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Dany was standing in the desert. There was no one around her. She was looking around. There was no life anywhere. The wind was blowing, the sand came up everywhere. She saw a dark shape flying towards her in the air. She was watching it. First she thought it is Drogon, but it came closer and closer. Dany frowned, and try to figure what she saw. When the creature was close enough they flew apart. Those were hundreds of ravens, and those birds encompass her. She tried to find a way out, but she couldn't and then one of them with white eyes flew right to her face.

Dany jumped up from Jon's embrace, screaming. Jon shocked and sat up too, he looked around, but there were no one around them. Just the two of them. They were in the tent, and the morning comes. The first lights of the sun, also made the tent so warm. Jon grabbed Dany's hand and leaned closer to her. She was distracted, and she could barely breathe.
"Dany. Dany." Jon tried to get her attention. He knelt in front of her, and held her face between his hands. "Dany, Calm down. I am here." he was scanning her face. They finally looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly a dothraki entered into the tent with his weapon on his hand. He heard her scream. He was looking at Jon suspiciously. Jon was still kneeling in front of her.
"Heard a scream" he told them, but in dothraki, and Jon did not understand. He frowned then looked back to Dany. She did not say a word just raised her hand, and tried to indicate everything is alright. The man hesitated, then left them there. Jon turned back to Dany.

"Calm down. Everything is alright." he continued. Dany nooded, while looking around. She was still breathing restlessly. Jon caressed her cheek with his finger, and staring her. "The same nightmare?" he asked. "You don't have to be afraid..."
Daenerys shook her head, while Jon was still holding her, and he did not understand.
"It was something different. It was..."
"What?" Jon frowned.
"It was Bran." there was fear in her eyes when she told it.
"Dany...." Jon sighed and pulled her closer. This would be the truth after all. Jon was thinking. Is Bran really chasing her? Sooner or later he had to accept, but he still tried to see the good in his family. He was his family. He was his little brother. He's never done anything horrible before. He wanted to know what changed, he wanted to know what happened, and he had no chance to know it from Essos. Maybe Dany was right all the time, and he shouldn't talk with Bran, but someway he has to figure out what is going on.
"He saw me. He saw me here. He knows I am here, and he knows where we're going. He knows it." She tried to talk. "Mis... Missandei."
"Was she in your dream too?" Jon catches her eyes again, but she shook her head. Jon nodded. "She is in safe." he tried to calm her down. "She is in the safest place." he hugged her close. He was not sure. He was not sure in anything, but he knew they have to believe in the Lord of Lights. He did not bring them back at a venture. There must be a reason. A reason what they have to find.
"If you..." Jon started "If you wanna go back and ... to be sure she is in save. You can fly there with Drogon easily, and then you can catch us."
"No" Dany shook her head. "No... I can't."
"Dany, they won't hurt me, if you tell them to not hurt me." Jon answered.
"You don't understand?" Dany was looking into his eyes. "I am afraid."
"From what?"
"Since ... she brought me back to life, I... did not ride on him." she explained slowly.
"But a few days ago you wanted to... burn those soldiers alive with Drogon."
"I wanted. Just as much as I wanted to burn their Khal alive yesterday, but I couldn't." she answered brokenly.
"You're afraid. You're afraid that happened in King's Landing... will happen again. You're afraid you are going to lose control if you burn someone again or ride on Drogon." Jon said it loudly. Said what she was afraid to say. She was so broken. Her guilt made her weak. Her guilt made her afraid. "Dany. You ... "he tried to find the right words "You did it because you were lost. Alone and you did not see any other solution. You thought the only way is fear. You did not have love there. You've told me that. But now ... " he crawled a bit closer "You are not alone anymore. You have a daughter. You have me. You have love." he said it from the bottom of his heart, because he loved her. More than anything. More than anyone. "You can control your fears, as you did it always before. I help. Just... let me help." he begged her. She held her tears back and sighed. Jon raised her head and staring at her beautiful eyes for some seconds. "I love you, Dany"

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