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"I have a bad feeling" Daario stated when they arrived at the Red Temple. There were no people in the streets and it was too quiet everywhere. Jon looked at him worriedly then entered into the building. It also looked empty. They looked at each other then went inside. Jon was worried too. He ... Kinvara told them their daughter is in save there. They believed her. His hand was on Longclaw and walked slowly. Some noises came out from a room. He placed his hand to the door button and raised his eyes to Daario again. He was holding his weapon and nodded. Jon took a deep breath and entered.

"Jon Snow!" Kinvara stood in front of them, and she was surprised. There were children around the room. They were in their beds and everyone looking at them in shock. Kinvara gave them an angry look. "Don't worry. These two men won't hurt you." she smiled at the children then turned back to Jon and Daario. She walked out from the room and they were following her.
"Are you crazy?" she asked them.
"We thought..." Jon started.
"We thought there is something wrong." Daario finished his sentence.
"Daario Naharis." Kinvara eyed him and smiled with satisfaction
"How do you know my name?" He frowned and placed his sword back to the sheath.
"It doesn't matter. Not now." Jon cut him "Where is my daughter?"
"Sleeping." Kinvara smiled. "She is a baby, and it is late at night. You can meet with her soon, but I don't wanna wake her up."
Jon nodded. The red woman started to walk and they followed her.
"I suppose you are hungry." she stated and led them into the kitchen. They sat down and Daario immediately started to eat. Jon just sat there and he relieved a bit. They were there. His daughter is in save, and tomorrow they can bring her back to her mother.

"Surprising to see you two together." Kinvara told them and staring the two men. "The two important men in the Queen's life. Two men who would die for her. Two men who would kill anything or anyone for her."
"And only one man who was capable to kill her" Daario added, and Jon could kill him with his eyes.
"Daenerys Targaryen had to die. That is how her fate fulfilled. Just as his." she raised her eyes to Jon Snow. "This is how it can be a whole."
"I don't understand what are you talking about." Daario frowned.
"There are things in the universe that only our God knows. They were chosen from their birth. The ice and fire. Daenerys as fire and Jon Snow, as ice. Our task was ... to bring them together."
"Melissandre." Jon realized, and Kinvara just nodded.
"They had to go through a parallel journey to be here where are they now. They fought, they lost, they loved, they suffered, they saved many, and killed many. They led people to war and saved people. They made mistakes, and they died for their mistakes." Kinvara sat down.
"I never understood, when you are talking" Daario wiped his mouth.
"You don't have to. You only have to keep your oath. Now and forever." she looked him suspiciously.

"Where are the people from the street?" Jon asked her.
"They are hiding. Most of them left. They knew something is coming. Some great threat. They saw the army. They scared. And the Iron Bank sent exactors."
"Why?" Jon did not understand.
"To let people know the war is coming. They chose a side. They seem... chose to support Westeros and they wanted to weaken Essos in their own way." she explained "Can you imagine what happens in Essos if your brother occupies it?"
"Westeros lords never interested in Essos." Daario leaned back.
"No. They did not. But that king is different. He is the living memory of the human. He has huge power and that power eroded him. He wants more. He wants the whole known and unknown world. Not just Westeros."
"How do you know?" Jon asked her.
"You still trust your brother Jon Snow." she lowered her head "Your trust and loyalty to your family will be the death of you if you don't accept who you are finally. You have to accept the dragon inside, and let the wolf go because that is not what she or your daughter needs now."
"I am just... "he sighed "Trying to understand."
"Your brother is dead." Kinvara looked into his eyes. "And you know that too, you just don't want to accept it. Sooner or later you have to... but I hope it won't be too late for her."
"I told ya." Daario stated "You should go home, and live your life, and let her live her life with that child."
"You really don't know when you should shut your mouth." Jon straightened in the chair and looked at him threateningly.
"That is not an option. Never was. Without Jon Snow, she can't win the war."
"Why?" Daario shrugged his shoulder. "Why is he so special?"
"Because the Lord chose him to protect the princess who will bring the dawn." Kinvara answered. "They keep the balance together."

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