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It was not easy, but in the end, Arya confessed them to leave as soon as they can. To bring back Missandei where she belongs. She was also surprised. She did not expect a faceless assassin is trying to kill Daenerys. That was strange. She knew how it works. She knew those assassins can be hired to kill people, even if those people are innocent. Sure, Daenerys was not innocent, but she had to protect her. She just felt it. When she saw the man behind her and saw the knife in his hand, she did not hesitate. She knew what she had to do. From her heart. It was strange. She wanted to kill Daenerys and a few days later she was the one who saved her life from a murderer. She did not even understand herself, but after the things, Jon told her... that was the right thing to do. A child cannot live without her mother. Until the mother can control herself. That Daenerys, in Essos nothing like the Queen she was in Westeros. She did not saw any sign of madness in her. She started to think maybe they were wrong, but meanwhile, she was there. She was with the many innocent women and children in the streets of King's Landing when Dany just started to burn them alive. She saved her, because of her brother, because he loves and trusts her. And they have a daughter. A daughter who deserves a better life, than any of them had. She deserves a family and love.

Dany came out from the bath and Arya stood there. In her room. She was staring out at the window.
"You don't have to be here all time long. I know you probably don't wanna spend your time with me." Daenerys told her while she was dressing up.
"We have to set up some guards around." she turned to her. "Are there any who you trust? Instead of Jon and the leader of the Second Sons?"
"Daario. His name is Daario."
"I don't care about his name" Arya told her with indifference.
"Some of the dothrakies were with me in Westeros. I know them the best, they would never harm me." she sighed.
"Then you should order them to keep their eyes open, and stand guard. Alternately." Arya answered.
"I will"
Arya turned back to the window.
"I ... " Dany walked closer to her "I did not say thank you. For saving me. I did not expect it... from you."
"My brother thinks that you are a good person. He told me, you are not the monster who I think you are. If I let that man kill you... " she took a deep breath " I don't know. I just thought it is the right choice."
"Thank you, Arya." Dany told her quietly.
"Do you love him?" she asked her without any emotions. She just wanted to see things clear "Because he loves you. He is there because he loves you."
"The answer is not that easy." Daenerys sighed.
"Because he killed you?" Arya raised her eyes to Dany.
"Loving someone, who put a dagger to your heart is not easy." Dany raised her eyebrows.
"You deserved it. After what you did. And it hurts Jon even more. You did not see him after that. He blamed himself, he was questioning himself. We tried to convince him he made the right choice, but it did not matter. He loved you, and even if he did not tell it to us, I know. I know it killed him too." Arya explained.
"I believe you. He told me many times that he ... regret it."
"He shouldn't. If he would've not done it, someone else would. That was the clearest way." Arya answered.

"Many things... led me to do that horrible thing in King's Landing." Daenerys walked passed Arya and went to the balcony. "I am not that person. Never was. Maybe you don't believe it, but it is true. I started as a lost innocent girl. My brother ruled over me. He sold me to the dothrakies. I've been shamed and defiled. I needed to learn, how to be strong. How to take advantage of everything around me. My husband, the Khal killed my brother in front of my eyes. He needed to die or he would destroy me even more. He ... had our fathers madness in himself. That was clear. When he died, I remained the last living Targaryen. I kept listening from him, that we have to take back what is ours. That was my goal. All my life I wanted one thing to take back the Iron Throne. I freed the Slaver's Bay and killed many people. Bad people. Slave keepers, tyrants ... and gained armies. I went to Westeros years later, to fulfill my destiny. Then I met your brother. He came from nowhere and changed something in me." while Daenerys was talking Arya walked closer to her and listening quietly. "He came into my life, and my goals started to ... I don't know. I still wanted to Iron Throne, but I saw a chance, with him, I can have a better life. I thought I don't have to be alone. I thought... together... we... ahm... Did you know he almost died beyond the wall?"
"Many times as I heard"
"Yes, many times but I did not know him earlier. When I got the raven, that I am their only chance, I went there. I risked my life, my children lives to save him. I lost one dragon because I couldn't accept I am gonna lose him. I fall in love with him, even if I tried to deny it. Everything goes as in a fairytale story. I found a man. A King, and everything seemed perfect. Until we did not go back to Winterfell. When he got to know the truth about himself, he ... pushed me away. And when your sister..."
Arya looked up to her angrily but Dany did not look at her.
"When your sister told the truth about Jon's heritage to Tyrion everything falls apart. I've lost my advisors because they thought Jon would be a better King than me. Varys wanted to poison me. Jon... couldn't love me anymore. I saw with my own eyes how they shot my other children and they beheaded my closest friend in front of my eyes. I had nothing left. The pain and grief were just grown over me. I couldn't control it anymore. All the pain because of my losses just came to the surface. I wanted revenge. I wanted to show Cercei that I am not weak and she can't hold me back anymore. I made the greatest mistake of my life. I don't really know how it happened. I wanted to burn down the Red Keep then I just... lost."

Daenerys took a deep breath. She was surprised because Arya is listening to her in quiet. She wanted to tell her those things. Maybe it helps her to see things clearly, even if she can't forgive her ever.
"I also took revenge on my family." Arya finally started to speak. "I killed the ones who murdered my brother and my mother. I killed all the men in this family. But I did not hurt the women or children. I knew the lines. "
"I wish I could know the lines too," Dany answered and walked back to her chamber.
"You did not answer my question." Arya stated and followed her. "Do you love him after what he did? Or you just use him to keep yourself and daughter save from the danger?
Dany lowered her head at first, then she raised her eyes to Arya.
"I still love him. With all my heart." Dany sighed.
"Good." she nodded and started to walk out of the room.


Daario and Jon were riding together. Without any word. They were speechless and neither of them really wanted to be there where they are. Jon wanted to be together with his family again. With his love and his daughter. Daario was the last person whom he wanted to spend a minute.
"The sun is going down" He stated and stopped with the horse.
"And?" Darrio went passed by him "Are you afraid of the dark?"
"We should camp here and we're going forward tomorrow." Jon answered.
"This is why a trip to Meeren takes two days for you." Daario told him above his shoulder.
"The horses need some rest just as we do." Jon insisted.
"I won't stay here in the middle of the desert."
"I guess, you are afraid of something." Jon frowned.
Daario laughed and turned his horse back to Jon. He went closer to him.
"You are not in Westeros. It would be better to realize it already. You cannot camp anywhere you want. Or you'll die. Now I think about that, you should just stay here. That would be the best for all of us." he turned his back at him and went forward again.
"I know you love her. Just as I do." Jon needed to say it. Daario stopped.
"You?" He asked back.
"I do. I am here because I love her. And you hate me because she loves me. She chose me above you and you can't accept that." Jon answered confidently.

"I don't know too much the habits in Westeros. But... here in Essos if you love a woman you don't betray her." he turned to Jon again "You don't hurt her. Or kill her." he raised his eyes on him.
Jon remained in silence and lowered his head.
"So it is the truth." Daario stated after a couple of seconds "You were the one, who put a dagger to her heart. And you say you love her?"
"You know nothing about it. You were not there." Jon answered ardently.
"No. I was not. It would have been better. I would've never allowed you to kill her. Because I love her. She is my Queen. I would never betray her."
"There was no other choice. She was not the woman you or I knew."
"And after what you did you think she still loves you? Pathetic." he answered sarcastically "She tolerates you because you are the father of her child. She accepted the fact, that baby needs her dad. But she would never be able to love you again. Maybe she tries. Maybe she is trying to convince herself she is able to love you, but she'll never be. You lost her when you killed her. And I can't wait for the moment when she finally realizes she... neither her daughter doesn't need you anymore. That is what you deserve." he told it straight to his face.
Jon couldn't argue. That was his biggest fear. He hated it but Daario was right. Dany maybe never been able to love him again, but he won't give up. Not until his last breath. He has to fix his fault. He has to prove her how he loves her, and what he did... they just have to forget it somehow and move on. He can't accept the fact, to leave her and let this asshole to raise his daughter or touch Dany ever again.

"Come. I know a place where we can spend the night." Daario went forward with his horse and Jon followed him. He had no better choice. "What I still don't understand. How you survived this. How no one killed you after what you did. Grey Worm, the dothrakies, Drogon. You should be dead already." he can't stop.
"Maybe the Lord of Lights wanted me to stay alive." he answered firmly.
"Sure. Why. Who the hell are you? Just a man. A man who murdered a woman. You don't deserve to live after what you did."
"I am a man yes. The last living male Targaryen in the world. Maybe we destined to be together. Maybe this is why the Gods give us our daughter." Jon smiled a bit when he said it and he saw how Daario froze.
"What did you say?"
"She did not tell you. "Jon continued "My real name is Aegon Targaryen, maybe that explains why Drogon did not burn me alive. And I am not gonna leave her. Do not even dream about it. If you want me to disappear you have to kill me. We'll see what she would say about it. " he smirked a bit.

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