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"What was so urgent?" Daenerys walked with Daario out from her chamber. She was tense and she was really not on the mood to discuss the things about Essos or the war. She finally got back her daughter and she wanted to spend time with her. She knew she is the Queen, she knew she had responsibilities but she was a mother now, and that things made her see things differently. 
"We experienced some ... worrisome things." Daario started "People are afraid. The streets of Volantis are empty. The news of the war ... maybe make some of them turn against you."
"Why? I wanna save them!" Dany spread her arms.
"I know you do." he stood in front of her. "But they only see, you came here, announced you are alive, and now Westeros wanna subjugate the country."
"Bran would do this anyway, even if I wasn't there." she answered and rolled her eyes. 
"Sooner or later he probably would, but the people in Essos..."
"What do you offer me to do?" she looked at him. Daario went a bit closer to her. 
"I am not your counselor. I would never tell you what to do. You are my Queen and I trust your decisions." he sighed "I only know I don't want you to be hurt. Neither that child, and I would do everything to keep you in save."
"I appreciate it." Dany raised her eyes to him. "What about the... soldiers who went to the Isle of Naath?" she walked a bit further from Daario.
"We have no news about them, but I am sure they already reached the Island. I have no doubts if the Unsullied get to know you are alive, they are coming back." 
"And I am still not sure... we have a chance." she sighed "If Bran unites all armies in Westeros. If he can believe them I am a danger for them..." she was thinking loudly. 
"I'll always be next to you" he answered and lowered his head. Dany smiled a bit to him. "And I'll kill the King for you. I promise"
"I don't think he'll come here." she shook her head.
"Then maybe we should go there."
"It won't work. He sees... many things, and we still have no idea how his power works exactly. Did Kinvara..."
"No. She ... can't help in this. I am not sure they can help with anything, to be honest." Daario answered. He really did not believe in it. "she explained something about they are not masters, and don't have knowledge from the books but... if you ask me, they have less power than we think."
"They brought me back." Daenerys looked at him angrily. "After that, who I am to questioning their power?" 

Daario remained in silence. That was true, but still, he has many doubts in the Lord of Lights and his followers. He never believed in those things. He believed in love and fight. Those two things were real for him. 
"What ... how was the trip with Jon Snow?" Dany asked him after some hesitation.
"Eventful" he answered in one word. 
"What does that mean?" Dany frowned. 
"We... spent a night in a brothel. And..."
"What?" Dany felt how her blood started to boil. "You did what?" 
"We... thought it is better to spend a night in some save place, than in the middle of the desert. So we..."
"You took my daughter to a brothel? That is what you call a save place?" Dany stepped closer. 
"No. That was our first night. Missandei wasn't with us that night." he swallowed. "We spent the night there and a girl tried to kill me. I assume he tried to kill him but she missed it."
"It was before or after you fucked her?"
"Are you jealous?" Daario smiled a bit. She was, but not because of Daario. The thing Jon spent the night in a brothel just makes her feel nervous and mad. That feeling freaked her out. She imagined maybe... Jon spent the night with some other woman, who is not afraid to love or please him, and that ... if that happened it would destroy every step they made already towards each other. 
"I am disappointed. I sent you to bring back my daughter in save, and you did not even care about your task, and just went to a brothel to fuck some women. Because you are men and that is all you can think about" she was on fire, and she raised her voice. 
"I did not say we spent the night with any women."
"Really? Then how a girl tried to kill you? In front of everyone? In the pub? After that many years, you still think I am just a stupid girl who believes everything? I thought you are smarter than that." she could kill him with her eyes. Daario hesitated. If he tells her the truth, he lost the chance to get her back, ever. And he did not want to lose her. He did not want to give up on her. Not yet. No, if he still has a small chance...  "You better go now."
"The girl ... I did not spend the night with her." he swallowed then took a step backward.
"Then what was she doing in your room?"
Daario just bowed towards her, and without an answer, he left the room. Her eyes widen and her mind was racing. She had no idea what to think about it. What to think about everything. She ... knew Jon. She ... thought she knew him. She did not know him at all. She would never think he is able to kill her, but he was... maybe he was the same as every other man around the world. Not that special how she sees him. Maybe it was a lie... what she wanted to believe, about him. 

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