Olive Branch

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Dany and Tyrion were at the top of the hills at Dragonstone. She wanted to talk with him in private without anyone hearing them. She doesn't trust him, but she also knew they need each other, to save the world. Tyrion wants to live, more than anything. He always wanted this. He always changes sides, to be on the winning side. His life worth him more, than loyalty, friendship or love. She learned that through the years. She also knew he is dangerous and smart, and after all, he is a Lannister, but that moment it was not a Lannister who was their enemy. It was a strange creature, with supernatural power. A creature who wants to destroy the world including the brothels, wine... and everything enjoyable in life. She glanced at him. He was standing next to her, like old times and staring at the distance. Some unsullied soldiers were around them, but far enough, so they couldn't hear what they are talking about. A smile appeared on her face when she noticed Drogon flew through the air above the second or thirdly... he kept his eyes on her. Her dragon did not trust Tyrion either, which was not a surprise. She always wondered why Drogon never lost his trust in Jon. He was the one who killed her, no matter who convinced him, but Drogon loved Jon. Drogon would never be able to hurt him for some reason. Maybe because of his Targaryen blood. 
"We have stood here several times before. Planning. I remember quite well." Tyrion broke the silence between them. 
"I was a fool back then. I trust too many people around me, but only a few really deserved it. And those few are dead by now." Dany sighed, and she did not look at him.
"Ser Jorah was my friend too, and his death... hurt me too, but he died in the way he wanted. Protecting the woman he loved more than anything, protecting his Queen." Tyrion cautiously raised his head and looked at her. 
"And he would have killed you at the moment when you turn against me. So his death really came in handy for you." she took a deep breath and turned her back at the sea. 

"Dany," Jon yelled her name, while he was walking up towards them. "I was looking for you everywhere." he ignored Tyrion and stepped to his love. "I ... why you did not tell me, you want to come out with him? I was so worried." he stared at her face.
"You don't have to worry." she placed her hand to his face and smiled at him.
"In the end, your righteousness is valid," Tyrion stated and he was looking at them. "It seems love won at the end. Above duty." he smiled a bit. 
"What are you planning... with him?" Jon frowned and staring at his lover. 
"We can say... I offered an olive branch for him." Dany glanced at Tyrion "Because our goals are shared again. Until we took back King's Landing and the Seven Kingdoms." she continued. "After that, after we... find a rightful and true ruler for the people I never want to see him again. If I will... Drogon will finally get his first dwarf for dinner." she was so serious and calm. They both turned to Tyrion, and he swallowed a big one then nodded slowly. 
"You don't have to spend any more time in the cell, but two of my soldiers will follow you everywhere, and you are not allowed to talk with anyone in private." she continued. "And if you are trying to get close to my daughter..." she was staring at him
"I understand," Tyrion answered quickly before she could continue. Jon was still not sure, it was a good idea, he doesn't trust Tyrion. He used his words too well. He was too good to convince people... he was too good at manipulating. Dany turned to her soldiers and they stepped closer. 
"Escort Lord Tyrion back to the castle, and find Daario Naharis. Tell him to find him a room, and inform him I want to talk with him." Dany ordered the soldiers, who immediately stepped next to Tyrion. They turned to leave and Dany turned back to the sea. Jon was following the leaving squad with his eyes, then stepped to Daenerys. 
"Are you sure... it is a good idea? You know he is... dangerous."
"I know." Dany nodded. "But ... you know what they say. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." she turned to Jon. "He knows many things about the King. His actions, his plans... he was his closest advisor, and he doesn't want to die." 
Jon nodded, he understands her decision, even if it was a bit risky. They need everyone in this war, on their side. That was true. Dany placed her hand to his chest.
"The armor?" 
"Gendry indeed the best blacksmith whom I ever met." Jon smiled a bit. "I did not even think he can make it. But... I think it can work." 
"At least this is a piece of good news." she smiled and looked into his eyes. Jon did not hesitate for a moment, and he kissed her. 
"Sam is waiting for us. If you... don't change your mind, about my... warg plans." their foreheads met. 
"I am willing to listen to it."

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