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Jon entered into Missandei's room. He immediately saw Nesera sitting there with a book in her hands. Missandei was sleeping in her cradle.
"Quietly" Nesera smiled at him. "She just recently falls asleep"
Jon walked closer and nodded. He looked into the cradle. Her beautiful daughter was sleeping soundly. Her little mouth was a bit open, and Jon could have sworn he saw a smile on her face. After a couple of minutes, he turned to Nesera.
"I thought... Daenerys will be here." he frowned and told her quietly "She always comes here when... she is upset." he sighed.
"Another debate?" she raised her eyes to him.
"I would not call it a debate, just... she is ... sometimes she is too strong, determined and confident. Even if she is not right." he told her.
"She is a Queen. She has to be." Nesera lowered her head.
"And sometimes she has to listen to the other's opinion. I want the best for her. I..."
"She was alone all in her life." Nesera stood up "She had to learn how to ... get along, alone... she listens to you. Maybe not always, but she does."
"Sometimes I don't feel that way." Jon sighed. "I should talk with her." he took a deep breath and turned to leave. Nesera just smiled at him. Ice and Fire. They really are.
"My Lord." she stopped him. "Fire can melt ice, but the melted ice can extinguish fire."
"What does that mean?" Jon wondered.
"Both of you have to change. Both of you have to ... one must feel the other's feelings. Ice and fire only can unite that way." she told him "In the human language, I would call it... compromises." she searched for the right words. Jon nodded. She was right. They both have very bad nature... they were both leaders, and they could hardly accept when someone's opinion is different. They were generally convinced of their version of the truth. Jon walked out of the room and thinking. Daenerys ... brought the dragons back to life. Probably she knew what is she talking about when she says it was not Drogon. He should've accepted it, even if he doesn't understand that connection between her and the dragons. He also had some deep connection with Ghost, but it was different. A small little smile appeared on his face when he thought at Ghost. He missed him. That wolf was often for the best company for him. He could share his thoughts with him, and when he was talking to him loudly, things became clearer. Usually. In Westeros, many said, dire wolves are beasts and they belonged to the other side of the wall. Jon never agreed. He stopped for a minute and realized, maybe Dany feels the same way towards Drogon. No matter what the people say. Drogon and Ghost were beasts for other people but meant family for them.

Jon went straight to Daenerys room. When he arrived there Daario just stepped out from her bedroom. He felt how his blood started to boil in his veins.
"Came to apologize?" Daario asked him with a smirk. Probably he was the only one who enjoyed the tension between them at the council. He loved how he failed again and again when he wanted to control her.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jon sighed.
"Not the same what you did. I would never question her feelings or her moves." He answered with a huge smile on his face.
"Sure because you are a coward to do it," Jon answered.
"Just not an idiot as you. What will be next? If you don't like her moves you'll just put a dagger to her heart again?"

That was the last sentence that he could say and Jon grabbed him by his neck and pressed him to the wall.
"If you don't stop with your games I promise you... I am going to kill you. Leave her alone." Jon was almost yelling with him. His eyes were black. Daario got scared for a moment. He wanted to get out from his hands but somehow there was a huge power in Jon and he couldn't even move. "Do you understand?" Jon asked him while he was staring right to his face. Daario did not answer. "Do ... you... understand?" Jon asked again and squeezed his neck. He tried to nod. Jon took his hands off from him and took a step back. "Now just get out." He added then entered into Dany's room. He was almost blown up because he was so nervous. He wanted to kill him. Wanted to close this once and for all. He looked around but the room was empty. He frowned and he did not understand. Daenerys was not even there. Daario was just playing with him and his emotions again. He leaned to the wall and took a deep breath. Somehow he had to stop this feeling inside him or it won't end in a good way. But right at that moment, he was more worried about Daenerys.

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