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"What did you say?" Jon narrowed his eyes, and he felt how his blood was boiling. He hated when she does that. He hated it when she kept things hidden from him. He only expected from her to tell him everything, because time proved together they were stronger. Together they can defeat everything, but still... she kept a secret from him again and made a plan against his sister. Dany was embarrassed, and she tried to avoid looking into his eyes. 
"It was my command. I knew Sansa is planning something and I wanted to know..." she was talking quietly.
"For God's Sake Daenerys!" Jon raised his voice. Everyone surprised in the room.  Grey Worm placed his hand to his weapon. He was ready to defeat his Queen against Jon. She slowly raised her eyes at Jon and sighed. 
"It was necessary," she answered to him and her lips were trembling a bit. He was right. She knew that. He has every right to be mad at her, but not there, not now.
"Will you ever be honest with me?" Jon shook his head, and he stormed out of the room. Slammed the door behind his back. She jolted by the sound. The three men kept their eyes on her and she knew that scene should have not happened in front of them. Especially not in front of Tyrion. He should have not seen their weakness. 
"What ... " she swallowed "What I don't understand, why you Daario Naharis did not inform me about... that meeting happened," she asked him and frowned.
"I did not have a chance."
"When did you talk with Sansa, exactly?" she glanced at Tyrion.
"Yesterday... afternoon when ... everyone was at the shores," he answered. 
"So you did not have time to inform me, since yesterday afternoon? How strange is that?" Dany raised her brow. "We'll talk about it later." her face changed and she began to doubt in him. "First I want to talk with Tyrion." She sat down at the table. "And I want to hear every word that Sansa Stark told you." she pointed to the other chair and instructed him to sit down. 

Jon was mad. Disappointed. Angry. He went to their room and slammed the door again, behind him. He did not want to go to the garden, because he knew Missandei is there with Nesera. He did not want her to see him in this condition. His daughter was unique, she has the ability to feel if there is something wrong. Not to mention he did not want to meet with anyone. Especially not with his sister. He was sure, he couldn't stop to ask her about the thing that Tyrion said. He was mad at Daenerys, but he was mad at his sister at the same time. He couldn't believe that she would be able to do that. He was walking up and down in the room, and he had no idea what to do. The war was close, they should be preparing for it, and not to deal with such things. The real enemy was out there. Two enemies at once, and they still have trust issues with his love. He has to worry because his sister wants to kidnap his daughter. That was ... he couldn't believe. 

"Missandei. Where are you going?" Nesera stood in her way and crouched down when she wanted to enter into the castle. She looked worried and confused.
"Daddy is sad," she told her. 
"What? How..." Nesera frowned. "Why do you think that princess?"
"I feel it." she looked at her so innocently. 
"As I know your dad and your mother have a ... a quite important meeting right now, you can't go there. But I am sure as soon as they finish they'll come for you." she took her tiny hands. 
"It hurts them." she continued. 
"There are many things in their minds right now. Probably..."
"They are angry. And daddy hurts." she looked into Nesera eyes. "I know it." 

"Why did you chose, to tell all those things to me?" Dany frowned after Tyrion finished. 
"She did not want anything wrong. She just wants to keep her family safe. Her sister. But I know ... if I let her try... If I ... let her do it or help her... that would be an unforgivable sin." he answered and he looked honest. "We are not each other enemy. Not now. As you said, we have to win against the wrong decision we made. We have to defeat Bran Stark before he defeats the whole world." he swallowed.
"He is not Brandon Stark." Dany leaned back on the chair. "He became something else. His mind is controlled by something else. Something dark and powerful. He has an excuse, but what is the excuse for Sansa Stark?" she shook her head. 
"Her love for her family. You'd do the same in her place. I know you." he started to talk with her so directly, amiably. Dany narrowed her eyes. "Your Grace." He tried to correct himself. "I did many things for my family, even if they did not deserve it. You know it. More than anyone else. And Arya Stark is..."
"I want to save her too, but not at the cost of my daughter's life." she sighed. "Thanks for letting me know. Everything. I trusted in your common sense, and in your decision."
"It was a test for me?" Tyrion asked her.
"A test for you, a test for Sansa Stark... I wanted to know what is she planning. I want to see things clear this time." she raised her brow and started to play with a figure in the table. "You can go now," she added.
"If you forgive me." Tyrion continued when he stood up. Grey Worm stepped next to him immediately. "You should not keep secrets from each other. Secrets cause differences and problems, and if you don't trust him with your whole heart... I just want to say, I don't want you to ... " He hesitated.
"To die again by the hands of the man I love?" Dany finished his sentence.
"He would never do that again. He loves you more than that. It is clear. He wouldn't be here if he does not feel you worth it. If you could forgive him that he did against you, that love must be something more unique than I ever thought. Do not let it ruined by secrets and lies. That is all I wanted to say." Tyrion lowered his head. Dany felt herself like old times when she trusted that man. When he was her most important confidant. For a moment... but then she reminded herself, he was the man who convinced Jon Snow to kill her. Even if he thought it was the right decision, he betrayed her. He took revenge on her, because of his family. Tyrion Lannister was a dangerous player in this game, and she vowed, she'll never do the same mistake again. She'll never put her trust in a Lannister. Neither anyone else. Not totally. Except for Jon Snow. She felt herself shit. She wanted to talk with Jon, but when she raised her head up, she saw Daario was still in the room. Standing at the end of the table, and waiting for her to question him about Sansa. 

"So, have you come up with an acceptable explanation, yet?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Why you forgot to inform me about the meeting?" 
"I did not want to disturb the family hours yesterday. I thought... and based on the scene that I saw today... Jon Snow has no idea about that plan. I was just... waiting for the right moment." Daario smiled. 
"Is that all?" Dany stood up and staring at him. 
"A few months ago I'd gladly disturb you two in those moments and generate arguments between you two, but I don't want to do this anymore," he confessed.
"So it is not because you really have feelings for her?" she walked closer. "Do not lie to me Daario Naharis. I know you more than that." she was standing right in front of him.
"I will never love anyone in the way I loved you. And I will never betray you," he answered and staring at her face.
"Not what I asked." Dany narrowed her eyes. 
"I only did that you command. Nothing else. I have nothing else to do with Sansa Stark." he answered confidently.
"I hope it stays that way." she stated, "You can go now. And Daario." She glanced at the window "Tell Yara to prepare a ship. Go back to the shores with a few men but do not dock. I just want to know those creatures are still there or not. And tell your soldiers to keep their eyes on my daughter more than ever. If Sansa tries to get close to her. I won't hesitate to make a decision." She ordered him then she walked out passed by him. The hardest thing is just coming and she was not sure she is ready for this.

Jenifire ran into Ghost and Nymeria in the corridor, and she surprised. Ghost immediately stepped closer to her, and she crouched and scratched his ears with a smile on her face. The next moment Tormund appeared behind them. 
"The wolves should be outside?" she sighed and stood up. 
"I don't think anyone can tell them what to do," Tormund answered. "It is surprising that you are still here. To be honest. I thought you'll leave them as soon as you'll be in safe." he still doesn't trust in that woman. There was something strange about her. 
"It's not me" she raised her eyes at him "Who does this." she pulled a face. "And It surprising that you managed to stay alive. Again. To be honest." she stated without emotions.
"I am a lucky man," Tormund answered. "There are some who take care of me." He glanced at the wolves.
"At least you can say that about yourself." she grimaced, then she wanted to walk away. 
"I don't remember, what did you say, where were you born?" Tormund turned after her and asked. Jenifire stopped but she did not turn back. 
"In the North." 
"Where... more precisely?" he raised his brow.
"I don't remember, and I have no family member who can tell me." she glanced back above her shoulder. 
"Tormund. I was looking for you." Jon appeared on the other side of the corridor. Jenifire seized the opportunity and left them there at that moment. Tormund kept his eyes on her for some more seconds, then turned to Jon.
"This worried face of you never means good," Tormund told him.
"We have to prepare for the war. We don't have much time. Come." he was straight and serious. "We have to give weapons to the people," Jon added and walked forward. Ghost made a noise, and he stopped. He lowered his eyes at him and petted his head. "Sorry, buddy. We don't have time for this now." he sighed.

When he wanted to walk away from the wolves, Daenerys showed up in front of him. Tormund immediately felt there is something wrong between them. The tension between them filled the corridor. 
"Can we talk?" Dany stepped closer to him.
"Not now." Jon looked into her eyes. "We have more important things to do. The war is here. We have to be ready. We have to prepare our armies." he was cold with her and wanted to walk on. 
"Jon." Dany tried to sound confident. 
"Rather, take care of our daughter's safety," he told her. 
"I did." Dany swallowed. "I... told Daario to ... keep their eyes on her. More than ever."
"Fine." he frowned and he wanted to leave her there again. 
"And... " Dany continued. "I am sorry." she glanced at Tormund. He tried to not pay attention to them, but it was not that easy. He was petting the wolves. "I should..." Dany took a deep breath.
"As I said we don't have time for this now." Jon gave her an angry look. "Tormund. We have to go." he almost ordered him, and walked away. Tormund smiled a bit at Daenerys and followed Jon. Dany was just standing there, and she felt how a wet thing touched her hand. It was Ghost. She crouched next to him and Nymeria also stepped closer to her. 
"If I tell you how sorry I am... does he hear it too?" Dany tried to smile at Ghost, and she knew she made a huge mistake this time. 

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