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"As I see you don't waste any of your time while the Queen is not in good condition," Daario stated when he spotted Jon in the company of Lilyanna and Nesera.
"What do you want?" He took a deep breath. He tried to hold himself back. There were many other and more important things that he can handle... and Daario is not one of them. He knows Daario and Daenerys have a past, and that is never changing. That is the past. He trusts Daenerys, and she is carrying their second child under her heart. He has no reason to be jealous of Daario or get involved in his games. 
"The people. They want to have a word with their Queen. She avoided talking with them in the past few days. They have problems and ..." Daario answered while he was playing with his dagger.
"I talk to them," Jon answered and wanted to walk passed by him, but he stopped Jon by his chest.
"Not so fast!" Daario told him. "You are no one for them. You are not their king. You have no right to go there." 
"Get your hands off me." Jon hissed. "As I said, I talk to them. You better mind your own business and keep my family safe. That is all you have to do." 
"She is their Queen. She has responsibilities." Daario answered, but Jon walked passed by him. He did not care about his opinion. "When did she authorize you to make decisions by her name?" he continued.
"When she agreed to marry me," Jon answered above his shoulder and walked away. Nesera and Lilyanna looked at each other, with a grim on their faces. 
"It would be better if you finally let the Queen go." Lilyanna took a step towards him "She doesn't love you. She never loved you. You were good to make up for the shortage." she shrugged her shoulder. "Finally you should accept it. Jon Snow is our King. Like it or not... he is the one she chose... And ... may I give you small advice? Open your eyes. She is not the one for you but maybe there is someone else. Not too far away." Lilyanna smirked and glanced at Nesera. She could kill her with her eyes, then she just walked away. Followed Jon. She wanted to see, how he handle the situation.

When Jon entered the hall the three men who were there looked to each other. They did not understand, who is he, or what is he doing here. He took a deep breath and walked to the throne chair. He stopped in front of it and looked down the people. Grey Worm was there, next to them, with many unsullied, and some of the dothrakies were standing in the stairs. They really take care of their safety. After that happened it was not surprising. 
"Who are you?" one man stepped forward and staring at him.
"I am here on behalf of the Queen. To help you." he lowered his head, then looked around again. He saw in Grey Worm's face, he hated the idea. It was clear, he thinks he doesn't deserve to stand there. If his life depends on Grey Worm, he would have been dead already.  
"Why is she hiding from us?" 
"She is your Queen. She has many other responsibilities." Jon answered.
"Her most important responsibility is her people." the man answered. "As long as her governor was there he always has time for us." 
"As I said, I am here on behalf of the Queen. To help you. If you tell me what is your problem." Jon tried to seem determined and strong. It was a strange feeling for him. He understood more and more what Daenerys felt when she was in the North with him. When no one wanted to accept her. Their worlds were different and it was hard to unite those. 
"We want to talk with Daario Naharis if the Queen is not here. Not with a foreigner." the man was stubborn and hostile.
"Jon Snow is the hand of the Queen." Lilyanna took a step into the hall. She was standing behind the three men and they turned to him. Two soldiers immediately stood right next to her, to keep her save if it is necessary. "He is your future King. Maybe he is a foreigner, but if you don't even give him a chance, you will never know what kind of man he is." 
"We did not ask your opinion witch." one of them answered to her and made a face.
"I am a witch. So you better be careful about your words." she smiled a bit, and that moment the fire flared up around the hall. The three men looked at each other. They were confused. Jon was grateful. He has no idea what to think about Lilyanna, but she helped him in this situation.

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