want to win this war." Jon was though and determined "And we care about your opinion, but the Queen and I made the decisions. And we chose to make negotiations with Dorne." 
"I want to hear it from her if you don't mind, My King." Yara made a face. Dany swallowed and opened her mouth, then closed it. She looked to Jon, and after a minute of hesitation, she nodded.
"We have to try. If they agree to join us, there is nothing more on Raven's hand. He is helpless against us. That is what we want. And this way... we ... it will be easier to save Sansa Stark." she was talking quietly and she seemed uncertain. Even Daario noticed it. 

"Well, my Queen." Daario stepped forward "If you want me to go there... "
"He'll kill you at the first moment. You are a foreign warrior." Yara rolled her eyes. "Dornish people don't like foreigners. Especially not soldiers."
"Yara is right." Dany sighed "What do we know about this... prince?"
"He is a pompous and boastful asshole" Yara answered immediately "He only has the power because everyone else in his family died. Or got killed." 
"And he cannot resist to wonderful female shape," Brienne added and everyone raised their eyes at her. 
"Do not even think about it." Jon turned to Dany. "You are not going anywhere, without me." 
"I don't want to." She agreed, then looked to Jenifire then Nesera. "And we need someone who can ... remain hidden from Bran," she added. Yara looked worriedly and some seconds of silence followed the sentence. 
"Your Grace" Jenifire stepped closer to the table "I can go if you want me to. I am sure I can convince the prince to meet with you."
"No!" Yara raised her voice, and Daenerys gave her an angry look. 
"Lady Greyjoy I am grateful for your opinion but let us decide who we want to send as our envoy," she warned her then turned to Jenifire. "You saved my life, you enjoy my full trust, but I insist Daario Naharis go with you, as your companion. You can leave as soon as you can. We have to finish this before the dead can reach the south." Dany looked around, and nodded, then turned to the window. Everyone knows that means, she wants to finish the meeting. Grey Worm was the first who left the room and everyone else followed him.
"Samwell" Dany stopped him before he could leave 
"I am going to take my notes and I'll be back immediately" He bowed a bit with his head, and Dany accepted it. When he stepped out she saw from the corner of her eyes, how Jon walked closer to her. He placed his hand to her shoulder. 

"I thought..." Jon started after a deep breath "I thought we agreed in that thing. That we both want it."
"What?" Dany turned to him and frowned. 
"You... I noticed you hesitated when I needed your help. I know you Dany." he tried to remain calm. "And the way how you've talked about my sister ... "
"I did not tell anything else just the truth." Dany sighed. 
"Do you really think she would turn against you if we... save her? If we help her to escape? Dany..." he shook his head.
"She did once... and I know she is your sister. I know you ... are bound to her." she lowered her head "I respect it, and I agreed to help you to save her, but do not expect me to trust in her even for a minute." her soft voice changed and she was the warrior queen again. "I don't want to talk about Sansa Stark any more today." she stepped away from Jon and sat to the table. He stared at her for a couple more seconds, then he turned and left the room without looking back at her, or say anything. 

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