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"My Lord. You should be in bed." Jenifire saw Jon at the corridor and surprised. "I thought my words were clear enough. That injury is not a simple one. It is not of human origin." she shook her head and stepped closer to him. 
"I needed to talk with Dany... the Queen." he sighed. 
"As I see in your face she told you what happened at Rook's Rest." she stated meanwhile she took his arm and raised it up. She wanted to check it 
"You were there. Why didn't you or ... Daario Naharis said something to stop her? How could you let this happen?" He pulled his arm back from his hand and hissed.
"You can blame me or him, or even the Queen herself, she had no other choice," she answered and stared at his face. She spotted sweat on his forehead and she stepped closer again and placed her hand to it. "Go back to bed!" she almost ordered him. "Now!" she raised her voice. His forehead was warm. Too warm, and he was sweating more and more. She spotted Daario behind them. He just came back from prison, where he took Tyrion. "Help me, to bring him back to his room," she asked him and he stepped next to them immediately. 
"What is wrong?" he frowned and Jon felt himself weaker. 
"He has a high fever," Jenifire stated worriedly and they grabbed Jon's arms from both sides.
"I have to talk with Dany." He barely could say the full sentence. Daario caught him at the last moment before he fainted. 
"Why? What is going on with him?" Daario did not understand.
"I... that wound. It is more serious than I thought. Bring him back to his room and ... we have to find Samwell Tarly too." she added and they dragged him in the corridor towards his bedroom. 

They dragged him through the corridor and placed him back to the bed. Jenifire checked his fever again and she clearly looked worried. She went to the cabinet where Sam kept the herbs. She was clearly searching for something.
"We have to take his fever down," she stated and checked one bottle after another. 
"What is happening to him?" Daario was staring at him
"That wound is ... when you hurt meanwhile warging, it is deeper and it only heals together with your animal." she tried to make him understand. "Ghost... the wolf probably ... must be on his feet, they probably can't stop, and that not helps." she shook her head and walked closer. Placed her hand to his wound. "The wound is cold as ice. They must be still in the North. In the cold." she took a deep breath and started to remove the bandage. "Go and find the Queen. And Samwell. We... need his knowledge now." she looked into Daario's eyes then turned back to Jon. Daario nodded and left her there with Jon. 
"Don't do this with me," Jenifire told him and took a deep breath.

Daenerys was lying next to her daughter in the bed. Missandei was sleeping, but Dany couldn't. She couldn't think about anything else, just how much Jon made her upset.  She couldn't believe that he thought that... she really wants to marry him. He did not even want to listen to what she wanted to say. He did not even listen to her plans, or why she said yes to that Martell Prince. She thought he'll go after her, but at least an hour passed and he was still not there. She hated how stubborn and headstrong he is. Missandei did a sudden move and she immediately paid her whole attention to her, but she was just dreaming. She caressed her head and wiped her hair away from her face. She smiled at her daughter. 
"Your Grace." Daario entered the room after a small knock. 
"What are you doing here?" Dany frowned and tried to be quiet. She immediately jumped up from the bed, and she was looking at him so confusedly. Daario lowered his head. Dany wore only a thin silk dress. Nightclothes. There was a small smile on his face. He saw her many times in fewer clothes or without any, but he knew those times are gone. Forever. She put a robe around herself quite quickly and walked closer to Daario. "What happened?" she raised her brow.
"Jon." he opened his mouth but she did not give him too much time to talk. 
"If he wants something why doesn't he come here? Since when you... do actions for him?" Dany shook her head. 
"It is not about that. We should... go outside." he glanced at Missandei.
"She is sleeping." Dany turned to Missandei then looked again to Daario. "And I'd like to sleep too if you don't mind." 
"Jon doesn't feel well. Your Grace." He tried to find the words on how to tell her. 
"I don't feel well either since he attacked me because of my decision," she admitted and took a deep breath. "I just thought we are adults enough to... talk about it." 
"Not in that way." Daario stopped her before she could turn away from him. "You should come with me." He looked into her eyes.
"Missandei:" she turned to her daughter, but she started to worry about Jon. 
"I've already sent someone for Nesera or Yara. One of them will be here in any minute." Daario answered calmly. 

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