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"So... do you want to serve us?" Daenerys was sitting on her throne, Jon was standing right next to her. Liliyanna was standing at the stairs, between Daario and Grey Worm. She was clearly nervous.
"Yes, your Grace." Liliyanna nodded.
"Why?" Dany spread her arms, while Jon gave her a disapproving look. She did not notice it. "We killed your sister. I ... killed your sister. She burned to ashes. Because she wanted to kill me and my child. Why do you want to serve us anyway? It is a bit hard to believe." Daenerys was prim, rigid and calm.
"She came here to help us to defeat her own sister," Jon answered instead of her. Dany looked at him questioningly. "Without her, we probably failed with our plan."
"Excuse me, my Lord, but I was asking her. Not you. I know what she did for us." she frowned then turned back to Liliyana. She tried to see the good in that woman, but she reminded her only Vevienne, and it makes things harder. Trust someone, who looks the same... like the one, who almost killed her. "I just want to be sure, it is not just a part of some another plan. I am a bit distrustful, but maybe it is understandable these days." she continued. Daario and Grey Worm clearly agreed with her behavior, but Jon hated when she was that... mean. It was not her. Not her real personality, and he can't understand, why she acts in this way.
"I made a mistake when I left the Red Temple. They were talking about prophecies... but those never happened. I lost my faith in them, but ... when I heard about your child, I knew I was wrong. I saw the signs. I saw the rare birds appeared on the horizon. I saw their eyes. That is some great evil. Some huge dark power, that we don't know." she took a deep breath. "When I got to know, my sister wants to kidnap and kill your innocent child... I knew I had to do something... We cannot decide the fate of an innocent child. I just felt, what my sister wanna do, is wrong. She was blinded by money and power and promises. She wanted to take revenge on the world, because she felt, the world betrayed her." Liliyanna tried to express her feelings.
"Still doesn't explain why are you wanna help us? What do you expect in return?" Dany asked her without any emotion on her face.
"Dany..." Jon started, but not just Daenerys, but Daario and Grey Worm gave a killer look to him. He took a deep breath "My Queen" he continued, but it was hard for him. Sometimes he just wanted to tell her she is wrong, or she made a mistake. He hated those formalities. She was his love, his... soon to be wife. And meanwhile... in those halls. In front of the people, she was just his Queen. "I think we should give her a chance, to prove, she is loyal to us."

"I have enough people around, to look out for. She can be our friend, but she can be also another risk factor for our child." Dany stated.
"I agree with the Queen." Grey Worm answered immediately. "We don't need more strangers around us. We never know who we can trust." he glanced at Jon. Jon just rolled his eyes and lowered his head. Grey Worm will never forgive him. No matter he is here. No matter, what he did for her since then... he was not able to forget it.
"You should just move on," Jon added sardonically.
"I have no one." Liliyana cut them"I understand your doubts, my Queen, but I have nothing left. I sacrificed the last member of my family, for you, and for your child. For you to live. I accept if you abandon me, I accept if you condemn me... to die, but you have to know this. I gave up everything for you. Because I believe you and your child are the ones, who can bring the dawn. The ones who can make this world a better place." she knelt down in front of her. Daenerys was staring at her. She did not want to hurt her, she did not want to send her away. She just wanted to know... what kind of person she is. And sometimes she had to use her power to see through the people.
"You can stay here." she stood up and took some steps closer to her. She saw from the corner of her eye how both Grey Worm and Daario placed their hands to their weapons when she was too close to Liliyanna. They both would do everything to keep her in save. She smiled a bit. "But you cannot go close to my daughter's room. Keep yourself away from her." she continued. "Daario, it will be your task to pay attention to that."

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