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They were running through the corridors towards the great hall. She ordered some soldiers to accompany Yara there immediately. Jon saw how worried she is, and how she was scratching her fingers. He placed his hand to her hand, to stop it. 
"What if..." she took a deep breath.
"We're gonna solve it. No matter what she sees there." Jon stopped her before she could continue. She swallowed and she kept her eyes on the huge entrance door. It opened a minute later and Yara stepped inside. Dany immediately walked towards her and left Jon behind. 
"I am glad you are alive." she started and Jon slowly followed her towards Yara. 
"My life was not in danger." Yara smiled at them. "We stayed in the boat, as you wished. But... we..." She has clearly hesitated to say something. 
"What did you see?" Jon asked her in a very serious way. 
"I am... not sure." Yara started and swallowed.
"What do you mean you are not sure?" Dany frowned.
"Yara, are they still there or not?" Jon stepped closer to her and analyzing her reactions. 
"I haven't seen the Night King, neither those white-skinned ones." she shook her head. "Only some zombies but... I can't be sure I saw it right," she explained. "We tried to get as much close as we could, but ... the storm is getting bigger, colder... that storm is ruthless. The sea started to freeze around the shores." she swallowed. "The snowstorm ... we couldn't see through it. Not clearly. I sent two men to ... go closer but we heard their screams. Only their screams and they did not return." she lowered her head. Dany was standing there in silence. Jon saw how shocked she is, and she exactly knew what is in her mind. 
"Thank you, Yara. You should have some rest, before... we... depart. Because the things you have seen means... we have to depart as soon as possible." Jon sighed. "Daario. Grey Worm." he raised his eyes at them. "Prepare the people, and look for Tormund and Gendry." 
Daario nodded and immediately left, meanwhile Grey Worm was waiting for a bit longer. 
"Now!" Jon demanded him, with a very serious tone, and he pulled a face, but he turned to leave. 
"I ... If you forgive me, I prepare my people too. The deads don't rest." Yara bowed with her head and took a step backward. At the moment when they left alone, Dany almost collapsed to the stairs in front of the stone throne and staring the floor in front of her. Jon tried to control himself and his thoughts. He knew he has to remain calm, or everything will break into pieces around them. 

"What if the whole sea..." Dany started quietly.
"It won't," Jon answered confidently and turned to her.
"What if it does?" there was fear and desperation in her eyes at once. She was staring at his face. "What if the whole sea freezes? What if they can easily walk passed through it, and reach this Island?" 
"It is not possible." Jon shook his head.
"Are you sure?" Dany frowned. "They ... somehow ... they have taken out Viserion from that frozen lake." she stood up slowly. "Somehow they solved it. You cannot be sure that they can't pass that water, which is the only barrier between them and us." she stepped closer to Jon. "Now it is clear. He wants our daughter. That is why the storm is still there, they want to pass the sea to take her."
"We don't know. Dany." he placed his hands to her shoulders. "Do not lose hope. We... we should... first, try to calm down, we'll talk with Samwell. then... if... if that is the solution, we are going to leave. We defeat the raven, and that way we can defeat those dead people and the Night King. We just... have to think with a clear mind." he was looking at her face. "Please." he placed his palm to her cheek. "I can't do this alone. I need you." 
"Our daughter." her voice was trembling and he saw how a tear appeared in her eyes. 
"We have an army. You have a dragon. We can protect her." Jon tried to convince her, and she nodded slowly. 
"Where is Ghost?" It immediately came to her mind. That wolf is still linked to Jon. That wolf cannot be in the mainline when the battle comes. They have to lock him somewhere, but where, and how. If they leave him there behind... locked, there was a risk, maybe the wrights reach Dragonstone and turn him to a zombie. That way Jon probably would... he saw in her eyes how much she worries. The two-person who she loved more than anything was in danger. 

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