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"This is Jon Snow" Dany presented him to Daario after he finally told his soldiers to let him in. When Daenerys mentioned she arrived with a friend, Daario was not pleased, and the situation even got worse, when they first saw each other. Jon slowly walked up in the stairs and stood close to Dany. So close, as he was protecting her.
"And" Dany looked to Jon "This is Daario Naharis, the leader of the Second Sons."
The two men just stared at each other, assess each other. Dany felt the tension in the air and she already hated it. She knew it won't be easy. She knew she was standing between two men who love her. The ridiculous thing was... one of them would never hurt her, no matter what the other people want or what is good for the world, meanwhile the one she loved more than anything killed her. For duty. She did not understand herself.
"I think you can leave now. The Queen is in safe." Daario stretched his hand towards him "Thank you, for bring her back here."
"I think you misunderstood something. "Jon shook his hand "I am not going anywhere." Jon felt how Daario squeezed his hand, and there was a fake smile in both of their faces.
"You don't belong here." Daario continued.
"If she stays, I stay." he answered and pulled himself out. Daario was way taller than him, but in body structure and details... Jon was the winner.
"I..." Daario wanted to continue.
"Have you finished?" Dany gave them an angry look and walked to the throne. She placed her hand to it and waited any of them have something else to add, but they both remained in silence. "Good." she sighed" I don't want revenge. I don't want the Seven Kingdoms anymore." she started.
"What? But..." Daario started.
"I want to ... " she turned to him "I want to keep my daughter in save. I want to protect her, and protect this country. I want to end this war."
"What did you say?" Daario stepped closer. Jon just stood there with a small smile. He wanted to tell it to his face, yes, she has a daughter, they have a daughter. He was proud.
"I have a daughter. She is ... in save now, but we have to stop the new King of Westeros." she glanced to Jon "He wants to see us dead. Me and her too. And I need you, and my allies to keep her in save, and give her what she deserves. A normal life."
"Who is the father?" he sighed and stared her. He was jealous, and he was sure in the answer but he had to ask it.
"It doesn't matter and that is not important in this situation" Dany lowered her head and walked down in the stairs. She felt how Jon looked at her. She felt his disappointment, but she did not feel right at that moment, to tell Daario. It was enough for one day. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "And Daario. Do not tell anyone I am here. Not yet. The dothrakies will join us. Soon. When they arrive I will announce it to the people. Not sooner."
"As you wish." he bowed. "But... "
"Yes." she looked to him.
"What about Drogon? He is here. I heard it. He wasn't here since you left. And..."
"He is a free dragon. "she shrugged her shoulders "He can be anywhere he wants" she started to walk out then she stopped at the door and looked back to Jon "Are you staying here?"
He did not say a word, just went down in the stairs, and followed her. He had many questions. He had many doubts. He hated the Second Sons already, but that was nothing compared to the feeling of what he felt towards to Daario Naharis. That man was arrogant, irritating and pompous, and the way he was staring Dany. He wanted to kill him, at the first moment.

Dany walked to her chambers. She smiled a bit, when she saw it was untouched. She did not expect it. She thought they already used this chamber to enjoy the pleasures. She always knew about their addiction to the women and sex, and she had no problem with it, until they respected the women, and did not rape them. She walked around and touched everything. There was a big map in the middle of the room. She smiled. She thought back how many times she planned the conquer of Westeros at that table. She heard how Drogon roared outside, and walked there. The dragon was flying around, as he rules the whole city. He was home. He belonged there. He belonged to Essos.
"It is beautiful" Jon stopped next to her and looked around. They saw the whole city from there. They were almost at the top of the Pyramid.
"It looks like it." Dany answered "but there are people here too... who are starving, who have no home, no family. I wanted to help those people."
"You did. You ended slavery." Jon answered sternly.
"I did." she nodded. "Do you ask it or let it drive you crazy?" she glanced at him. She knew, it was not Meeren, what he wanted to talk about. No. Jon Snow mind was in somewhere else. He was jealous, and if she wanted to be honest, she enjoyed it somehow. Seeing how protective he became, when he saw Daario, that was a new thing. A thing what she never experienced from him. Jon always hid his emotions very good, in front of others. Just as she. She was a Queen, she couldn't seem week. No one could see her weakness.

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