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Nesera left her room at dawn. Only a few unsullied men patrolled in the corridors. She was tired, there were huge circles under her eyes. She was awake all night long and tried to find a solution. She still had no idea what to do, but she knew she needs to talk with Missandei. She needed her power or her... the way she looked at her the previous day. She knew. She wanted to ask her forgiveness. She did not deserve that, her family did not deserve that. She should have ... she should have been brave. She knew she has to die. Some were born to live and create a better world, some were born to sacrifice themselves to create a better world. They all had faith. They all had their own destiny. Sometimes it is just hard to accept our own. She slowly opened the door of Missy's room. She saw the tiny girl. She was standing near to the window and watching the dragons who were flying around outside. She stepped closer slowly. 
"Do you feel better?" Tormund's voice surprised her, and she got scared for a moment. She did not expect him to be there. "What is wrong? You look as if you saw a ghost." Tormund stated. 
"Ahm..." Nesera lowered her head. "No, I just... " she was turning back and forth. "Ahm... I've heard what happened with... Jenifire. I ... I am so sorry. I know you two were..."
"She was my daughter. I don't know you knew it or not." Tormund lowered his head.
"I did not know. I only knew that you have some connection but she never told what connection it is." she swallowed a bit. "She... she was brave. And..."
"She did that she had to do." Tormund tried to act strong. At the moment Nesera turned back to the tiny girl, she was already turned in her direction and staring at her with those deep brown eyes. 
"Ahm..." Nesera tried to talk. "Ahm... I'll take care of her. You can go... and..." 
"I think I should check the people outside. Are you alright kiddo?" he smiled at Missandei. She just nodded but she did not take her eyes off of the Red Priestess. Tormund walked out of the room, and when he left Nesera sat to the edge of the bed, and the tiny girl walked closer to her. 

"You know it. I know you know it." Nesera sighed. "I..." she tried to continue, and Missy placed her hand to her hand. "But you are just a child, you have no idea how hard it is." a tear rolled down on her face. Missy snuggled closer to her and hugged her. Nesera raised her up, next to her in the bed, and squeezed her. "I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you." Nesera continued. "Neither your family. They accepted me. They... your mother told me I belong to your family and I betrayed them. I betrayed everyone."
"It is much more than that," Missy answered quietly, and Nesera raised her eyes at her. She climbed out of Nesera's arms, and slowly stretched her hands towards her face. She placed her tiny hand to her forehead and a huge flash came to her mind and pictures... many pictures. 


Nesera found herself in a street. She looked around and she was in the middle of King's Landing. The city lay in ruins, and there were corpses and starving poor city dwellers everywhere. Children lean to the bone. She was walking around and she barely could breathe. She turned to a corner, and she found herself at Dragonpit. She saw some stones. Some huge stones in the middle of the huge place. She walked closer and her heart almost stopped beating when she realized those are not just simple stones. Those were tombstones. She read the names. Daenerys Targaryen. Jon Snow. She turned to the third one. Missandei Targaryen, the princess who was promised. She gasped. "No." she shook her head and someone stepped next to her. She glanced to the side and saw Kinvara. She was standing there with tears in her eyes. Nesera doesn't understand what is going on. 

"Our sacrifice was unnecessary," Kinvara stated, and Nesera spotted Jenifire and Lilyanna next to her. They were staring at the tombs. 
"What happened?" Nesera asked them with a trembling voice. 
"Daenerys Targaryen died in that battle. My power was not enough to save her." Jenifire started.
"Jon Snow couldn't bear the pain. After she died... he died in that pain." Lilyanna added. "He loved her so much. He loved her more than anything." 
"And ... "Nesera's eyes were in tears. "And Missandei?" 
"After her parents died, she got killed." Kinvara raised her eyes at the young woman. "They did not let a child rule the Seven Kingdoms, so they massacred the child. They ended the Targaryen bloodline once and for all." Kinvara was staring at her face. 
"But ... the dragons. How..."
"The dragons were massacred too. They disappear everything that ever resembles the Targaryens and the Seven Kingdoms lost in the destruction." Kinvara continued and crouched down, placed her hand to the grave of Daenerys. Nesera saw how Lilyanna and Jenifire just disappear in some mist. 

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