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Jon and Daenerys were lying in the bed, in the arms of each other, when the first rises of the sun touched their faces. Jon was the first, who wakes up. He smiled when he looked at the angel next to him. He loved her. He understood her insecurity, he cannot blame her because of it... he gave reason to it. In the past, but he would never do it again. Not even if she would burn down the whole world... he would kill himself sooner than hurt her ever again. Dany slowly opened her eyes and Jon caressed her cheek.
"Good morning," he whispered to her and kissed her forehead. 
"I don't want to wake up. I had a beautiful dream," she told quietly. 
"What did you dream?" Jon smiled at her.
"We were together. You, me... Missandei and our newborn son." she started and she kept her eyes closed. She wanted to see this picture in front of her eyes. Again. "We were in a beautiful place, which was not too warm, not too cold. Everything was green, and many flowers were around us. We were happy. There was peace around there." she remembered.
"That is not just a dream Dany." Jon leaned closer "It is our future." he couldn't stop smiling. "I promise."
"You laughed a lot."
"What?" Jon frowned.
"In my dream. You laughed with us. A lot." Dany sighed. "I ... did not even realize how much I loved when you are laughing," she admitted. "When I got to know you, that was not typical of you. I barely could see a smile on your face."
"Yeah." Jon laughed at himself. "I was always the brooding one."
"But not nowadays." Dany looked into his eyes.
"Nowadays I have joy and happiness in my life. You and Missandei. The greatest gift that I ever could get from life. I would have not dared to wish that kind of happiness." Jon sighed and Dany placed her hand to his face. "I never thought I deserve it."
"You do." Dany pulled his face closer and kissed his lips. After the kiss, she looked into his eyes and she saw there is something else. Something in his mind, which he did not tell her.
"Is it about your sister or Ghost?" Dany asked him kindly and quietly.
"The thing you worry about." Dany raised her brow.
"I can't hide anything from you, right?" Jon took a deep breath.
"You want to?" Dany frowned.
"No... I just... don't want to ruin this perfect moment." He kissed her again, then he turned back to his place in the bed and leaned to the backrest of it. 

Dany sat up too, kept the blanket in front of her body, to cover her naked breasts. 
"You scare me, Jon. What is it?" she placed her hand to his chest. He grabbed it and gave a kiss to it.
"Just promise me you won't ... "
"Freak out? Well, actually I already did because you hide things from me." Dany stated.
"I am not". Jon shook his head. "I've told you yesterday, that I'll tell you everything. I ... did not want to argue last night."
"So it is something that we are going to argue about." she rolled her eyes.
"Not necessarily." Jon shrugged his shoulder.
"So, what is it?" Dany was impatient. 
"Sansa." He raised his eyes at her, at the moment when he said his sister's name, but she was just staring at him, trying to hide her emotions. "She asked me... is there a chance for her to ... talk with Tyrion? Privately?" he swallowed. 
"No." Dany shook her head, and answered immediately, without thinking.
"She wants it because..."
"I don't care." she did not want to listen to him. She turned her back at him and stood up from the bed. "You were right, it is not a thing we should argue about. My answer is no." she started to get dressed. 
"Maybe it would help." Jon continued. 
"Help what?" Daenerys spread her arms. "To ally against me, again?" Last time it started the same way. If you already forget it."  
"No. No, I did not." Jon lowered his head. "I just thought..."
"You or Sansa?" Dany kept her eyes on his face and asked him.
"She ..."
"See, that is why I don't care." Dany stopped him. "Because I am sure it will cause my death sooner or later. If we give her what she wants." she was fierce and nervous. "Sansa and Tyrion cannot have a private conversation. And I don't want to get to know you give them a chance to have one." She made a final adjustment in her dress, checked herself in the mirror. "I'll be with Missandei. If you don't have better things to do with your ... other family members." she stated, then left him there in their bedroom. 

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