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"Tonight, I would like to have all of you, in the dining hall, to have our last dinner together. Drink, and enjoy the night." Daenerys told them. Everyone was in the map room, and they were ready. Ready to start the war against Bran, to save the people, to save the humans ... to save the Last Targaryens. Dany looked around, and she did not see doubts in their eyes anymore. Jon was standing right next to her. As her equal companion. As her King. As her... future husband, if they're gonna survive it. Or at least she hoped. They went through so many things together, and now they were there. Ready for another fight... for their lives. For their daughters' life. "You can go now. And thank you. All of you. Without you.. we couldn't protect our daughter." she continued and Jon placed his hand around her. 
"Long Live the Two Dragons!" Tormund stood up and shouted loudly, but everyone was staring at him weirdly. 
"Keep this for tonight" Jon laughed at him. Brienne rolled her eyes and she left the room. Maybe she was the only one against whom Daenerys has doubts. "Ser Davos!" Jon stopped the old man. "Would you please stay? We ... " he glanced at Dany, and she nodded "We would like to ask something from you." 
"What can I do for you?" Davos smiled at them. "Do you need me to help to organize the dinner?"
"No." Dany frowned. "It is... something more important. And... I would never ask this if I don't trust you, but I do." she continued. "You proved your loyalty many times, for Jon, and for me too, even if you never accepted me as your Queen." she clasped her fingers in front of her body.
"You are my Queen, that is why I am still here and willing to fight in your side. You have proven, that you are worth it." Davos bowed with his head towards her, and she smiled. 
"I thought you are here because of Jon." she glanced at her love. 
"I came here because of him, but I had no idea, what I will find here, or how long I will stay," Davos explained.
"And what did you find here Ser Davos, if you don't mind I ask?" Daenerys was curious.
"Family. Love. Hope. Respect. The foundations of an empire, that Westeros should be. And two proper rulers, who are stubborn and fierce sometimes, but I've never known a more suitable person for this task." he was honest. Jon was smiling at him. He was really like a father to him. If he wanted to be honest, he did not want to leave him there, he already repented his idea about Daario. 
"Dany" He turned to her "Do you mind if I ... talk with Ser Davos in private?" 
"No" she nodded but before she left, he took her hand once more and looked into her eyes. "Thank you."

Dany walked out and she went straight to Missandei's room. She was not there, the room was empty. She kinda forgot, she left her at Gillys' room last night. Her next way was to the dragons. They were playing with each other, and they ate everything they were given. She caressed their heads and smiled. 

"Dagon." she told to the reddish one. "Joral" she turned to the other. The loss of Ser Jorah still hurts her. He was so loyal, he loved her so much, and she was never able to return his feelings. But it did not matter to him. He loved her. Without doubts, without questions. And he died for her. She wished... he had known Missandei. He would have loved her with all his heart, and probably he would have killed Jon at the minute when he.... killed her. Or... maybe he would have taken her back from the horrible thing that she's done. "Yes, your name is Joral" she caressed the little dragon again. 
"It is unbelievable how small those are." the voice came from her back, and she turned to the direction immediately. It was Tormund.
"I did not expect you here," Dany stated and she clearly surprised. 
"Yeah the young Lord asked me to stay here for some minutes, it was an hour ago. Probably he is enjoying that witch in these moments." he never thought too much before he talked, but Dany did not understand, just frowned. "Gendry." he made it clear.
"Oh." Dany nodded, but she was still confused. She did not pay too much attention to the others and their lives in the past few weeks, that was sure. She was too devastated and too deep in depression. "But... witch? You mean Arya?"
"Nah." he laughed. "The red witch, the brown-haired one." Tormund laughed. Dany needed to put the things together in her head. It was surprising and also shocking. She thought Arya and Gendry found each other... or they are in their way to be together. Tormund was staring at her, then he took a step back.
"If you don't mind I go. Sitting in one place is not my ... favorite task."
"Tormund" Dany turned after him. "Ahm... I wanted to thank you, for coming here. being here. It is important for him. You ... you were always a true friend, and ... probably you also have your opinion about me and think I am some mad woman but... " Daenerys continued. "But you are a loyal friend of Jon Snow and he never had to disappoint in you."
"I had to come here since that beast kidnapped him from us," Tormund answered with a laugh.
"I didn't send him there. I mean... I was not the one who sent Drogon there. He flew there for him, by his own will." Dany sighed. "I hated him those times. Jon. I did not want him to be around."
"Hate is a strong word," Tormund stated. 
"I thought... I hate him." Dany raised her eyebrow "But no matter how I tried, I never could hate him, but I lost my trust in him" she took a step closer to the dragons, and pet those. 
"I was not there. I did not see, what you've done, but If he made that choice... he must have had a huge reason for it. But he died when he did it."
"This is the past." Dany raised her eyes at him and tried to smile a bit.
"I was with him." Tormund did not stop. "He was not himself anymore. He died with you. He never really could process the thing that he has done with you. He kept questioning me... was it right? Was there really no other way?" he remembered. "He tried to kill himself." his tone changed. "Many times and I saved him many times. I tried to make him understand, there must be a reason, I tried to make him believe, he has reason to live, but he did not want to accept it. He was a ghost, and he avoided all human beings. He was still in love with you all-time long." Tormund stepped closer. 
"Thank you, for not letting him die." Dany smiled a bit. 

"So, you command me to stay here?" Davos frowned when Jon finished his speech. 
"No." Jon sighed. "It is not a command, it is only a request, and it depends on you." he did not want to force him.
"Why me?" Davos was a bit confused.
"Because I trust you, and she trusts you too. We need someone, to keep the peace at the Bay. Someone who we can trust. And I need everyone, who can keep her safe. Her and my daughter. I hate to admit it, but Daario is a great warrior, and more useful at the war zone, than you." Jon was honest, but he did not want to hurt Ser Davos. 
"What if I say no?" Davos asked him. His mind was racing, it was clear.
"It depends on you if you say no, we'll find another solution." Jon was calm.
"Does she think this too?" Davos questioned him.
"Yes, she does." Jon raised his eyes at his old friend. "I've told her I'll command you to stay, but she told me... we have to let people make their own choices." he laughed a bit "Maybe everything really has to happen for a reason." Jon took a deep breath. "I remember her face when she told me, in King's Landing, people don't get to chose. We are the ones who can make the choice instead of them because we know what is good for them." he lowered his head and crossed his hands. "It seems now she understands people have to choose their own patches." he stood up. "I want the best for my family, and I would be happy if you'll stay here. It is more save here, than in Westeros, even for you. Temporarily, until we... win the war." Jon was staring at his face.
"I wanted the best for my family too and I failed." Davos seemed sad and confused. "I lost my son, lost my wife. I have lost the things that are worth living and fighting for." he was so calm, and Jon started to suspect his answer will be a no, and he understood it. It was a foreign place, foreign people, far from their home. "Then I got a new family, and I love you and that little girl as if you were my own family. I also want the best for them, for you, and I trust your judgment. If you say, I can help the most if I stay here, then I'll stay here." Davos was looking straight to his eyes. Jon smiled and he hugged him. He was like a father for him too. A tear appeared in the old mans' eyes and he wiped it away quickly, while he was sniffing. 

"Tho, I am not sure they'll accept me," he stated. "I don't belong here and ..."
"Dany will take care of it." Jon placed his hand to Davos's shoulder. "Thank you"

The night was coming and everything was ready for the last dinner in Meeren. Their plan was ready, they were ready to leave the next day, but no one knows the whole plan. Only Dany and Jon. They knew they have to be careful, and they cannot be sure, their daughters' power really can hide them. Dany arrived lately to the dining hall, she put MIssandei to sleep before joining the others, and Gilly stayed with the kids again. Dany was watching them in the afternoon, while they were playing in the garden. Together. It was good to see. Maybe she'll be ready soon to give her a sister or a little brother. 
"Dany." Jon appeared next to her and took her arm. She was scared for a moment, but then she was just smiling at him. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, everything is ... "she looked around "Perfect" she placed her head to his chest and he held her in his arms. While they were walking to their chairs, they saw in the people's faces they are scared but happy at once. No one wanted that war, meanwhile, everyone knew... they have to fight it, to live. She noticed Nesera's gloomy look and how they kept the distance from Yara, who did not take off her eyes of her. She spotted Gendry too who was between Tormund and Lilyanna, they were the loudest ones, meanwhile, Arya was talking with Brienne in the corner. 
"My Queen" Davos smiled at her and pulled out the chair for her. 
"Is anyone missing?" She asked Jon when she sat down, and Jon followed her. Grey Worm and Daario were there too, and that moment Samwell also entered into the hall in a hurry. Jon took her hand and squeezed it and they looked at each other. 
"You are their Queen," he whispered to her and she took a deep breath. She owes those people much gratitude. They stood by her or returned to her when the time had come. They all were her family in a way or another. Dany stood up and tapped the glass.

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