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"Jon!" Sansa noticed her brother on the street. She immediately took some steps to his direction. She worried about him and she worried about Arya. "What happened?" she asked him but Jon just smiled a bit at her, and walked on towards the top of the wall to see what is going on. Sansa glanced at Brienne, who did not leave her alone for a moment, then she hurried after Jon. 
"What is happening? Did they make any move?" he asked Yara. 
"Jon!" Sansa tried to get his attention desperately. He raised his hand and showed her to wait. 
"No." Yara shook her head. "But the storm... the snow. It is getting fiercer, and the temperature is constantly decreasing. Sooner or later we are all going to freeze... if we don't make a move."
"So that is how he wants to weaken us," Tyrion asked them. 
"He wants us to make the step. Daenerys was right." Jon sighed. "He wants us to do what he exactly wants." he frowned.
"Where is the Queen?" Yara asked hi.
"Where is Arya?" Sansa interrupted the talk again. "Jon" she grabbed his arm. "Where is Arya?" 
"I ... don't know." Jon tried to lie. "I ... you have to help us. You have to help people."
"No. What do you mean you don't know? Jon! Where is my sister? What happened?" Sansa freaked out.
"We don't have time for this." he turned his head towards the mist near to the castle. "Not now." he swallowed and looked at his sister. "You have to collect the women and children around the city. Take them to a safe place." Jon was staring at her face. "The other side of the city. They have to stay away from the fight. We have to protect them."
"But... I..." Sansa shook her head.
"You can't fight with them. You never had to fight in a battle. It is not the right time to start it. Be a responsible Queen, and took them to a safe place. Now." Jon tried to convince her.
"I help you, Your Grace." Brienne stepped next to her. 
"It is not mine... I have no right to tell you what to do" Yara stepped forward "But Ser Brienne I think we need you in the battlefield."
"I am afraid Lady Greyjoy is right." Jon nodded.

"We have some problem." Jenifire arrived at them and she looked worried. She immediately turned back to the direction where she came from, and everyone followed her. They reached the ground where they found many people who were near to the edge of freezing, especially children. "Soon all the fire will go out as well" Jenifire looked at Jon. "What is the plan? Please tell me you have one?"
"I don't understand." Jon shook his head, while he was staring at the little children and saw how Tormund placed a blanket on them. "Bran... the Night King should have lost ... should have lost some of his power, but it seems he is getting even stronger, with the death of ..." he was murmuring in himself. 
"Why do you think he should be weakened?" Jenifire raised her brow.
"Samwell." Jon tried to answer but his mind was racing. 
"I respect the Maesters, but... " Jenifire started "They know nothing about supernatural things. They have no knowledge of those things. Just a few words, and myths which have not been destroyed by some old ravens." she spread her arms.
"He wants my daughter. The Night King." Jon raised his eyes at Jenifire.
"That is sure. The question is how we give your daughter to him." she sighed.
"I don't understand anything." Sansa interrupted them again. "What the hell happened? Where is Arya? What happened with Bran? What is going on?" She grabbed Jon's arm and turned his body face to face. 
"And where is the Queen?" Tyrion stepped closer to him and staring at his face.
"She is preparing for the last battle," Jon answered to Tyrion, then raised his eyes towards the tower, where Drogon was waiting for his mother. "Sansa. I promise I'll explain everything later." he took a deep breath and turned back to his sister. "But right now If you don't take them some closed place, they are going to die." he pointed to the children around them and Sansa finally nodded. It seemed she finally understand. "Brienne, Tyrion help her," Jon ordered them. They started to collect the children and women around the streets while Jon walked to the gates and trying to see something through the lattices. He squeezed the edge of his sword and tried to control his breathing. 
"You don't want to go out there, right?" Yara stepped next to Jon. 
"Do I have a choice?" Jon glanced at her.
"You are going to die. You... you can't." Yara frowned. 

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