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"It is good to see you alive." Daario smiled at Daenerys, meanwhile, she was still standing in an embrace with Jon and their daughter. "I have to admit we... worried." he swallowed and it was clear he was searching someone or something with his eyes. Dany noticed and she knew. Daario and Lilyanna had a thing... maybe it was not serious but they found each other, right before they had to leave Meeren. She took a step back from Jon and looked at his eyes for a second, then walked to Daario. 
"I am sorry. She... sacrificed herself for me. For Drogon. For... us... to live." she was talking so quietly and she could have sworn there was a tear in Daario's eyes. "I couldn't save her"
"Well... we would all have done it in her place." Daario tried to act strong, but it hurt him... he felt some strange pain in his heart. He raised his head up and his eyes stuck on the beautiful stranger, who was standing a bit further from them, close to Drogon. 
"Nesera!" Dany turned to the red priestess "Would you please search a room for Jenifire." she glanced back above her shoulder, then she looked to Jon. She wanted to know his reaction, but he did not even pay attention to the woman. He was just staring at her. His love. He only cared about her. "She is going to stay with us. Later... I am going to tell everything." she looked around. Yara nodded but Grey Worm took a step towards her.
"Your Grace there is something..."
"Later" she stopped him. "Right now I need some rest and I need to spend some time with my family." she made it clear. The past few days were too busy and sad. She needed some time in peace, and in love. With Jon and Missandei. "We don't have much time, but I am a mother too, not just a Queen and I left my daughter for too long. So... " 

They were watching them walk back to the castle. 
"She should know about it" Grey Worm stated with a grimace on his face.
"Jon will tell her. When the time is right." Yara answered then turned to Nesera. They wanted to hug and kiss each other too, but there were too many people around them, even that new ... woman. The woman, who couldn't take her eyes off Jon Snow since she saw him. There was a strange feeling in her, which was just growing. She never met with that man, but she felt she knew him. Somehow. Some way... 
"So... Jennifer?" Daario stepped closer.
"Jenifire." she answered and looked him from tip to toe. 
"Where are you from?"
"Probably from a place, you've never heard of." she frowned "If you don't mind I want to have some rest. The spell and the travel on the dragon's back was a bit exhausting. And we need our power because it is just the beginning" she looked around and she saw the fear in the eyes. Everyone was ready for that war but everyone knew they easily can die in this. 
"What kind of spell are you talking about?" Nesera surprised and staring at her face. "Are you a ..."
"No... I am not like you. Not a priestess. I don't serve any lord. I don't let any great God tell me what to do. I do what I think is right." she answered. Her deep brown eyes suggested some darkness. Nesera has no idea what to think about her. 
"What are you?" she shook her head. 
"I can ask the same." Jenifire looked to her eyes. "We are just humans with some unique talent."
"So you chose to serve our Queen... "Yara cut their conversation. "because you think it is right? Or what is the reason?"
"I don't have to answer your questions. I saved her life, and she chose to trust me. That is all you have to know about me. And If you don't mind, I would like to go to my room." she glanced at Nesera again then looked to Yara. "Sooner I get there, sooner you two can be together. Alone," she added then walked passed by them towards the castle. Nesera's cheek went red and she lowered her face. They followed her, but Nesera glanced back above her shoulder. Daario stayed there, at the hill. Alone. Maybe he really has a heart... it seemed the loss of Lilyanna really broke him in some way. 

Dany was standing in the middle of the room and watching her daughter. Missandei was playing with the small dragons. She couldn't take her eyes off of them just as Jon couldn't take his eyes off of Daenerys. 
"What?" she turned to him and smiled. 
"Nothing. I am just... happy." he stepped closer and placed his arms around her. "I...we missed you." he kissed her face. Dany squeezed his arms, which was around her body. 
"The dead are real. The Night King is back. I saw him." she sighed and swallowed a big one. "I saw all of them. His army is small right now, but... they almost killed Drogon. Not the Night King, but one of his soldiers came after us and ..." her voice cracked and a tear rolled down on her face. "She sacrificed herself."
"Shhh." Jon turned her to him and placed his arms around her. "You are in save now." he tried to calm her down, even if it was not the full truth. He did not want to upset her more, with the news of Tyrion, and he wanted to know what Tyrion wanted to say about his sister before Daenerys meet with him. He worried about her hasty decision. "You should have some rest, and then we figure out what to do." 
Dany just nodded, and swiped the tear away from her cheek, then she raised her eyes at Jon. 
"Why you never told me?" she asked him so quietly.
"What?" Jon frowned.
"About your connection with Ghost. That you can warg into him. It was you right? You were there, you were in Ghost." Dany wanted answers. "But... you've never told me." 
"Believe it or not, I have no idea about this... ability. I ... never did this. I mean I never did this deliberately." 
"But you warg into him earlier too, right?" she asked him again. 
"Probably, without knowing what I do." Jon nodded. "This time Nesera helped me to understand how it works. That day, when ... I was there with you in that cottage ... that was the only time when I did it on purpose, and I succeed." he explained. 
"But you were in that cottage earlier right? You know that place..." she took a step back "You know... her." she looked into his eyes. 
"Dany I don't know what to say. I never met her personally. I ... " he took her hands. "You don't have any reason to be jealous, I hope you know that."
"I am not jealous, it is just... I just did not understand why you never talked about this." she shook her head. 
"Cuz I have no idea." he placed his hand to her cheek and smiled. "And I have no idea about something else either."
"What?" she frowned. 
"How the hell I did not kiss you since you are here?" he leaned closer and finally he pressed his lips to her beautiful rosy lips and he did not want this moment to ever end. 

After they spent some time with Missandei, he caressed her until she falls asleep in his arms. The past few days were too much for her, and Jon wished to be there with her when she needed him. When she lost another ... friend. Another ally. At least Lilyanna was not so close to her. He knows they are in a war, and war brings with loss and pain, but he has no idea how she'll handle those things. She lost too many years ago. When she came to Westeros... deep in his heart he worried, life repeats itself. He waited a bit, then he got up from the bed slowly. He wanted to talk with Tyrion. Alone. Without guards, others... eyes or anything. Especially without Grey Worm or Daario. He knew no matter what Dany told them... they still wanted to see him away from her or see him dead. He walked down in the stairs towards the basement. 
"Leave." He ordered the unsullied soldiers, they hesitated for some moments but then one of them nodded and they walked away. Jon knew he doesn't have too much time until they inform their captain about his visit. He entered into the cell, and removed the bandage from his mouth, then untied his hands. Handed a cup of water to his hands. He drank into it, he dried up, it was clear. The unsullied wanted to see him dead. Grey Worm must give them firm instructions.

"Thank you, I know you'll come back and..." Tyrion started
"I don't care how are you, or what do you think. I don't care you live or you die. I only care about my sister." Jon tried to remain calm and he did not take his eyes off of Tyrion. 
"And she? Does she care about your sister after that she did? After she betrayed her... betrayed you? Do you think she'll ever forgive her and she'll ever help you to save her?" Tyrion tried to be the clever one again, but that Jon Snow was not the same man he knew. Jon made a face then grabbed Tyrion by his neck and pushed him to the wall. 
"Do you have anything useful what you can say, or I'll kill you with my bare hands," he told him face to face. 
"Okay. Okay." Tyrion tried to breathe, and suddenly Jon let him go. He touched his neck, where Jon squeezed him a second earlier. It was clear he meant his words. "Sansa tried to escape."
"And?" Jon stared at him.
"He got her and pulled her back. His soldiers. He wants her to marry the dornish prince. Because of the dornish army." Tyrion answered. "Sansa needs help. You are the only one who can help her. Even if your Queen doesn't agree... you are Sansa's only hope."
"You don't know anything about her. About us." Jon frowned. 
"I saw it with my own eyes. What she did. And you forgive her. You... I don't understand how could you forgive her." Tyrion sighed "I thought you are an honest man. I thought you'd never ..."
"Enough!" Jon stopped him. "You have no idea, what she went through. What we went through. Because of your betrayal. Because I was a fool. I was a coward, and a gullible bastard, but those times are over now." he was so confident and calm. "Daenerys Targaryen is my love, she is my queen, and she is the mother of my child. You better not put her name in your mouth. Ever again." 

"Catch him!" Jon heard Grey Worm's voice behind his back and the unsullied soldiers caught him and held him firmly. 
"What are you doing?" Jon tried to escape, then he spotted Daenerys walking down to the basement with Daario. Her eyes stopped on Jon, then she spotted some movement in the cell and turned her face there. The anger, the pain... everything could clearly be seen in her eyes when she looked to Tyrion. "Dany." Jon tried to get her attention, but she did not turn to him. She was just staring at the dwarf. the man who betrayed her. The man who manipulated everyone around her. The man who was the main reason for her downfall. "Dany!" Jon tried again, meanwhile, the soldiers squeezed him more. 
"He wanted to cooperate with him" Grey Worm whispered to Daenerys. "Why else would he not have told you that he is here? As our prisoner?" he continued but it seemed the sight of her old Hand of The Queen... block her mind. Her eyes were empty, she couldn't even cry. She knew probably she'll see this man again, but she was not ready to meet with him. "Jon Snow is..." Grey Worm wanted to continue but Daario raised his hand and showed him to shut his mouth. 
"Dany," Jon whispered her name again and finally she raised her eyes at him. 

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