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"What you did with her?" Grey Worm asked Jon. He was so hostile and mad when he arrived back to the Pyramid. "What you did with her?" He almost shouted with him.
"Nothing." Jon sighed and rolled his eyes. "Drogon took her. Somewhere. We saw how they flew to the air." he turned to Daario. 
"You did. I did not pay attention, what were you doing alone." Daario answered. Jon frowned. He really never gonna stop playing his games. 
"Liar asshole!" Jon took a step towards Daario, and he just smiled. "You saw that. You saw what happened."
"The Queen wants us to trust you. But you left with her and returned alone." Grey Worm continued. "You killed her once. We trusted you back then, and you just killed her."
"How many times do I have to say how sorry I am. It was a mistake. She was able to forgive me, why don't you?"
"She is blind." Grey Worm answered. "Blind by love. Somehow she believes in you, and that caused her death. I will never able to understand, why she gave you a second chance, after what you did." they were standing face to face.
"Let me in, to my daughter. Now. If you don't do it, you broke the order of the Queen." Jon was determined and upset. 
"Let him in." Daario shrugged his shoulder. "If I think about it better, I saw Daenerys on Drogon's back. But still... a question. Why did he let her go with Drogon." Daario stated, then he just walked passed by them. Jon made a face. The fight with those two made his life harder, and he still had no idea what to do with them. Daenerys trusted them. They would die for her... and they would easily kill him when they have a chance. He knew it. Grey Worm holding him up for a couple more seconds, then he stepped out from his way. 
"I hope someday, you'll understand," Jon mentioned and he wanted to walk on.
"You did not love her enough to save her. You left her behind. When you love someone you can't leave her behind. You can't be able to kill her. But you did. No. I will never understand. I've always known you cannot be trusted. You proved I am right. And I respect her opinion. Her order, but I will never make the same mistake. I will never trust you again." Grey Worm answered then he walked back to his army. 

"Alone and speechless.  Drowning in your thoughts." Lilyanna told to Yara when she spotted her in the stairs. 
"What can I do for you my Lady?" she stood up and bowed with her head.
"I was thinking about, we have no time yet to ... get to know each other better." Lilyanna smiled. "I heard a lot of things about you Lady Greyjoy."
"I am not a Lady," Yara answered.
"Yeah, I heard that too." Lilyanna has a flirtatious smile on her face. "Maybe this is what caught my attention." she placed her hand to her arm. "Do you wanna take a walk?" she smiled.
"I have nothing better to do." Yara nodded, and she was looking at the red priestess from top to toe. She was clearly flirting with her and that was weird. She did not even look at her since she was there. She had no idea what changed, and she wanted to find out. When they arrived in the hall, Lilyanna spotted Nesera and she seized the moment. She placed her hand again to her arm and leaned closer. 
"And..." Lilyanna almost whispered to her ears. "Is it true what people say about you? Women couldn't be satisfied in the way, you can satisfy them?" she was almost moaning.
Nesera was looking at them, and she felt how jealousy running through her veins. She couldn't believe. Lilyanna was never inhibited but that was too much ... even from her. Yara and Lilyanna were smiling at each other, but Yara kept the distance from her. Lilyanna felt that but she did not stop with her actions. 
"Can we talk?" Nesera stopped next to them.
"Maybe later. I have more important things to do." Lilyanna answered, and she glanced at Yara. She tried to not look at Nesera. She was still hurt as she rejected her. 
"No. NOW!" Nesera grabbed Lilyanna's arm and she pulled her with herself. 
"I'll be back soon." Lilyanna gave a last smile to Yara. 

"You can't be such a slut." Nesera slammed the room door behind her and immediately attacked Lilyanna.
"You're welcome." she sat down and crossed her legs. She looked satisfied.
"What? You... you... want everyone for yourself. You can't stand when anyone is not interested in you. It even surprising, you did not go further with Jon Snow."
"He would never do that." Lilyanna frowned and giggled a bit. "But what is your problem?" She raised her eyes at her friend and she was still smiling.
"Your behavior." 
"Why?" Lilyanna shrugged her shoulders. "What did I do? I just had a talk with her."
"No! You were flirting with her" Nesera freaked out "I saw that. Since when you are interested in women?" she spread her arms. Lilyanna stood up and walked to her with a smile on her face.
"I can ask the same." She smirked. "And as I said... you're welcome." 
"I don't understand."
"You are jealous. A blind man also can see it." she giggled "I just... helped to make your choice." she caressed her cheek with her hand. "Do not deny yourself."
Lilyanna walked passed by her, and Nesera was standing there without any words. She couldn't believe. She did this to make her jealous. She just played with her. She wanted her to do exactly the same she did.
"Go and get the girl" Lilyanna teased her from the door. "Before I change my mind." 

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