Love and Duty

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"Can I come in?" Jon knocked on her door and opened it cautiously. Dany was sitting next to Missandei's bed and caressed her tiny hand. She was sleeping. She turned her face to Jon and nodded. He placed his hand to Dany's shoulder and staring at her daughter. Dany did not react to his touch. The happenings of the afternoon... their dispute about Bran still vividly in front of her eyes. They did their duties, interrogated the spy then Dany left him behind. He did not follow her. He knew they both need time to calm down, to think through. 
"I thought you ... want to spend the afternoon with her. But you were not here." Dany stated quietly.
"I knew you are here. And... I was not sure you want me to be here."
"Our quarrels should not affect our relationship with our daughter. Or the time we spend with her." Dany answered. She sounded so serious and prim. 
"I needed some time alone," Jon admitted. 
"I understand." Dany sighed and released her daughter's hand. Jon placed his hand to Dany's and took it. He pulled her up from the bed and hugged her.
"Nothing is more important than you and our daughter. You have to keep that in mind," he whispered to her and kissed her face again and again.
"Not here. Please." Dany stepped away from him but she was holding his hand. She walked out from the room and ordered the guards if they hear anything from inside, immediately let them know and they entered the adjoining room. 

"So. What did you realize during the time spent alone?" Dany sighed and asked him. She was calm, kind and peaceful. There were no signs of the nervousness of the afternoon. 
"I love you Dany." He answered and sat down to the chair. 
"I know that. And I love you too. That was not a question... " she took a deep breath. 
"Those things that you said... it hurts," he admitted. "I thought we can leave the past behind us, but you never will. I understand it, it just... hurts. Your eyes... every time when you talk about that thing... the love is gone from your eyes. It scares me." 
"It is not a good thing to remember." she played with her fingers.
"But what you've told me is not true. About love. About it is only important for me when it is about Starks. I thought I proved it a million times for you. Yet, you are still questioning my love for you and for my daughter." he frowned and raised his eyes at her. 
"I don't."
"You do, Dany." Jon disagreed. "I know you. You are sudden and sometimes offensive but... those moments you tell the truth. The truth from your heart what you really feel." he explained. 
"I am scared," she told him barely audible. 
"I am scared too. Many things happened with us, and not just good things. We went through many things, and we learned how to work together, and we cannot let anything stand between us. Especially not now. Distrust now... can be deadly." he was so serious. 
"Once you chose them... over me. I know it was my fault too, but ... you did. No matter how much I love you... no matter how much I want to erase that memory... I... "
"I've told you." He stood up and placed his palms to her cheek "I would do everything for my daughter. I promised it. To you and to her. I meant my words. I intend to keep my promise. And no matter what you think, I would never choose anyone over my daughter." 
"Not even me?" She smiled a bit. 
"I don't even want to think about this terrible choice. Even death would be better than that." Jon's voice halted. 
"He is not your brother," Dany answered quietly. Timidly. 
"I ... "He nodded and sighed "I have to accept it. I know. It is just ... hard. I ... saw him growing up. I mean... "
"I know. Ahm...Notedly I am trying to understand..." Dany nodded. "I've never had a real sister or brother, I mean... the ones like you had. Maybe that is why I don't understand completely what you feel. Towards Bran or Sansa. I saw my own brother die, a gold crown melted to his head and I felt nothing. Only solace. That is the only fraternal relationship that I ever knew." Daenerys remembered back. "You are the only real family I have. You and Missandei. But for you it is different." 
Jon was just staring at her. He couldn't even imagine how hard her childhood could be. There was no one in her life, who really loved her. How could he expect from her to feel what he feels? She had no idea how it feels to grow up in a family. 
"We should go to sleep." Dany broke the silence and swallowed but Jon just kissed her again, and the kiss became deeper and filled with emotions. Meanwhile, they were kissing, Jon walked with her towards the bed, and laid over her. The moment did not last long. A knock disturbed them and Jon sighed. He stood up and Dany adjusted her dress.
"Come in" she answered and one of the unsullied entered into the room.
"Your Grace."
"What happened?" "
"The princess woke up and she is crying. You... ordered us to let you know." he bowed with his head. 
"Thank you, I'll be there in a minute." she smiled at the soldier, and wanted to leave but Jon pulls her back. 
"I'll go. I missed to spend time with her in the afternoon." he smiled and swipe a lock away from her face "Lie down and sleep." he kissed her forehead. 
"But..." Dany wanted to answer but he turned back to her from the door.
"At least once do what I ask." Jon smiled at her, she smiled back and nodded. 

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