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Gilly was sitting in a tent with her children. She was still thinking about leaving. She wanted to go after Samwell. She missed him, and she has some kind of weird feeling. The air became colder in the past few hours, and it was snowing. She was worried because of it. 
"The scouts went out." Tormund stepped into the tent. 
"Do you think... they are coming back?" Gilly asked timidly. 
"They are gone. We saw it." Tormund sat down and grabbed a cup fill it with beer. "There must be another explanation."
"We should leave." Gilly lowered her head and looking at her children.
"No wilding ever passed through the Narrow Sea. We have no idea what we can expect there. I won't risk all my people's life. We are not going anywhere."
"The two soldiers, I don't think they would have crossed the Narrow Sea any time before, but they did that now," she answered.
"You are a woman. You don't understand it." Tormund leaned back.
"Maybe I am a woman, but you forgot I am the wife of one of the most clever men in Westeros. I've learned many things from him, and I see if there is something wrong." Gilly was headstrong. 
"If there will be a war, it will be here. If that dragon queen is alive, they will come back. What if we leave and they need us here? We can't just go there." Tormund raised his cup and drank all of the beer from it.
"Fine, stay if you want to, but I go." 
"No. You are not going anywhere alone." Tormund shook his head. 
"If you worry about my safety then come with me. In the meantime, entrust your people to someone else, and come with me."
"Enough" Tormund stood up. "We are staying here and wait."
"What if the deads are still alive?" Gilly stepped in front of him and staring at his face. "Then you keep us to death."
"We cannot be sure," Tormund answered. 
"No. We cannot. And I don't want to be sure. I want to go to my husband. And I will."


"Where are you going?" an unsullied guard stopped Daenerys when she wanted to leave the Pyramid. Drogon made a few laps above the Pyramid, then landed at the field, where he usually does. Dany felt there is something wrong, and she wanted to know, wanted to see with her own eyes. Drogon disappeared for days, and it was clear he wanted to show or tell them something. She immediately wanted to go after him, and Jon followed her. 
"I am your Queen. Let me out" she ordered him.
"I can not do it." he answered, "It is too dangerous."
"I keep her save. Let us out" Jon stepped next to Daenerys. The unsullied looked at him from toe to top. His eyes stopped on the sword in Jon's waist. 
"Grey Worm told us no one can leave the Pyramid. Including the Queen." the soldier was hard and firm.
"You forgot to whom you owe loyalty." Daenerys made a step towards him. "Let us go. Now"
"What is going on here?" Daario arrived. "Daenerys what are you doing here?" he stepped closer to her and placed his hand to her shoulder. Jon immediately stepped closer, and it was clear he wanted him to step back. 
"I want to go out. Now" Dany answered.
"I am afraid you can't... "Daario shook his head.
"I can't what?" Daenerys took a step towards him "I am your Queen. I want to go out from the Pyramid, and if you deny my command, you have been guilty of treason. So. I say one last time. Let us out." she was serious and convincing.  
"I'd do what she commands," Jon stated and he was standing so close to her. Daario did not answer anything, he just nodded towards the guards.
"But Grey Worm..." The unsullied soldier frowned.
"I'll go with them. Go and inform Grey Worm." Daario answered, then turned to Daenerys. "It is not safe outside. You have to understand. We don't know how many men trying to kill you and in your condition..." Daario looked down at her belly.
"Is there anyone here who doesn't know about it yet?" She rolled her eyes. "I have to find Drogon. Jon is coming with me, I don't need more man, I don't want to attract attention." she took a deep breath. 
"He is right." Jon sighed. Even if he hated his presence, Daario was right, and he knew it. Dany turned to him and staring at him with surprise in her eyes. "He should come with us."
"We better hurry. And put that on" he took a cloak from the table "the hood too" Daario added, then he turned to Jon and nodded. "You too." Daario looked at Jon.

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