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Sam could have fallen asleep standing up. He was tired. He finished with the curing. He healed everyone, including Nesera. Her screams were the worst, but it was more secure to heal her while she is awake. He made a risk with Daenerys but he had no other choice. Not after she lost her baby... He was walking on the corridor like a sleepwalker. He wanted his room and his bed. Nothing else. He did not want to think about ... what if he did not spot that infection on time. It could be a disaster. It could ... kill many. Including Missandei... they would have not survived it. Not after they lost their child. He thought back to the moment... when Gilly lost her son or daughter. Who knows... what gender would the baby has. It did not matter. Not anymore. Maybe they were not ready for this child. Maybe they get another chance, just like them. He just worried. Daenerys ... he was not sure how she'll handle this loss. Grey Worm walked against him in the corridor.
"What..." Sam stopped.
"She is awake and she sent me away."
"I've told you to not..." Sam started to get worried.
"She is my Queen. She sent me away, so I left her there." Grey Worm answered calmly. 
"For fuck sake! When did you leave her alone?" Sam answered, and he wanted to go away, but that moment Jon appeared next to them.
"A couple of hours ago, but I made sure she is alright. She is sleeping." Grey Worm answered.
"What?" Jon arrived there and he couldn't believe his own ears. "You left her alone?"
"She is the Queen. She ordered me to ..." Grey Worm started to answer.
"I don't care!" Jon almost yelled with him, and with a quick move, he pushed him away a bit and walked towards to Dany's room. He tried to hurry his steps as much as he could, but those seeds and tranquilizers still make him a bit dizzy. Sam took a deep breath and followed Jon. He really needed some sleep, but there are no quiet moments in that place. 

Jon's heart almost stopped when he opened the door but she was not there. He walked around in the room and his heart beating faster. When Sam also entered, he raised his eyes at him.
"I've asked you to ..."
"I needed to heal you and Nesera. I've left her for Grey Worm." Sam answered. He was tired of this talk, he knows Dany might do some crazy thing, but he can't watch out everyone every time. 
"I can't believe." Jon felt how his heart was beating in his throat. He walked to the balcony, fearing the worst, but there were no signs of Daenerys there. He saw how Drogon was resting on the field. Maybe she went there. No... there is no chance she could leave the Pyramid. That is not possible. 
"Jon." Sam took a step closer.
"We need to find her." He turned his back at his friend and walked out of the room.
"You should..." Sam started, but Jon just left him there. "You should calm down" he spread his arms, and finished the sentence, though he was alone in the room. 

"You've told in a couple of minutes ago, that she is sleeping. She is not even in her room" Jon grabbed Grey Worm in the corridor with a sudden and unseen move and pushed him to the wall. "Where is she?" 
"Hold yourself back." Grey Worm told to his face, and Jon glanced at his back over his shoulder. Dozen of unsullied was around them. "Let me go"
"I am not afraid of you. And if anything happened with the Queen. It is your fault." he pushed him once more, than walked away from them. While he was almost running towards in the corridors, he staggered for a moment and leaned to the wall. 
"Dany, where are you?" He took a deep breath and he knows he has to continue the search. She was unstable. She was broken... she was... the last time when she was broken... horrible things happened. He cannot let her shrink in this. He has to save her from herself. He knew it. He felt it. 
"Have you seen Daenerys?" He stopped Gendry:"
"No... But..." He tried to answer, but Jon did not wait any longer, he walked forward. He couldn't believe. The giggling of his daughter made him stop. He turned to the direction and opened the door. He stepped in and stopped next to Ser Davos. Davos was staring at the mother and the child. Sitting in the chair. She was holding her close to her chest. 
"When did she..."
"An hour ago," Davos answered. "She did not say a word. Just walked inside, took Missandei to her arms, and since then they were sitting there." Davos whispered to him. "I did not want to leave them here, alone."
"Wise choice." Jon nodded, and he swallowed. 
"Did Samwell cure all of you? Was it successful?"
"He did," Jon answered.
"Then everything is fine now." Davos smiled, and he relaxed. He wanted to hear that. He wanted to be sure, no one infected by Greyscale. Especially not the little princess. He was looking for marks, while he was taking care of her, but there were no signs of those, and now both Jon and Daenerys are fine, and that was the greatest news for that day."
"Almost." Jon lowered his head. "Would you please leave us? Alone." he turned to Davos.
"Sure." he just nodded and patted his shoulder. Jon smiled a bit. Davos did not afraid to touch him. It was a good feeling. When he closed the door, he turned to his love. And his child. They were sitting with their back to him. He took some steps closer and when Missandei finally could see him she opened her mouth and giggled again.
"Papppa" she stretched her tiny hands towards him. Dany did not move, she did not take her eyes off of her daughter. Not even the moment, when Jon placed his hand to her shoulder. 
"She said the word. She said Papa first when you were ... away, but I am glad she said it again. Now you can hear it." Jon tried to start a conversation but there was no answer. "Now she knows two words. The two most important words." he crouched next to them and trying "What do you think, what will be her next word?" Jon placed his hand to Dany's hand, but the moment he touched her, she pulled her hand away. 
"Dany," he whispered and tried to touch her face, but she turned away. "Don't do this." he almost begged her. "Please." 

She was in silence. A few seconds later she stood up and walked a bit further from him, with Missandei in her arms. She saw the eggs. Surrounded by candles. She was staring at them with a tear in her eyes. She felt how Missandei pulled a pin of her hair. She lowered her head and grabbed her tiny arm. Pull her closer to her mouth, and gave a kiss to it. Jon was standing in one place and stared at them. His heart was broken. Seeing Dany in this way... again. But this time... it will be different. He'll be there. Next to her. No matter how hard it will be. He knew it will be hard... he knew her, and he also knew... she needs him. More than ever, even if she doesn't act like this way. He cannot be mad at her. Anger and rage would just destroy everything more. He just has ... They just have to focus on the most important thing they still have. Their family. Their love. Their daughter. He sat to the edge of the bed and stayed with them. She'll talk to him. Sooner or later, but she will. Sooner or later... she'll forgive to herself, and they can move on. 

Nesera started to open her eyes. She still felt the pain, which she felt, while Samwell removed the greyscale from her skin. She never felt something like this. She felt the pain in her bones. It was horrible as if she had been flayed. She raised her hand and stared at it. Sam bandaged it, and when she raised her other hand too, to remove the rag from it, someone stopped her. 
"Sam told to keep that in your hand." Yara smiled at her.
"What are doing here?" Nesera placed her hands back to the bed. 
"Take care of you," she answered and she was still holding her hand. 
"You touched me," Nesera stated while her eyes stopped on their intertwined hands. 
"And I am going to touch you many times in the following hours," Yara smirked.
"Just in the following hours?" Nesera was staring at her face. Yara shook her head for an answer and leaned over her. 
"It depends on you" she whispered to her mouth, and then their lips touched, while Yara's hand were running through Nesera's body. They were heated, and they wanted it since they started the last time... they wanted to feel each other. Suddenly Yara stopped and she was almost panting. 
"We should slow down. You probably, you should just have rest now." Yara told her. 
"I am fine. I feel fine." Nesera wanted her. That was the first time when she was sure. When she knew she wants her and no one else. 
"We'll have plenty of time for this in the future." Yara took her hand again. 
"You never can be sure." Nesera bit her lip and staring straight into her eyes. 

Jon waited for hours there. Sitting on the bed, watching his two favorite women together. He waited for her. To say something. To tell him... how she feels. To cry on his shoulder. Anything. He tried to talk to her but found deaf ears and after some hours. she placed Missandei to the bed and walked out of the room. Jon checked his daughter in that minute. She was sleeping. He sat next to her and placed his head to his palms. That will be harder than he thought at first. He took a deep breath and tried to think. Tried to figure out what he should do.  
Daenerys that day, was more like a ghost, a shadow than herself. She did not talk to anyone. She walked back immediately to her own room. The blood was not on the floor anymore. It seemed they took care of it. The room was clean and there was no trace of what happened, but she knew. She remembered clearly. She remembered the pain that she felt when she started to bleeding. She remembered how her heart broke that moment. She remembered she wanted to die. She really wanted it. She remembered Jon's words. He hated her, and he is only there because he feels sorry for her. He did not say... he loves her. He said, she has to live for Missandei. Not for him. She lost him at the moment when she lost her child. When she killed her child. How could she blame him? She killed many innocent children at King's Landing... and now... she killed her own child. That is why she wanted to spend the day with Missandei. Because she was sure... they'll take her daughter away from her, or they will kill her again. One of them. Because of what she did, and she deserved it. She heard the roar of Drogon from outside. She walked to the balcony. She searched the huge beast with her eyes in the dark sky. It was hard to spot him. Suddenly he landed behind her. At the top of the Pyramid. Dany turned to his direction and they looked into each other's eyes. Drogon took a step closer, meanwhile, his huge paws demolished the stones a bit. He leaned closer to her, with his head, but she was just standing there. Watching him. Drogon's head almost touched her body, but she did not caress it.
"It was not just my fault, but yours too," she stated, then turned away from her son, and walked back to her chamber. Drogon let a big, almost painful roar out, then he ascended to the sky. 

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