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"Your Grace" Grey Worm entered into her room. 
"Jon?" she asked. 
"Left, with Ser Davos and Lord Baratheon," he answered. She nodded. She told him to spend some time with his... friends. He deserved it. 
"Lady Nesera is with Missandei, right?" she turned to Grey Worm.
"Yes, as you ordered." 
"Great," she stated. "Then I think we should go" she walked towards Grey Worm, and he followed her. 

They walked out from the Pyramid, towards a field. Dany ordered the unsullied to stay behind, and do not follow her but keep their eyes open. She spotted Liliyanna there. 
"Your Grace." she bowed her head to the Queen. 
"Your here."
"As you wished," Liliyanna answered. "May I ask why you wanted to talk with me here, and not in the Pyramid?"
"Because there even the walls have ears," Dany answered calmly. "And I wanted to talk with you in private."
"It is brave from you... to come out here, without any guards. Alone. After what happened." 
"Who told you I am alone?" Dany looked at her and raised her eyebrow. Liliyanna remained in silence. She looked around but she did not see anyone. A couple of seconds later a huge roar came from above, then Drogon landed next to Daenerys. She smiled at the huge beast and caressed his face.
"Should I have to worry?" Liliyanna asked Dany, but she did not move. Just standing in one place and stared at the Queen and her son.
"It is you... who need to know that." Dany was still caressing Drogon's head.
"I did nothing against you, Your Grace. As I told you ... I..."
"What do you want from him?" Dany did not let her finish her sentence, she looked at her. She still doesn't trust her. There was something ... strange in this woman, and after the things she saw with her own eyes... and the things Jon have told her... she has no reason to trust her. 
"From whom?" 
"You exactly know who I am talking about," Daenerys answered. She was so calm. Majestic. Like a true Queen. "And I have time. But I'd like to go back to my daughter as soon as possible, so it would be better, if you were honest with me, and wouldn't play." 

Liliyanna nodded. 
"You and he... you both misunderstood my approach for him" she started.
"I can tell when a woman wants something from a man, who I love." Dany rolled her eyes.
"Maybe for an outsider it looks like that, but you don't have to worry. About that. I have no interest in Jon Snow, in the way you think. Though I must confess, he is a very handsome man." Liliyanna answered. Dany could kill her with her eyes at that moment. "But even if I have... he made it clear he only has interest in one woman." she continued. 
"It Still doesn't explain your behaviour with him." Daenerys was standing so proudly next to Drogon. She did not want to hurt Liliyanna, but Drogon gave her safety. She hoped their connection still working. She concentrated Drogon all day. She was thinking him, and she needed him to be next to her when this talk happens. 
"I wanted to be sure, that you and the princess are in save."
"From him?" Dany frowned.
"He was the one who killed you, wasn't he?" Liliyanna raised her eyes at Dany and walked closer.
"How do you know about it?" her eyes widen. 
"You have friends in Meeren for whom, your safety is important." 
"Jon Snow is the father of my child. He would never hurt me."
"I am not sure of it yet" Liliyanna answered calmly. "He is faithful to you and your family. That is sure, but are you sure he cannot be manipulated again? I wanted to test him." 
"No one asked you to do this." Dany let Drogon go, and stepped closer to Liliyanna. 
"You still don't understand. I do everything to keep you and the princess in save. Because the world needs you. I apologize if my intentions seemed ambiguous." she tried to explain. "I serve the Lord."
"As I heard your Lord was not so important for you for a while." Dany still had doubts in her. 
"I was... off the path. But then you came and showed the way. I don't ask too much, just your trust."
"That is more than I can give you," Daenerys answered then turned her back at her.
"Forgive me, My Queen, but you can trust in a man, who put a dagger to your heart, but you can't trust a woman who did nothing against you... just saved your life?" Liliyanna asked her. Dany stopped and she was mad. She hated that she is right. 
"You better go now," she told her above her shoulder. "And I don't need your investigation, nor your help. Jon Snow is a good man. I don't need anyone who wanna stand between us." 
"Do not let love blind you," Liliyanna added, then turned to leave. Dany sat to the rock, next to Drogon. She held her belly. Everyone always comes with the same thing. Grey Worm, Daario... and now Liliyanna. Jon would never do this again. She was sure. She has to believe in him. She has to trust him. He came after her... he proved his love. Maybe it was another trial for their love... another evil and cruel joke from the Lord of Lights. Or maybe they are right, and love blinded her again. Pregnancy did not explicitly help in her emotions. She had many doubts, she was weaker... more emotional, and now she should be more rational. Drogon placed his huge head next to her. Dany was staring the big beast and placed her hand to his head. 
"I miss them too" she was caressing his head. "I hate to think that, but maybe they were the price... the price to have real children," she whispered. She knew she has to keep this in secret... as long as she can. Not even Jon can find out... not yet. Even if she did not want to... they made her feel uncertain. About him. And it scared her.

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