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"Jon." Sansa stopped him in the corridor. "Can we have a word finally?" she stared at his face.
"I am tired." he sighed. He ordered Yara and her army to leave Dragonstone immediately. Warg into Ghost made him tired. He did not want anything else at that moment, just go back to his room and laid down to his bed. His head hurt, his hand hurt. He needed a warm bed and silence. 
"Jon!" Sansa insisted. 
"Sansa, you don't have to repeat it. We saved your life. Daenerys saved your life. Not the first time. I get it, you can't accept her, but I don't want to listen to it again. If it will be over, you can go back to the North... what is left of it. "he frowned "And we can live in peace together. If we survive this. But if we want to survive, I need to sleep." he made it clear.
"I did not want to talk about her now." Sansa stopped him before he could leave. "I just... we did not even have a normal conversation since I am here. " she shrugged her shoulder. "You are my brother. And despite ... the many things ... there is a contradiction between us..." she lowered her head. "I thought we can talk like old times. Like, brother and sister." she sighed. Jon took a deep breath and turned to her. He tried to smile. 
"We have already discussed it once." He looked at her face "You hated me as a child." 
"I did not." Sansa giggled. "And I already asked your forgiveness."
"There are many things which we should... forget each other. I am not sure we are able to do it." Jon was serious.
"We should try. In spite of all things... you are still my brother. My family." Sansa stepped closer to him and placed her arms around his neck. "And I love you." he placed her chin to his shoulder and hugged him. Jon hesitated for a minute, but then he hugged her too. 
"I want to save Arya too, and I will," Jon whispered to her. "Do not ... do any reckless thing. That's all I ask," he warned her quietly and he felt how she nodded.

"Thank you for all the help today," Dany told Nesera when they stepped out from Missandei's room after they put her to sleep. 
"Are you sure... no one has to stay with her?" Nesera asked her. 
"The dragons are there. They keep her safe." Dany smiled at her. "I don't think anyone would go near to hear." 
"I..." Nesera opened her mouth, but she decided to remain in silence. She lowered her head. 
"Is there anything that you wanna say?" Dany stepped closer. 
"May I ask... what did Jon Snow see when he warg into his direwolf?" she hesitated.
"Wish I would know." Dany sighed. "But he barely said a word and left immediately to send Yara and her... " that moment Dany realized why is that important for her. "She'll be back. She won't be hurt." 
"I know." Nesera nodded. "She is a warrior." 
"Just like all of us," Daenerys answered. "Even that little girl inside is a warrior. Already." she nodded towards the room where they left MIssandei. "If you don't mind I ... I'd like to go to sleep too." she was kind and her mind was somewhere else. Jon left her, and she had no idea where is he for that long. He looked the guards again, in front of Missandei's door, then she made a step towards her room.
"Your Grace." Nesera had another thing in her mind "I ... I'd wanted to say, how sorry I am. Because of the things we ... we've talked in front of Missandei. We... were not careful enough." 
"You weren't." Dany agreed "But you ... opened our eyes, sooner or later we have to tell her. Everything. Everything that happened in the past. Even if it is hard for us." she sighed. 
"Everything had to happen to be here today," Nesera answered and shrugged her shoulder.
"Yeah." Dany sighed. "I just wish... it would have been easier. Our path ... to be here today. I wake up every day, with the thought ... with a wish... that my child does not be that special. I don't want her to be the savior of humans. I don't want her to be some greater good. I want her to have a normal childhood and a normal life... which I never had. But... that request is too much for ... the universe, or for your God." 
"It is not." Nesera shook her head. "Sooner or later she'll have everything that you wish for her."
"If we win this war," Dany added.
"We will. You will win this war. Just... "
"Just?" Dany frowned.
"Do not trust everyone around you. I don't think it would be clever." she watched her reactions, but she exactly knew what she meant. 

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