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"That is a brothel" Jon stated.
"One of the best in Essos. Mantarys is not a huge town, but the girls are ..." Daario laughed."
He went forward and Jon followed him. After they entered it was clear, that is not the first time, when Daario was there. He frowned and looked around. There were different girls everywhere, different ages, from the youngest to old ones.
"Do not look that miserably." Daario turned to him. "You act as you've never been a brothel."
"I wasn't" Jon sighed.
"I used to live my life in a different way. Different places. I spent most of my life beyond the wall and there are no brothels there in the North."

Daario clearly surprised and handed an ale to his hand. He shook his head, but then Daario nodded with his head.
"Drink. It is better than stay in some godforsaken place." he walked to a table and sat down. Jon held his ale and sat opposite to him.
"What you said." Daario drank into his jug "Is still not clear. You are a Targaryen? Just as Daenerys?"
"I am." Jon nodded. "I am the son of her brother."
"That story is more interesting." he placed his legs to the table. "But it explains why she fond of you. Even if you killed her."
Jon frowned. He did not want to talk about this topic, not with Daario, not there. He wanted to erase it from his memory. Daario drank the whole jug, then brought another for himself.
"And you've never been a brothel. What kind of man are you?"
"It seems there are different things what important in our lives." he answered and felt himself unpleasantly.
"Did you ever fuck her? I mean you had sex with her, because you can make her pregnant, but I mean... did you really fuck her in the way she likes it?"
"It is not a topic what I am going to discuss with you." he squinted.
"Oh, come on. We are alone. Have you ever fucked with anyone instead of her?"
"As I said, it is none of your business."
"I did. I was with many. And I know how to please a woman. Even the Dragon Queen. Oh, I remember her moans ... how those moans filled the room. She is a wild cat or a real dragon. I never experienced that kind of sex with any other girl. She never gets enough." he continued.
"You breaking the point." Jon looked him threateningly.
"The truth hurts." he smirked "I just can't imagine a virgin boy or man ... can satisfy her needs. We all have needs." he was looking sideways and a young girl was walking towards him.
"I better go to sleep." Jon stood up. He needed to stay away from Daario, before he does some reckless thing. The feeling... he wants to kill him just grows in him day by day. When he wanted to leave a girl stood right in front of him.
"You are a stranger." she looked into his eyes and placed her hand to his chest. She had blonde long hair, and blue eyes. She did not wear too many clothes, her breast can be clearly seen. "I love strangers. And I love to show them how we please a man." she almost licked his lips and with her hand, she grabbed his dick through his pants. Jon clutched her arm and pulled it away from himself right at that moment. He glanced at Daario. There was a woman in his lap and he was caressing her breast. Jon rolled his eyes.
"We are leaving at dawn. We are not here because of this." he told him then started to walk away.
"He has no idea what he misses." Daario smiled at the girl, then kissed her while with his other hand he pulled the other girl to his lap too.

Jon was laying on the bed. He heard many groans and moans and he couldn't sleep. He was just staring the ceiling and thinking about Daenerys. Those things what Daario told him earlier... still bothered him. Even the fact that how he was fucking her. He knew it is her past. He had a past too, and they were never talking about it. Maybe they should. He felt maybe he is right and he is not enough for Dany. Maybe she just let him stay because of their daughter. Many things were in his mind that night, and he missed her.


Dany couldn't sleep either. She was standing at the balcony. She wanted to know where are they. She was worried... for Jon. And for Daario too. Maybe let them leave together was not the best idea. Both men were intense, reckless sometimes and both were in love with her. She still had no idea what to expect from Daario if she let Jon back to her life as ... her lover. She closed her eyes and placed her arms around her body. She missed him. Missed his touch and his kisses. She never stopped loving him no matter how she tried to deny it. He was her one true love. She touched the wound. It was still there. It will never heal. She may forgive him someday but that wound will be there forever. To remind her for his betrayal. She smiled a bit when she thought about Missandei. Their daughter... maybe she was the sign. The reason to forgive him. A miracle what created the balance between them. The reason to forget the horrible things in the past and create a better future together.

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