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"Tell me, what did you see exactly?" Daario asked him. Jon shouted with the captain of their ship, he almost punched him out, he did not accept any no for an answer, he wanted to go to the north. He knew there is something wrong with Daenerys. He saw it. Daario and Sam tried to hold him back, and they pulled him back to his room. "And what do you mean you saw it?" Daario still did not understand.
"We don't have time for this." Jon was still nervous, and he was yelling with them.
"The captain and the army who is traveling with us, follow the Queen's command, and she told us to go to Dragonstone." Daario told him "Would you finally explain what did you see exactly?" Daario tried to understand.
"She is in danger. Daenerys." Jon took a deep breath.
"And you saw it in your... dream?" Daario made a face. Jon looked like he lost his mind. 
"Jon." Sam crouched next to him. "What happened?"
"We have to go there," Jon answered and he was sweating. His eyes told how afraid he was. 
"If something is really happening there right now, we won't arrive on time. It takes at least 3 more days, to reach the White Harbour then... who knows where is she." Sam frowned. 
"Four." Daario corrected him. "The weather got worse, the sea is ... shaking. Our journey won't be easy, we can't go to the north. Not in this weather. And especially not because of some.. nightmare." Daario made a face.
"It was not just a nightmare. She and Liliyanna both in danger. Drogon left them." Jon stood up and standing face to face with Daario. The tension between them can easily felt by anyone.


Dany started to open her eyes. She felt how the heat penetrates her body. She needed some minutes to realize where is she. She heard how the tree branches crunch under the fire, and she felt some smell. The smell of some food. There was a huge blanket in her body, lined with fur. She never felt anything warmer than this. Her head was dizzy and she was weak. She barely could move. 
"You wake up." she heard a woman voice. "Better later than never" she added, then she made from the soup and sat to the edge of the bed. "You have to eat." 
Daenerys tried to sit up and when she looked to the side, she spotted Ghost. He was laying there on the floor. 
"He found you. Do you know that wolf?" the woman asked.
"Who are you?" Dany tried to talk slowly, barely audible. 
"Eat." she answered and raised the cup to her mouth and helped her to drink from it. "it will warm you up, Your Grace."
Dany stopped and pushed the cup away from her mouth. Slowly. She needed all of her strength.
"How do you know... "she looked around and searched for her clothes, and her sword. 
"Silver hair, flying on a dragon's back. It wasn't that hard." the woman smiled "I just don't understand how you could be that reckless to fly through the snowstorm."
"It is not your business." Dany tried to be strong.
"Is she that distrustful and odious with everyone?" The woman turned to the table, and Liliyanna was sitting there. She was eating. Daenerys felt a bit calmer when she spotted her too. She was glad, that she is alive, but she still did not understand, how Drogon just left her there. 
"It is difficult for her to trust people," Liliyanna answered quietly. 
"Eat." the woman turned back to Daenerys again "We don't have much time, you have to get stronger."


"Dragonstone is not ..." Arya frowned when she spotted the shores. She glanced at Yara and she just smiled. "Where are we..." Arya continued.
"The Queen told us exactly what we have to do and where we have to go... she had a quite good plan... And I can't talk about it. We'll reach the shores soon." Yara nodded. "Our task is to make the castle and the ground clear before she arrives. We have to make this place safe before the princess..." Yara stopped talking. She realized it is not safe. Not without a priestess or Missandei around them. Bran has eyes and ears everywhere, and she even saw more ravens since they got closer to Westeros. "Get Ready. I think they are already waiting for us." Yara took a deep breath and walked inside. 

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