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"Sansa!" Arya almost screamed her sister's name after she entered the room. Jon was lying on the floor, unconsciously, next to Dany's bed. "Sansa!" Arya screamed her sister's name again, and she crouched next to Jon, to raise him from the floor but she was not strong enough to do it alone. 
"What the..." Sansa appeared in front of the door and her mouth fell open. 
"Help!" Arya raised her eyes at Sansa and she tried to raise Jon again. Sansa after a moment jumped there and helped to put her brother back to the bed. 
"Go, and find Samwell!" Arya told her "His wounds are bleeding. Probably those ruptured when he tried to get up. I should have stayed here." 
"Right... I... I... go." Sansa nodded and her eyes stopped on Daenerys's body. She was still lying there, without moving, her breathing was calm but looked so slowly. 
"Sansa, now!" Arya warned her, and she nodded quickly and just left the room. Arya turned back to Jon and his forehead was so warm. "Gosh, what did you do?" she asked quietly and put a wet cloth to his forehead from the vessel next to his bed. "Everything is going to be alright." he wiped his forehead and she glanced at Daenerys. "Everything has to be alright," she repeated her words but she was not sure anymore. 

A couple of minutes passed and Arya worried so much. She saw how he was bleeding, and she tried to help, but she couldn't move Jon's body too easily. 
"What happened?" Sam stormed into the room finally and he got scared when he spotted the blood on Jon's body. He removed his shirt and immediately started to treat the wounds. To stop the bleeding. "He can't lose more blood."
"He is... feverish" Arya told him worriedly. 
"His body is trying to heal itself. That is normal, but we have to keep that in a limit." Sam answered meanwhile his hands were moving so fast. Arya saw from the corner of her eyes how Sansa was standing at the door and watching them. "Give me a scissor," Sam told to Arya, and she did what he asked immediately. She glanced at her sister again, whose eyes were resting on Daenerys's body. She took a step closer to the Targaryen Queen and swallowed. She kept her promise. She saved her sister, she saved the living world. She sacrificed herself for others. She put her arms around her body and just staring at her. Maybe her sister was right, but... she couldn't forget what she did with King's Landing. How desperate she was when they were talking about the North... or the war against Cersei. She couldn't understand how others can't see the darkness in her. 
"What happened?" Samwell finished to tie Jon's wound in his stomach and raised his eyes at Arya.
"I was not here. I came back to see how they are, and I found him on the floor." Arya sighed. "Probably he awoke and ... we can't leave them here alone." 
"No. No, we can't." Sam agreed. "The soldiers are going to finish soon, then we'll have more help." he swallowed, then he turned and looked around. "Where..." he looked towards Dany's bed then back. "Where is the girl?"
"What?" Arya frowned.
"Where is Missandei?" Sam turned to the third bed and removed the blanket from it, but it was empty. "Where is Missandei?" he asked them again, and Arya did not hesitate a minute. She grabbed her sister and pressed her to the wall with a knife in her hand.

"What did you do with her?" she asked Sansa, so threateningly. 
"What?" Sansa was surprised and shocked. She had no idea what she was talking about. 
"You were here. I found you in front of their room. What did you do with her?" she asked again, and she was so mad and angry. She made an oath to her brother that she'll take care of that little girl if they will not be able to do it, and she learned through the years, those oaths cannot be broken. Not even if her sister is the one who made the crime. "Where is she?" she almost shouted with Sansa.
"Arya I ... did nothing." Sansa started to cry. "I was not here. I did not come inside. I..." she barely could talk. She got scared of her own sister. 
"If I find out it was you..." Arya wanted to continue.
"We have to find her." Sam stopped the quarrel between them. "She can't be too far." he worried. He thought the worst of course. Missandei was unconscious too. After the battle. She was in the same condition as her mother. There were no visible wounds on her, but she did not come to mind, and now she disappeared. Sam just hoped... no one took her. That would be a disaster too. Not to mention he had no idea how he'll explain it to Jon or Daenerys if they come to mind. If... they ever come to mind. 
"I have to stay. I ... check the other wounds of him." He tried to think wisely "Find Daario and inform him to send some soldiers to help." he added. "She must be in the castle."  
The girls left him there and he turned back to Jon. He wiped a tear away from his face. He tried to act strong, and confident, but it was harder and harder as the days passed. 

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