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Jon walked with her to Drogon. He did not want to leave her alone. He saw - no matter how hard she tries to hide - how she fears. She was unsure of herself. That was a strange thing from Daenerys but also an understandable thing. She was looking at Drogon at placed her hand to him.
"As I said." Jon stepped next to her. "You don't have to if you are not ready." He was watching her.
"When I'll be ready then?" She looked at his face.
"I don't know." He smiled a bit. "Power is a dangerous thing."
"But without power, we can't protect her." She answered and she took a step. Started to climb to the dragon's back. Jon stepped back and watched her. She closed her eyes and Drogon flew up to the sky.
"I love you Dany." He whispered and went to the field where the others were waiting for him.

The armies were murmuring. Especially the Second Sons. They had no idea what is going on, meanwhile, the dothrakies wanted to see her. Wanted to know it is true. Wanted to know the Queen is really back or that was just some scam.
"Where were you?" Arya asked Jon when he arrived. "I hate to stay alone with that."
"I wanted to be sure she..."
"Won't burn them alive?" Arya asked him. "You can never be sure."
Jon frowned. She hated his sister still makes such comments.
"You'll never forgive her. Don't you?"
"I am not thinking with my dick and I keep my eyes open" she did not look at him. He wanted to answer, he wanted to argue with her, but that would make no sense. Nothing could change Arya feelings towards to Dany. Only time... Jon was glad some way because she is there but meanwhile he thought... her presence just makes things harder. He had no chance to spend real time with Dany since Arya was in Meeren and Daario was just constantly beside Dany. Jon hated it. And now he knows he has to leave. He has to bring back her daughter. Maybe that will help to make peace between everyone. She was a miracle. He had no idea where would they be if Missandei doesn't exist. Maybe Dany would already put a stake to his heart. At the first moment when she saw him. Or maybe Drogon would have never brought him there. They heard the roar and the big enormous beast landed in front of the army. With Daenerys Targaryen on his back. Everyone remained in silence. They were in shock. They couldn't believe their own eyes. She slowly climbed down from Drogon and staring at the crowd.

Jon noticed how her hand was shaking. He narrowed his eyes and took a step closer. Dany crossed her hands and walked forward while Drogon flew up and left her there with a loud roar. Jon and Daario were standing next to each other. Dany glanced back and saw them. Daario was smiling at her meanwhile Jon looked more worried. Dany sighed and turned back to the armies.

"Blood of My Blood" she started in dothraki "I told my bloodriders to bring you here if you still believe in your Khaleesi. You are here and I promise you if you help me to save this country from the ones who wanna destroy it, we'll make a better world. Not the other side of the Narrow Sea. Not in a foreign land. Here. For you!" She shouted and the dothrakies started to cheer her. She finally could smile a bit. Those people respected and loved her. She turned to the others.
"Second Sons. You were mercenaries but years ago you decided to fight for me. For me. For Daenerys Targaryen. I came back from the dead because my fight is not done yet. You followed that man" she pointed to Daario. He straightened himself and gave a look-out look to Jon "and you became heroes. You saved Dragon's Bay from the slave-holders and kept the peace. The peace what we earned. Together. Will you fight by my side again to keep this land save from a foreign enemy?" She took a deep breath while the Second Sons started to cheer her. "Now and Forever?" They cheered louder.

"They really love her. Aren't they?" Arya looked around.
"As I said." Jon placed his hand to her shoulder "she is not that monster who you think she is."
"Maybe. But she just inciting them to win a war against or brother." Arya stated and walked away. He just sighed. He felt there will be never peace in this family. They both were his family... even if they hate each other. Jon was started to thinking. He did not feel safe to leave Arya behind while he goes back to Meeren. He did not trust his own sister. She was not that little innocent girl who he grew up with. She was a warrior. Just as Dany. He smiled a bit when he realized how similar they are. Strong women who never really needed a man to achieve their goals and meanwhile they are more look like enemies from the first moment. At least Arya was a bit better than Sansa...

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