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She felt how he went along with his kisses on her body.  She felt his breath, and when he reached her breasts he bit her nipple and playing it with his tongue. Dany moaned quietly. His hand was sliding down in her belly and he started to massage her clit. Gently, slowly. He was clearly teasing her. She wanted to cum. Wanted to feel him inside her again and experienced again the pleasure what he can give to her. 
"Dany" he whispered while he went down with his kisses towards to her sex. He barely touched her with his lips, and it made those kisses even more stirring. He raised her leg and continued at her inner tights. "You are so perfect." He groaned and at that moment he thrust his finger into her pussy while did not stop the kisses at her inner tights. 
"Yes." She moaned again. He was moving his finger in and out, frenzied and he raised his eyes to her. He wanted to see her face. Her eyes were closed and her moans filled the room. Louder and louder with every second. Before she could cum in the last moment he stopped and placed himself between her legs. He could not wait any longer. He thrust his hard cock into her without any hesitation. Dany grabbed the pillows and almost screamed but he did not stop. He became more frenzied and wild.
"Jon!" She moaned his name in pleasure. He leaned closer to her ears.
"I just wanted to feel you" he moved his hips quickly, his dick was so deep in her sex. His voice was different. "Before I" he bit her neck "kill you again."

Dany opened her eyes and felt how a dagger stuck into her chest. At the exact same place where Jon stuck it first when he killed her in King's Landing. Her eyes widen and raised her eyes to Jon. She did not see his face, it was too dark. Suddenly the black shape turned to at least hundreds of ravens and the birds flew apart. One towards her face.

Dany screamed and woke up, jumped up from the bed. It was the middle of the night. No one was in her room. She barely could breath and her heart beat so heavy. She squeezed the blanket to her chest and tried to come back to her mind. Those nightmares became scarier day by day. She lowered the blanket and looked at her wound. Touched it. It did not hurt anymore but it was there. And that wound will be there forever.


Jon held Missandei in his arms and stepped out from the tent. He saw Daario standing next to his horse and Neserah was packing something on the chariot. Drogon roared quietly. He was still laying next to the camp and raised his enormous head. He was staring at Jon and the baby in his arms. He walked closer to the dragon with her daughter. Neserah noticed what is happening and immediately went closer to them. She did not care about Daario who was talking to her. Just left him there.

"I don't think you know each other." Jon stopped in front of the big creature. He did not fear him. He did not worry a bit. He was sure Drogon would never harm that child. "She is my..." he smiled a bit "daughter, Missandei. Dany would probably say she is kinda your sister." He uncovered the baby a bit and Drogon smelled her. Jon placed one of his hand to his face and caressed it while he sounded purring. "Thank you for bringing me here." Jon stated. Daario and Nesera stood a bit further and they were watching them. Daario couldn't believe his own eyes. He knew that dragon for a while now but he never let him... that close. Not to mention he never had a chance to touch him.

"That is something... what he could do because he has that Targaryen blood or what?" He wondered.
"He can do this because he is the one she chose. She gave her heart to him. Gave herself to him and the dragon knows it. He belongs to their family. Now... with that child... even more." Nesera told him and slowly walked back to the carriage. "We should go." She told them loudly. Jon removed his hand from Drogon and he flew up to the air. Missandei babbled something and she followed Drogon with her eyes.


"You look worried." Arya stated. She was standing next to Daenerys in the throne room.
"I did not sleep well." She answered and tried to smile to her. "I just want them to... arrive finally."
"Your Grace." A soldier from the Second Sons stood at the bottom of the stairs.
"You can let the first one in." Daenerys smiled and sat down. He bowed and walked out.
"What ...?" Arya started but she doesn't know how to ask. "What are you going to do? I mean. Now. Here."
"A good ruler pays attention to the people. Listen and help them. Hear their words and measure. I always tried to... " she sighed.
"Your Grace." A man bowed and started to talk in valyrian. Dany answered and after a couple of minutes he was smiling and bowed again then walked out.
"What did he ask?" Arya asked Dany.
"Help. He need help to harvest the crop. He assured me that he'll give some of my soldiers too, to help us protect Meeren." Dany explained.
"And you help him?"
"Beneficial for both of us." She answered to Arya. "So I told him I'll send some soldiers to help him before it starts to rot."
Arya frowned. As the days passed she gets to know Daenerys more and more and her opinion changes about her. She was not even close to the woman she thought she is. Maybe the child changed her. Maybe Jon changed her or her death... or ... she was telling her the truth and that was the real Daenerys, not the one who burned down King's Landing.

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