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"And did you find out anything about my daughter's role in this great war?" Daenerys asked Sam.
"Nothing for sure. The Red Priestess ... told me, I have to open my eyes more, but... everything is so nonsense and troublous." Sam answered, and they heard a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" it was Jon. He was standing at the door and he tried to smile.
"Sure." Dany smiled.
"And... how..." He wanted to know what is going on. He wanted answers. He was worried, he had the worst scripts in his mind. Samwell looked to Daenerys.
"She is fine. It seems... she worries too much. You should pay more attention to meals" Sam kept his eyes on Dany, while he was answering to Jon.
"Thank you." Dany smiled at him. She was grateful. She knew... their relationship with Samwell... did not start well, but maybe there is a chance for them to build a good friendship or at least a trustful one.
"I better go. Leave you to ... rest." he added. "I hope they won't put me back to prison."
"Davos is waiting outside. He'll take care of you." Jon patted his shoulder. "And thank you Samwell. I am glad you are back."

He left them and Jon was standing and staring at his love.
"I am fine," Daenerys told him. Before he could answer anything Missandei cried out. Jon turned to her direction and raised her from the cradle, then sat down with her next to Daenerys to the bed.
"Maaaama" Missandei babbled again and Daenerys heart melted. She took her tiny hands.
"Papa. I am you daddy. So say it..." Jon was watching her daughter and tried to pull out the words from her.
"You never give up." Dany giggled.
"Are you sure you are..." Jon started again.
"Jon, I am fine. There is nothing wrong." she leaned to his shoulder. "We'll be fine."
"Did Samwell tell anything about..."
"He knows nothing for sure. He asked more time to see it clearer."
"I am glad he is back." Jon sighed.
"Yeah. Me too." Dany answered and she looked down to her belly. "Jon that you said about..."
"Your Grace." Nesera entered into the room. "I did not want to interrupt." she bowed a bit with her head.
"Anything happened?"
"No. I just wanted to ask, do you need anything or...?" she smiled at her.
"Have some rest." Jon leaned to her forehead and gave a kiss to it. "I took my daughter to a small walk. Some fresh air no harm. Nesera stays here with you." Jon stood up with Missandei in his arms.
"I don't need a baby sitter," Dany mentioned.
"No, you don't. But it would reassure me." Jon stated with a small smile. "Wave to your mom." he took MIssandei's small arm and waved with it. She started to giggle. Dany loved that sight. He ... her love and her daughter. Together. Jon was really good at this. That parenting thing. He was a way much better father than her as a mother. More patient and calmer.

"You haven't told him, right?" Nesera asked Daenerys after he closed the door.
"No." she took a deep breath. "What if I am not ready?"
"Not ready for what?" Nesera frowned.
"Another child. I mean... I ... feel I totally failed as a mother. I ... left her in Volantis for weeks, alone. Then... here... I left her here and went to risk my life just to find out the truth about Drogon. I was not here when... someone tried to kill her. How... can I take responsibility for another life? If I can't take responsibility for her?" she asked despairingly.
"Your Grace." Nesera sat down to the bed. "You did not fail as a mother." she smiled. "Your love for her is more powerful than anything, and that other life..." she looked down to her belly. "Our God knows when is the right time to bless you with another gift. He did. After you thought you can never get any children... you have her and soon you'll have him." she looked into her eyes.
"Him?" Dany smiled a bit.
"Just my intuition." Nesera smiled back at her. "Not a prophecy."

"As I see, you find some entertainment after Arya Stark rejection," Davos mentioned to Gendry. He saw him and Liliyanna walking and laughing around the gardens. He kept his eyes on everything. He was not so noticeable, not too many people cared about his presence. Maybe that is why he was a great smuggler, back then.
"What, no... we just..." Gendry's face went red immediately
"If I can suggest, you should do it more private way, I mean you've just told Jon... that you love his sister. Maybe you should've not told him anything at all." Davos suggested.
"I should have not drunk that much," Gendry admitted. "Do you know where is she?"
"You just left her there. In the garden."
"Not Liliyanna. Arya." He raised his eyes to Davos.
"Oh." Davos surprised "Now you mention... I did not see her for days now. Weird."
"I am afraid she is doing something stupid." Gendry took a deep breath.
"Because of you?" Davos raised his eyebrow.
"No." Gendry shook his face. "I am not that important. Not in her life. Not for her. She made it clear."
"I swear I don't understand the young people these days. You love her, but you spend most of your time with that Red Priestess. She loves you and watching you secretly ... and you did not even notice. No... because you are playing games. Just as the Queen and Jon. Thank God, they came to mind nowadays and started to act like parents and responsible adults. Honesty would make things so much easier."
"What?" Gendry took his arm. "What did you say about Arya?"
"You still have to learn a lot about women, son!" Davos shook his head and took a deep breath.

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