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"Everything will be alright." Jon was sitting next to her and caressed her forehead. She had pains. She cried out many times. It was the time. It was the time for this baby to born. Jon was staring at Kinvara. She helped Dany. He was really grateful to her. Without her... he had no idea what to do. Dany squeezed his hand many times there were tears in her eyes. Jon was just looking at her and he felt himself the luckiest man in the world. He believed maybe this child... their child can save them. Maybe that child can give them another chance.
"I can't" Dany suffered. Her face became so white and she doesn't look good. He started to worry about her.
"You can" he held her hand in front of his mouth and gave a kiss to it. "You can Dany."
"If... "she tried to talk. "If... you have to promise me."
"No. Dany." He was crying. He saw Kinvara worry and that made it even worse. "You have to survive this. You survived many more things. Dany." A tear fall from his eyes.
"Promise me Jon."
"Save her." Jon glanced to the red priestess "Save her!" He yelled with her.
"Go out." She answered.
"GO!" she told him louder and at that moment they heard a noise from the other room. Jon jumped up. "GO!" Kinvara told him again. He hesitated. He looked to Dany then the red woman then back to Dany. He took a deep breath and placed his hand to his sword. Slowly opened the door and walked out. Someone entered. Someone is in the house. That was not a question... Jon looked around and tried to breathe quietly. He stayed at the door.

A soldier came out from the kitchen at that minute. They looked at each other. Jon's hand was still on Longclaw, he was ready to cut him into pieces. 
"What do you want?" He asked them.
"It is none of your business peasant." The soldier answered. Jon looked his armour. He was a soldier from Westeros. He frowned and he was sure that soldier is not alone. "Get the hell out of my way." He took a step closer and that moment Jon slammed his sword.
"Where did you steal that sword peasant. It is too costly for a dirty mumper" the soldier smirked "You really think you can beat a royal soldier?" He laughed at him.
"I will try." Jon answered. He was calm and ready but also confused. That man ... that armour. He was sure he is wrong. It cannot be what he thought. Two other men came out from the kitchen. They smirked too.
"If you let us do our task you have no harm." The other soldier told him.
"What is your task?" He was upset and he knew he protect Dany and his child, no matter the cost. "Maybe I agree and let you do it "
"We don't need your permission pleasant." The other soldier answered and he attacked Jon in the next second. Jon easily dismantled him and beat him out. The other two continued. They tried everything but Jon was still the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms or in whole the world. He stabbed one then he turned to the other.
"I ask one more time. What do you want? Maybe if you tell me I won't kill you immediately." He was commanding authority and no matter how he hated killing, sometimes he had to. Sometimes that was the only way. The soldier dropped off his sword and ran out from the flat but Jon grabbed the dagger what was in the floor and tossed it to his back. He fell dead in the middle of the street.
He went to the one who he beat out at first and grabbed him by his neck.
"Why are you here?" He was mad and fearful.
"By the King's command." He answered meanwhile Jon was choking him.
"Which King?" He asked "Which King?" He yelled.
"King Bran, The Broken! Please."
Jon frozen. His eyes widen. He couldn't believe it. He tried to focus.
"What was his command?" Jon's face was distorted while he choking him more.
"To kill the Targaryen girl and her bastard." At that moment Jon dipped his sword into his chest. He stood up and held his forehead. That cannot be possible. Bran knew about her. Bran knew she is alive and he wanted to murder her? He was his brother. He knew how she loved her. He sent him to the Wall because he murdered her and he did not even let him know she is alive.

Suddenly he came to mind and realized he has no time to think about it. Not now. "Dany." He whispered and almost ran back to the room. At the moment he entered he saw a beautiful baby in Kinvara's hand. She was crying. He started to smile then looked to Dany. She was not conscious. He went closer and placed his hand to her forehead. She was so heated. He raised his eyes to Kinvara. He wanted to ask but he was a coward to ask it. The women stood up and handed the baby to him. He took the child and watched with admiration.
"The princess who was promised."
"Princess?" Jon asked quietly with tears in his eyes.
"She is a girl."
Jon placed the baby to his chest and he was crying. He couldn't speak. He turned to Dany. She did not react but she was breathing.
"She lost much blood." Kinvara stated.
"But she survives? Right?" He needed her to confirm it.
"Only the Lord knows. Maybe that was her responsibility. To give birth to this child."
"No." Jon shook his head. He refused to believe it.
"We cannot do anything for her now." Kinvara placed her hand to his shoulder. Jon clenched his mouth and nodded. Kinvara stretched her hand for the baby and Jon gave his child to her. She smiled and walked out.

Jon was standing there and looked the only woman he ever really loved in his life. He was in love twice. Both ended tragically. Years ago he was just so young and he had no idea what love is. He loved Ygriette but never the way how he loved Dany. She was different. She was his other half. He sat next to her in the bed and squeezed her hand.
"You..." he started "You told me together we can do everything. I was a fool. I betrayed you and maybe you'll never be able to forgive me. But I love you Dany. I let myself manipulated by the people around me. After what you did... I thought it is the right thing. I thought it is the only way." He was crying "but... I was wrong. I ... I cannot lose you again. Even if you're not willing to see me ever again. You have to survive. You have to come back to me. To your child. To our child. She needs you. Everyone needs you. Please" he begged her and kissed her hand. "Please"

Hours passed but Jon did not move. He was staying with her and hoped. Hoped everything will be alright. He heard how the door opened behind him.
"You should eat something."
"I don't want to." He answered quietly. "My daughter?"
"Sleeping." The red priestess answered "you should give her a name."
Jon was staring Dany.
"I don't have the right to give her a name."
"You do. You were here when they needed you."
"For what? To see her die again?" He tried to speak.
"You have to believe in her." She answered "and if she needs to go now... you have to protect your daughter. She is alone. And the world is a dangerous place. If you were not here we all be dead already."
"I don't understand. Those soldiers... they told me Bran sent them there. That is impossible. Why would he..." he was still confused and try to find the answers.
"She is a threat. She and her dragon. And now... her daughter is a threat too. They'll always be. They are the last Targaryens. No matter what kind of kingdom they made in Westeros until she is alive... they will be afraid of her."
"I am a Targaryen too."
"And they exiled you to the Wall. They would kill you too in the minute when you want to enforce your right to the Iron Throne. Because of your name."
"They would never do this." Jon answered but he was not sure anymore.
"Are you sure Jon Snow? You should choose more wisely who do you trust. Last time maybe you trusted too many who just used you to achieve their goals. And you killed the woman you loved. Because they told you that is the right thing. And where are they now?" She was talking so calm and she only spoke the truth. "And where are you now? How much they lost and how much you lost? What did they sacrifice and what did you sacrifice."
Jon was listening her quietly. Her words hurt him but only because those words made him think. Made him realize ... he really made the wrong choice that moment. Tyrion knew what he has to say. Sansa... his own sister betrayed him. Maybe she wanted good but in the end it doesn't change in anything. And Bran. Those soldiers. The thing Bran did not send a raven to him.
"You could have broken this wheel together." She continued. Those were Dany's last words before he stabbed her. He turned to Kinvara. "Now this wheel is just stronger." She finished and turned away. She walked out from the room but left the door open. Jon looked back to Dany and gave a kiss to her forehead. He heard the voice of his child. He stood up and walked out from the room. He was staring her daughter in the cradle. She was beautiful and small. She was a gift what he thought he'll never have. At that moment all words of Aemon Targaryen got meanings. Real meanings. "What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms ... We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy."

He wanted nothing else. He wanted to live his life with Daenerys. He wanted to raise their child together. He did not care about duty... that was all he wanted in his whole life. He was good at killing but he always hated it. How he was looking into the eyes of that little girl everything what he thought about life was about to change. In the next moment he realized how hard it will be. They will be haunted forever and they cannot hide from Bran. Maybe... if he'll talk with him. Maybe if he can convince him Dany is not a threat anymore. Neither her child. Their child. A small smile appeared on his face.
"You are a miracle. You know that, right?" He placed his hand to the baby head gently. "And I will protect you from everything. I promise you. No matter the cost. Nothing can hurt you." He made an oath to his daughter at that moment. From now on he had only one duty. To keep her safe and that place were not save anymore. No place was safe for them until he can talk with Bran. He was his brother. He was his family. He never asked anything from him or anyone.

"You need to sleep." Kinvara went to him.
"I can't." He shook his head. "I need to protect them."
"You already did. I don't think any more soldier is here by now."
Jon looked into the room where Dany was laying.
"You cannot do anything for her now. She is stronger than you think. She is stronger than anyone thinks."
"I know she is." He agreed and looked back to his daughter. They will survive it. All of them. It has to be in this way.

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